I recently upgraded to the most recent copy of SpamSieve, version 2.7.
After this upgrade I seem to have lost the ability for SPamSieve to
launch and identify spam, simply by running PowerMail and retrieving my
email from the server.

I checked my Preferences, and it is still checked that SPamSieve should
handle my spam, but yet it is not.

Any ideas?


Christian Meenaghan

On Wed, 23 Apr 2008 09:22:33 -0700 Ben Kennedy said:

>Dave N wrote at 1:17 AM (-0700) on 4/23/08:
>>I wish that the command-f for "Find" would allow a search of the current
>>message instead of all messages except the very one I am working on.
>In the mean time, hit cmd-option-C, for "Find in current message".

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