
i'm having trouble with Address Book syncing.

When i first did a sync, new groups were created in PM that matched the groups in Address Book, but there were no contacts in the groups. i thought it was because the PM groups were inside of folders, so i removed them from the folders, added contacts to several of the empty groups and then re-synced.

PM re-created any new groups I made in Address Book, but again, with no contacts. WORSE though, is that it deleted the contacts i added to each group in PM before the sync.

it also creates folders called Apple Address Book Contacts with contacts in it and i don't understand why those particular contacts get put in those folders.

i have the following checked in preferences:

- Update from Apple's Address Book on PM startup
- Update Appe's Address Book from PM automatically
- Open contacts in Address Book by default.

Under "advanced..." for both of them, I have everything checked except for "delete..." because i didn't want to take a chance of losing any contacts.

does anyone have any experience with getting PM's address book and Apple's to keep good sync with each other? any documentation anywhere?

i should note that i put most of my contacts within folders in PM for organization's sake. that way, when contacts are "loose" i can file them later and everyone gets categorized in a folder.

any help or pointers would be much appreciated.

thanks, angel

PM 6.0.1 | OSX 10.5.5 | PowerBook G4 1.5Ghz 2G

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