Hans wrote:

>when I write with people who are using outlook or yahoo mail, after a
>short time the subject looks like that: Re: AW: Re: AW: ......
>Is it possible to clean the subject when I answer on a message so that
>only one Re will exist into the subject line?
>Thnx for answer me.

Hi Hans,

Once you hit Reply, you should be able to delete all the leading Re: Aw: etc.

Or if you want to edit a received message you can use the AppleScript
under the script menu titled Change Subject.

If you want it to automatically reduce the reply tags (Re: or Aw:) to a
single one, you'll have to write an AppleScript.

   Tom Dillon                                           825 N. 500 W.
   DataCraft                                           Moab, UT 84532
   tomdil...@datacraft-inc.com                           720/209-6502
        Arguing with an insane sailor puts you in his boat.
        Both of you will sink, but he won't care. --- Sunastar

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