powermail-discuss Digest #2856 - Friday, June 25, 2010

  nested folder path syntax for apple script
          by "m. osti" <t...@mclink.it>
  Re: nested folder path syntax for apple script
          by "PowerMail Engineering" <jer...@ctmdev.com>
  Re: nested folder path syntax for apple script
          by "m. osti" <t...@mclink.it>
  Re: nested folder path syntax for apple script
          by "PowerMail Engineering" <jer...@ctmdev.com>
  Re: nested folder path syntax for apple script
          by "m. osti" <t...@mclink.it>


Subject: nested folder path syntax for apple script
From: "m. osti" <t...@mclink.it>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 09:57:14 +0200

i'm not so confident with apple script i _just_ need to put a nested
folder path in a field but havent had a good time.

property subj : "just try"
property msgTxt : "ta da da"
property rTo : "name <it...@me.com>"
property acct : "kk"
property fldrN : "+++++ here i need to put the nested path +++++"

tell application "PowerMail 6.0.5b1"
        set the newM to make new message with properties {subject:subj,
content:msgTxt, recipient:rTo, account:acct} at message container fldrN
        open the newM
end tell

as usual ty



Subject: Re: nested folder path syntax for apple script
From: "PowerMail Engineering" <jer...@ctmdev.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 10:30:52 +0200

m. osti wrote:

>i'm not so confident with apple script i _just_ need to put a nested
>folder path in a field but havent had a good time.

property fldrN : message container "subfolder" of message container
"parent folder"

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   "With FoxTrot I find files I do not find with Spotlight.
    With FoxTrot I do not get swamped with 2000 found files in one bunch,
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    With FoxTrot with one click I can see a preview with the search term
    One of the  very important reasons I like FoxTrot is that it's results
    seem so much more appropriate.
    And searches in FoxTrot returns are almost instantly - way way faster
    than in Spotlight"
  Marlyse Comte, FoxTrot Personal Search user

         Download a demo version from www.foxtrot.ch


Subject: Re: nested folder path syntax for apple script
From: "m. osti" <t...@mclink.it>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 15:25:51 +0200

PowerMail Engineering 25-06-2010:

>property fldrN : message container "subfolder" of message container
>"parent folder"

got me an error (container underlined) in english should be "waiting for
an end of line etc got an ID" (identificativo in italian)

just to have more chances next time the right path should be: message
container "italy" of message container "europe" of message container "world"??



Subject: Re: nested folder path syntax for apple script
From: "PowerMail Engineering" <jer...@ctmdev.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 16:08:46 +0200

m. osti wrote:

>got me an error (container underlined) in english should be "waiting for
>an end of line etc got an ID" (identificativo in italian)
>just to have more chances next time the right path should be: message
>container "italy" of message container "europe" of message container

Well, you can't specify a "folder path" as a single string, you should
refer to the folder from its parent folder. For example:

property subj : "just try"
property msgTxt : "ta da da"
property rTo : "name <it...@me.com>"
property acct : "kk"
property parentFolder : "parent folder name"
property childFolder : "child folder name"

tell application "PowerMail"
    set the newM to make new message with properties
        {subject:subj, content:msgTxt, recipient:rTo, account:acct}
        at message container childFolder of message container parentFolder
    open the newM
end tell

If you need to describe the folder path as a string, and the depth of
the hierarchy is variable, you have to parse the string yourself:

property subj : "just try"
property msgTxt : "ta da da"
property rTo : "name <it...@me.com>"
property acct : "kk"
property folderPath : "parent folder name\\child folder name"

tell application "PowerMail"
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"\\"}
    set folderNames to text items of folderPath
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
    set target to application "PowerMail"
    repeat with folderName in folderNames
        set target to message container folderName of target
    end repeat
    set the newM to make new message with properties
        {subject:subj, content:msgTxt, recipient:rTo, account:acct}
        at target
    open the newM
end tell

PS: the final version of 6.0.5 is available

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   "As someone who's in the business of receiving and (ideally) responding
    to 50 - 100 emails a day, through three different accounts, using
    three different ports. As, someone who's in a constant state of
    disorganzation, always losing, confusing, and misusing. As someone who
    had to jump between OS9 and OSX machines for much longer than it was
    in vogue, and needed his email to jump with him. As a Mac user who's
    email is his bread and butter, and sometimes needs it to work better
    than he does. I find Powermail to be simply invaluable."
  J. Vernet, PowerMail user

         Download a demo version from www.ctmdev.com


Subject: Re: nested folder path syntax for apple script
From: "m. osti" <t...@mclink.it>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 17:33:09 +0200

PowerMail Engineering 25-06-2010:

>Well, you can't specify a "folder path" as a single string, you should
>refer to the folder from its parent folder. For example:

ahhhh ok. thank you.

>PS: the final version of 6.0.5 is available

should be up to date: 6.0.5/4621


End of powermail-discuss Digest

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