Winston Weinmann wrote:

>Can I run PowerMail 6 on a 1.5 GHz G4 PowerBook with Mac OS 10.4.11?
>I paid for PM 6, but can't get it to install. When I try to copy PM 6 to
>my Applications folder I get the message:
>"The alias "Resources" cannot be copied to the destination, perhaps
>because the destination does not support this type of alias".
>I'm also having a problem trying to install FoxTrot Personal Search. The
>web site is not clear which version I should use. The later version
>(3.4?) won't work, and the previous version (2.6) won't accept the
>registration code I received via Kagi.
>CTM hasn't responded to me after 3 weeks. I know it's summer and
>everyone in Europe is on vacation, but there should be a minimum level
>of support. I can't even find version compatibility info.
>Compatibility lists should be easy to find on the web site. I couldn't
>find one for PowerMail, and only an indirect and cryptic one for FoxTrot.
>If I can't run this software, how do I get a refund?

And why not upgrading your Mac OS to 10.6?

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