powermail-discuss Digest #3129 - Tuesday, June 23, 2015

  Fwd: HTML printing
          by "DDV" <d...@magic.be>


Subject: Fwd: HTML printing
From: "DDV" <d...@magic.be>
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2015 21:42:25 +0200


I'm still trying to solve this problem.

This is how French text looks in the html mail message and in plain text: "je 
suis désolé, ça n'a pas marché avec la chambre à laquelle je pensais".

This is how the mail looks when printed and when viewed in web browser: "je 
suis désolé, ça n'a pas marché avec la chambre à laquelle je pensais".

I tried fiddling with the characters sets to no avail.

Powermail 6.2.1
OSX 10.10.3

Thanks for any help,


---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ----------------
Subject: HTML printing
Date Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2015 10:56 AM
From: DDV <d...@magic.be>
To: PowerMail Discussion List <powermail-discuss@ctmdev.com>


Recently I'm having trouble to print HTML messages, french characters end up 
é becomes é, ê becomes ê and so on. On screen it reads fine and when printing 
as plain text it reads fine as well.
Any suggestions to print HTML as it should?


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