As I haven't heard of an official bug list, here's my list of known
PowerMail bugs in *no particular order*. The list is offered as a
tracking device only to be built upon and be verified by you, the user.
It's not a wish list for fixes, just a description of the bugs and info
on how to reproduce, if available.
Please, do verify if you can reproduce these in your set up and report
to the list (and to CTM if you want. Remember to include reproducable
steps and OS and PM version).
Feel free to add bugs, if you know of any.

Discussions on which is a bug or not or further discussions on a
specific bug, in a new individual subject please.

PowerMail Bug Track List
Unwanted or reasonably unexpected behaviour in PowerMail (note that some
have been fixed):

# 1 When searching from the dialog "Search Messages" in a specific
folder or a selection of folders with at least one of these *not*
displaying read messages ( as set from the view menu), the results
should include those read messages that was visibly hidden.
As of now read messages are not included in the resulting set even as
those do meet the search criteria. It's like having an invisible
criteria 'status is "unread" ' added to your search unbeknown to the user.
This includes when you have selected the folder in question in the
"Folder List" window, where you cannot set "view unread".

Searches in "all local mail folders" do not display this behaviour and
include also read messages, even if the folder in question containing
the messages has been set to "view unread" only. The same goes for the
function "view thread".

#2- ? fixed? - messages sent from Microsofts Entourage application will
display certain characters wrongly like " ' ", "", showing these like
numbers instead: "It1s looking like a 2bug3"  (instead of ' It's looking
like a "bug" ').

#3 When Powermail prematurely loses a connection while downloading new
messages, PM can't keep track of what messages actually have been
downloaded and will attempt to re-download some of these, resulting in
duplicate messages. This may be the result of certain mailserver
interactions, but it's not limited to one specific type of server.

#4 under some circumstances some messages may never be downloaded for
whatever reasons. This bug may or may not be related to the feature of
partially downloaded messages. This may be the result of certain
mailserver interactions. This bug may be rare and intermittent.

#5- ? fixed - inactivation of active message window when a connection is
made in the background. Gone now isn't it?

#6  Option-Shift + arrow-key doesn't select words in the subject field
as is expected Mac behaviour and is what PM properly do in the message body.

#7 If reading messages with HTML-display set to always on in
preferences, when deleting with option-click on the next message arrow
the HTML should display on the next message as well and not as it do
now, default back to non-HTML display.

#8 - Fixed? -A click on the toolbar reply icon when having a selection
of multiple messages in some windows should not cause a crash. This is
an intermittent problem, however.
I'm not sure how to reproduce it.

#9 Some HTML messages will only print the headers and not the content.
Messages made with the software "Roving Constant Contact 2009" seem to
be able to cause this.
Comment: Most HTML messages do seem to be able to print properly, but it
would have been nice to be able to exclude the header, for when that's
not needed.

#10 When a message have been a draft for some time; and optionally have
been edited; and/or having its status changed to "waiting"; and the SMTP
server have been changed in the "Mail Scheduling and Connections" since
the creation of the draft, the old SMTP server of the MSC-settings will
be used in addition to the current server set in the email account, even
as the old SMTP server is not set in the current location in the
settings of "Mail Scheduling and Connections" nor is it the one in the
email account SMTP settings.

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