On 26/11/07 (03:16) Matthias said:

>does anyone know, how to set in Apple's apps the mail client to PM?
>These apps, like Apertue don't respect the standard mail client and let
>one choose only between Mali, Eudora and Encourage, this is of course
>not what I want ;-)
>Thanks and all the best


My guess would be that if an application does not respect the 'Default'
mail application (which is set, somewhat controversially, via Apple
Mail's preferences) then the only way to force the application to use PM
would be with an app-specific patch/hack, like the one that forces iCal
to use PM for its email alerts, or the one that adds PM to iPhoto's list
of email options.

I'm no programmer, so I can't help you further than that I'm afraid,
although a search on somewhere like Version Tracker might throw up a
useful result.

All this is guesswork of course. If anyone knows different, do tell!
Best regards...

G5 2GHz x2  ::  2GB RAM  ::  10.4.9  ::  PM 5.5.2  ::  3 pane mode

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