Mikael Byström sez:

>Lane Roathe suggested:
>>If PM ever goes to the dark side and becomes HTML "compliant", I'll
>>switch to another program -
>As nothing most likely would stop you, under the described scenario,
>from sending plain text messages and keep labeling incoming HTML-
>messages as spam, that is a quite a childish attitude to flaunt. Why
>shoudl we other users care about this? I don't care if you switch or
>not, for whatever reason. Go join another cult!
>It's like if I said if PM ever switches to an _optional_ OS X metal
>interface, I'd switch. Like I couldn't keep using the old look (rolling
>up my eyes).
>Tech facts:
>PM 5.5.3 Swedish | OS X 10.4.5 | Powerbook G4/550Mhz | 1GB RAM | 80GB HD

Geez, louise, you're rude. Can you tone it down a bit, please? It's
really getting tiresome when you jump all over a person's case for
stating a personal preference as if it is some personal attack on you or
something. I didn't see anything in Lane's post that said "you" need to
do this or "everyone" needs to do that -- he wrote "I" throughout it.

The next time you want to comment on someone's personal preferences or
blast them for offering up a way they work around a particular issue or
bug while we wait for CTM to change or fix it --- don't. Hit the close
window and "Don't Save" buttons. Then, instead, if it is still
important, write it from your point of view. I could care less if you
think we're all idiots and treat us as such by figuratively rolling up
your eyes, calling us childish, and telling us to join other cults.

Ahhh... One more week to Luddite bliss.

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

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