Assalamualaikum......!!!!, ditengah gencar-gencarnya sosialisasi dalam berkarya membuat "tulisan" oleh Bung Mario. siapa yang mau studi menulis alias jurnalis hayo??? Kalo berminat nih, ada info lho tentang fellowshipnya, smoga bermanfaat...........

alin rachmawati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The Asian Wall Street Journal
Journalism in Asia Fellowship

The Asian Wall Street Journal is funding a fellowship program for one
promising journalist from Asia to enroll in the masters business and
economic reporting program at the New York University Department of
Journalism. The fellowship will begin in the fall of 2005 and will cover
tuition expenses and fees for the three-semester program, as well as
providing a stipend of $27,000. Candidates for the fellowship must meet the
eligibility requirements listed below and must submit the required
application materials on time. Candidate submissions will be judged by a
team of Journal editors working in conjunction with NYU professors.
Finalists will be selected by March 2005. The winner will be announced by
summer 2005.

Eligibility Requirements
Please also check the Fellowship Guidelines section below

Candidates must have a minimum of three years of experience at a print or
electronic publication.
Candidates must be full-time journalists currently working in Asia.
Candidates must have worked for at least one year at an English-language
Candidates should also be fluent in English and in an Asian language and
possess a four-year undergraduate degree or a three-year undergraduate
degree plus one year of graduate work.
*The judges may, at their discretion, consider applications from candidates
who do not have work experience at an English-language publication. Such
candidates must have demonstrated a high level of fluency in English. Such
candidates may be required to make additional submissions and may be
required to take a written and oral English test. These requirements are in
addition to the GRE and TOEFL tests required of all candidates to test
their fluency in English.

Application Materials

In order to be considered, all candidates must submit the following:

A one-page resume, written in English, detailing work and educational
A maximum of three published articles written in English.
An original 1,000-word essay written in English as described in more detail
The 1,000-word essay must be written entirely by the applicant without any
assistance in composition or editing. It will be judged both as a piece of
writing and as evidence of the candidate's aspirations, interests,
abilities, and experience. It should be specific and detailed enough to
communicate a concrete sense of your character and capability. The
applicant must write out and sign the following statement: I did not
receive assistance of any kind in the composition and editing of this

The essay should address the following:

What do you expect to get from--and what will you contribute to--the NYU
What aspects of your experience are most relevant to your interest in
business journalism?
Fill us in on your background. Include information about your academic
degree(s), intellectual interests, work and life experiences, and sources
of inspiration.
Explain how this background informs what you want to do as a journalist.
Why do you think business journalism matters in Asia, and how do you expect
to play a role in the region after graduation?
Application Information and Deadline

All applications must be received by December 31, 2004.
Applications must be submitted by mail. Do not submit your applications via
e-mail or fax..
Candidates should send their submission packets to:
S.K. Witcher
Assistant Managing Editor
The Asian Wall Street Journal
25th floor, Central Plaza
18 Harbour Road
Hong Kong

Envelopes should be marked
"WSJ Journalism in Asia Fellowship"

Applicants should include an e-mail address with their contact information.

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