On 6/15/08 7:06 AM, "MB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> However, there is a very noticeable delay when typing in a new email while
>> PM is downloading new email
> Actually, I thought that bug was gone. I haven't noticed it lately, but
> it's possible I just have gotten used to it.

   Machine Name:    Power Mac G5
  Machine Model:    PowerMac7,3
  CPU Type:    PowerPC G5  (3.0)
  Number Of CPUs:    2
  CPU Speed:    2.5 GHz
  L2 Cache (per CPU):    512 KB
  Memory:    5.5 GB
  Bus Speed:    1.25 GHz
  Boot ROM Version:    5.1.8f8
ATI Radeon 9600 XT:
Chipset Model:    ATY,RV360
  VRAM (Total):    128 MB
    Revision ID:    0x0000
  ROM Revision:    113-A13602-121

System Software Overview:

  System Version:    Mac OS X 10.5.3 (9D34)
  Kernel Version:    Darwin 9.3.0
Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

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