powermail-discuss Digest #3114 - Wednesday, April 8, 2015

  Re: PM consistently hangs with POP/Yosemite
          by "T.L. Miller" <t...@tlmiller.net>
  Re: PM consistently hangs with POP/Yosemite
          by "PowerMail Engineering" <jer...@ctmdev.com>


Subject: Re: PM consistently hangs with POP/Yosemite
From: "T.L. Miller" <t...@tlmiller.net>
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2015 17:18:32 -0400

On 4/5/15, at 12:29 PM, Bob Parks b...@kidsource.com said:

>I just upgraded the computer to a new iMac running 10.10.2 Yosemite.  I
>upgraded Powermail to the most recent version (6.2.1).  Several times a
>day, PM hangs up while downloading a message.  PM becomes totally non
>responsive and has to be force quit.   It seems like the same message is
>hanging it up every time, but its hard to tell.

No problem w/ 2 POP accounts on my iMac w/ the latest versions of Yosemite and 

Tom Miller
"The only time we see the middle of the road is as
we run from side to side." R.O.Clark


Subject: Re: PM consistently hangs with POP/Yosemite
From: "PowerMail Engineering" <jer...@ctmdev.com>
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2015 10:19:53 +0200

Bob Parks wrote:

>Several times a
>day, PM hangs up while downloading a message.  PM becomes totally non
>responsive and has to be force quit.   It seems like the same message is
>hanging it up every time, but its hard to tell.

The sample logs you sent me show that the hang occurs when trying to call 
SpamSieve to evaluate if the message is spam.
Quit PowerMail, delete the "{home}/Library/Application Support/PowerMail" 
folder, launch SpamSieve, then launch PowerMail again. This should fix the 

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   "As someone who's in the business of receiving and (ideally) responding
    to 50 - 100 emails a day, through three different accounts, using
    three different ports. As, someone who's in a constant state of
    disorganzation, always losing, confusing, and misusing. As someone who
    had to jump between OS9 and OSX machines for much longer than it was
    in vogue, and needed his email to jump with him. As a Mac user who's
    email is his bread and butter, and sometimes needs it to work better
    than he does. I find Powermail to be simply invaluable."
  J. Vernet, PowerMail user

         Download a demo version from www.ctmdev.com

End of powermail-discuss Digest

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