Don V. Zahniser sa såhär:

> - If PowerMail is not the front application, and I click on the Dock
>icon for PowerMail, the menu bar appears, but not any of the PowerMail
>windows. A second click (not a double-click) on the Dock icon brings up
>the window that was frontmost in PowerMail when last used.

The latter happens for me on first click.

> - In either case, the Window menu items for Mail Browser and Recent
>Mail don't bring the respective windows to the front.  However, if there
>is a message window open, that can be selected from the menu and it
>comes to the front.

For me they invariably come to the front

I haven't upgraded to 5.6.1 yet. You're saying you experienced the same
behaviour with 5.6?


PM 5.6 build 4497 sv / SpamSieve 2.6.4 sv | OS X 10.4.8 | Powerbook
G4/400 | 1GB / 80GB

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