This works for me:

Incoming mail server:
Use secure connection (X) on dedicated secure port (X) use port 993

Outgoing smtp server:
Use secure connection (X) using STARTTLS command (X) use port 587

Best wishes,


>I am looking at replacing Apple Mail with PowerMail but can't get iCloud
>to work. I've set it up following instructions from a recent post by
>Jean Michel on the 3rd November and also following instructions from an
>Apple support page - still no luck.
>I am running PowerMail 6.2 build 4666 on Mavericks.
>When I try to connect the status line shows: Login as <userid>
>and never changes.
>If I change "On a dedicated secure port" option and use "Using the
>STARTTLS command" instead then the status line shows: Connecting to
>I have another account with my ISP which is working fine through POP3
>Do I need to wait for another release of PowerMail?

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