On Fri, Mar 7, 200810:02 AM, the following words from T.L. Miller
[EMAIL PROTECTED], emerged from a plethora of SPAM ...

>There are probably better ways of doing this, but I will now be using PM
>to check my lotto numbers.
>I have bought 10 tickets, each with 6 numbers and these tickets are good
>for 20 drawings. My wife finds it tedious to compare the winning numbers
>with our numbers, so I decided to try doing it better. I created a
>message listing all the numbers on our tickets and put it a folder in
>PM. When there is a new drawing, I will search that folder looking for
>the winning numbers. Really quick and easy!!!
>Tom Miller

I use PowerMail to help with my gambling also. ;-)

I joined the Colorado Lottery mailing list, so I receive the winning
numbers by email. I select the email, then run a script that extracts
the data I need and puts it on the clipboard - formatted as I need it to
paste into Excel. Sometimes, I get a few days late because I forgot
where I put my ticket, so I have the script extract the numbers from
several messages at a time.

Below is an example of the script I use, nothing fancy because I had
pieced this together long ago and since it works, I haven't optimized
it. Once in a while, the format of the email I get is changed and I've
made quick changes just to make it work with any new changes in the
email format. I could probably save the data to a text file, then copy
it all later, or muck around learning Excel's AppleScript syntax, but I
don't play often enough to get too fancy - only when the jackpot is high.

<Begin AppleScript>

property lottoeMail : "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
property subIdentifier : "Winning Numbers Notification"
property ret : return

tell application "PowerMail"
   set the varMsgList to the current messages
   set the bigDataString to ""
   repeat with varMsg in the varMsgList
      set the varMsgSender to the varMsg's sender
      set the sName to the varMsgSender's display name
      set the sAddr to the varMsgSender's email address
      if the sAddr is the lottoeMail then
         set the varMsgSub to the subject of the varMsg
         set the firstWord to the first word of the varMsgSub as text
         set the secWord to the second word of the varMsgSub as text
         set the thirdWord to the third word of the varMsgSub as text
         set the compareString to (firstWord & " " & secWord & " " &
         if the subIdentifier is the compareString then
            set the msgContent to the varMsg's content
            set the drawDate to the sixth paragraph of the msgContent
            set the fiveNumDrawn to the seventh paragraph of the msgContent
            set the powerNum to the eighth paragraph of the msgContent
            set the powerPlay to the ninth paragraph of the msgContent
            set the infoTabbed to (drawDate & tab & fiveNumDrawn & tab &
powerNum & tab & powerPlay)
            set the bigDataString to the bigDataString & the infoTabbed & ret
            set the infoTabbed to ""
         end if
      end if
   end repeat
   if the bigDataString is "" then
      say "No Data Gathered"
      set the clipboard to the bigDataString
      say "data gathering complete"
   end if
end tell

<End AppleScript>

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming
gardeners who make our souls blossom." -Marcel Proust 

* Mac Pro 2 GHz Quad Xeon * OS X 10.4.10 * 5 GB RAM *

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