Subject: PM 5.2.2, 4404 build, suddenly displays incoming mail as super
large font.
Date: August 4, 2007

Suddenly my incoming email is in a very large font, altho the correct
font. I cannot see how to change this back to 14 pt, or so. Preferences
for display appear to pertain to outgoing email. I've checked Mail Accts
under Setup as well as Prefs. Can anyone suggest how this happened and,
more important, what to do?

I note the new large font appears in old email that's been saved in
folders as well as new in the In Tray. When I hit 'Reply,' the message
window for the new outgoing email is in the correct size as well as font.

Any suggestions?

>powermail-discuss Digest #2654 - Saturday, June 23, 2007
>  Re: PM Quits Now - not
>          by "T.L. Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: PM Quits Now - not
>From: "T.L. Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2007 07:09:49 -0400
>So far, the newest version of Safari (3.02) seems to be able to co-exist
>nicely with PM. Maybe sending several of those PM crash reports to Apple
>got their attention. 
>Tom Miller
>"The only time we see the middle of the road is as  
>we run from side to side." R.O.Clark 
>End of powermail-discuss Digest

-Judy Beiss- 

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