Hi Tobias,

Using PowerMail 6.2
Mac OS 10.8.5
Apple Address/Contacts 7.1
Apple Mail 6.6

When I ask PowerMail to synch in the Preferences, it says:

"Synchronization can only occur after you have imported Apple's Address Book 
contacts to PowerMail, or exported PowerMail's contacts to Apple's Address 

OK. I ask it to Export. Select my options. Click Go Ahead.

Nothing happens.

I ask it to Import, same thing. Nada.

And, the area in that preference pane that allows for updating/synching with 
Apple's Address Book remains grayed out.

What am I doing wrong?



>Jaede Miloslavich wrote (Mon, 18 Nov 2013 09:31:13 -0800):
>> Has anyone been successful exporting the Address Book and importing into
>> Apple Mail? If so, please post or email me.
>Check the Synchronisation section in PowerMail's preferences.
>With the right settings, all entries of the PowerMail address book get
>synced to the Mac OS X Address Book and thus, to Apple Mail.
>Works fine for me under Snow Leopard.
>Kind regards,
>Tobias Jung

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