Tom Dillon told:

>A friend of mine asked me to write an app or AppleScript to display
>pictures from my 4D People page in Apple Mail.
4D people page?

> I haven't started, so I'm
>not sure how hard it'll be, without resorting to loading the people's
>pictures into Apple's Address Book. But my thought is that if there's a
>field to store the picture's location (Address Book, URL or local file)
>then it would be easy to retrieve the pic.
A field where? In some kind of DB (Apple Address book, file system, Mail
DB) or similar?

>But then it had me think that it would be something fairly easy for
>PowerMail to do in a future release. So, rather than giving people an
>app that increases the options for contact display, I could just tell
>them to use PowerMail.
I think it's safe to assume that a built-in option to display user
photos inside the realm of PowerMail would have to be related to some
kind of established standard, don't you think? Are there any?

Could you redescribe your concept again and state the objectives for the
functions you imagine? Is the scope wider than 4D people page photos?


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