The only thing I need from PowerMail, really, is an upgrade to full IMAP support. I have some workarounds with rules adding BCC to outgoing messages and filtering them back on receipt as sent mail, and other stuff to mimic the appearance of identical maildatabases on different computers, but that does not cut it on the long run.
I don't like Mail, too slow, I am currently using Postbox.
But while that is an excellent IMAP client, it is so-so as a mailclient. I miss PM's interface, speed, comprehensive searching, filters, and all those little things like Recent Mail window and stuff you only realise when you use something else.

I've had some open and frank emails around this with Jerome, and I understand that granting my wish is a huge undertaking for CTM. But I keep hoping that the open Thunderbird sourcecode for IMAP will find its way into a next PM release.

While I am typing this in Postbox, I am at the verge of getting back to PowerMail, for the umpteenth time....


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