On Thu 25. Aug 18:25:36, Danny Kukawka wrote:
> On Thursday 25 August 2005 14:33, Mark Hellman wrote:
> > Regarding KPowersave, when the laptop is plugged in, KPowersave could show
> > the time remaining until charged, just like 'acpi -V' does. The tooltip
> > could show, for example, the following info:
> >       Plugged in -- 97% charged -- 6:52 minutes until charged -- 600 MHz
> > instead of just
> >       Plugged in -- 97% charged -- battery is charging -- 600 MHz
> >
> > The time remaining until the battery is fully charged is an useful
> > information for most users.
> Hi,
> thanks for you proposal.
> I think, we do this with the new upcommig version with HAL and DBUS support 
> for powersave/KPowersave.
> We are currently busy with porting and changing both for the next openSUSE 
> release. If it should not work with upcoming version, we fix this after 
> openSUSE 10.0 final. 

I think this should be easy to implement in kpowersave. Powersave already
provides this information. I will try to implement it for Beta4 of openSUSE.

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