I am away for a few weeks, maybe more, and will not available by;
email;  telephonic instrumentation; text, electronic, telepathic or any
other sort of messaging. I will reply to  carrier-pigeon (or pelican for
that matter) messages ONLY! If this is of the utmost importance, you
will be able to seek out our telephone number and call us. Someone will
be able to assist you, but it ain't gonna be me...

I'm going fishin'


>I need a script to forward messages including complete headers.  This
>script works except that it excludes most of the header.  How can I get
>it include the full header? 
>tell application "PowerMail"
>        set theMessages to current messages
>        repeat with msg in theMessages
>                 forward msg to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>        end repeat
>        connect again
>end tell
>I also need a complementary script that forwards only headers, not the
>body.  Can anybody suggest a way?
>Charles Maurer

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