Per Åström scripsit dd. Wed, 28 May 2008 22:48:51 +0200 (internet: @908)

>I asked this question previously but want to give it its own mail: is
>there a way to remove the reference of a missing attachment on a mail?
>I want to keep the email but it should contain any attachmentreference
>(or should be considered complete by Powermail).
>Reason: I want to upload mail to an IMAP-server but if the attachment
>isnt available its not possible.
>Solution? Applescript? Some menuitem I dont know of yet?
>Thanks for any help!
>/per å
adapted from some other script. I tested it and it works:

tell application "PowerMail"
        set attachFolder to attachment folder
        set theMessages to current messages
        repeat with msg in theMessages
                set msgStatus to status of msg
                set attachList to attachments of msg
                if (count items of attachList) > 0 then
                        repeat with attachIdx from (count items of attachList) 
to 1 by -1
                                delete attachment attachIdx of msg
                        end repeat
                end if
        end repeat
end tell



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