When I start up from my SuperDuper HD clone from Saturday when everything was 
working fine, the same problem exists.  Oddly, my wife is having the same 
problem using an old version of Mail (2.1.3) on Tiger on her old iMac lamp.

Therefore, the problem must be with mac/me.com.  I've posted the question to 
Apple Discussions, but no replies.  Could it be some problem caused by my ISP, 

BTW, when Waiting messages are deleted, PM shows "-4 waiting." It still wants 
to send those messages I deleted. Argh!!!!

Tom Miller

On Jun 9, 2010, at 4:25 PM, Tim lapin wrote:

Sounds like a flag that won't reset or possibly a corrupted database issue.  
Have you tried the various utilities available when starting up Powermail?  
(rebuild database, rebuild indices,...)

On 09/06/2010 2:52 PM, Thomas Miller wrote:
> It is strange that I can send using mac.com (me.com) address from Mail, but 
> no longer from PowerMail. Using my Gmail account or my ISP's is no problem 
> from PM -- just mac.com.
> Also, although I used the applescript to delete the two Waiting messages, my 
> Out Tray is still bold. It does lose the boldness when it's in the process of 
> sending, but goes bold again after the message is sent.
> Tom Miller
> On Jun 9, 2010, at 8:45 AM, Thomas Miller wrote:
> Thomas Miller wrote:
>>> 2. In the event that a Waiting message was Trashed, how do you stop PM
>>> from remembering there is that message it couldn't send?
> On 6/9/10, at 2:31 PM, Rene Merz r.m...@telquel.net said:
>> Use for such a case the integrated Script (at Script Menu) "Delete
>> Message Immediately", than close and restart PowerMail.
> Thanks. I'm sending this from Mail since I have 2 messages from last night 
> that are still "Waiting" in the current version of PM.
> Tom Miller
> ..................................................
> "The only time we see the middle of the road is as
> we run from side to side." R.O.Clark
> ...................................................

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