this was a good long shot but I checked the most possible filters to do
such a thing and they were not the culprit. bit I have seen in the past
that deleting an account could mess-up some filters and then produce
unexpected results. one of these days - hmm... how many days in my past
have I've been saying this already? - one of these days I mean to clean
up all of my filters and can then double-check and ensure this is not

thanks for the input!


------------ former message(s) quotes: -------------

>Are you sure you didn't have a filter somewhere set to switch accounts
>under certain conditions? It's a long shot, I know, but that's all I can
>think of (I used to have a filter set up to make sure that mails to
>certain people all went from a specific account). 
>G5 2GHz x2  ::  2GB RAM  ::  10.4.9  ::  PM 5.5.2  ::  3 pane mode
>Received from Marlyse Comte 
>on 4/6/07 at 18:07(London time):
>>coming across a really weird bug :
>>select account A for the email when composing. all good. click on send -
>>puts it in the outbox (correctly) but while doing so, changes the from
>>name to a different account (one which I do NOT want to use and have not
>>selected and is nowhere set in the account prefs to be that for account
>>A. basically it switches the identity from selected account A to account
>>B while putting it into the outbox.
>>anyone see this behavior? any simple remedy, next to deleting accounts
>>and trying to re-setup?
>>note: I ended up deleting the account because it was doing this to
>>several email going out and I needed it to go out with the correct
>>account. the moment the account B was deleted, all other accounts would
>>stick as set originally.
>>but still curious if somebody else has come across this and if there was
>>an easier solution.

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