I get a fair number of emails from clients which could use a tad bit of
reformatting. (The emails more than the clients, generally.) I assumed
that since a script can alter the subject of a received message, then a
script should be able to change the body of one too. So, I tried the
following, but got the alert saying I couldn't alter a received message.

TL;DR How can I change the body of a received message? I tried:

tell application "PowerMail"
        set msgList to the current messages
        repeat with msg in msgList
                set body of msg to pasteboard
        end repeat
end tell

Any ideas?

Please feel free to laugh at my attempts to write AppleScript. :-7

   Tom Dillon                                           825 N. 500 W.
   DataCraft                                           Moab, UT 84532
   tomdil...@datacraft-inc.com                           720/209-6502
    Madness is its own reward.  --- Sunastar

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