MB / 07.12.16 / 5:50 PM wrote:

>It *may* be the index file. Did you try once without it? Solved a
>similar problem with PM 5 for me way back.

Thanks for your response.  I finally sat down, removed the index file,
and ran low level rebuild.  Same DB error 493, and PM no longer launches
without crashing itself.  I copied back up data back.  Running FirstAid
damages DB doesn't sound good to me :-(

I have sent several different crash logs to Jérôme more than a week ago
but haven't heard back from him.  Hope he sees this :-)


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<http://a-no-ne.com> <http://anonemusic.com>

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