Within the Research Group ‘Inorganic and  Physical Chemistry’ of Hasselt 
University, the following position (m/f)  available:

PhD Studentship Inorganic and Physical Chemistry (2 x 2 years)
(mandate SBG/2008/001)

Job description
This PhD research is situated in the frame of a collaboration between  the 
Institute of Materials research and the Interuniversity  Microelectronics 
Centre (IMEC). Within the group of Inorganic and  Physical Chemistry and in a 
highly interdisciplinary context (chemistry  / materials physics / 
electronics), research will be performed towards  the development and the 
introduction of new metal oxide materials for  micro/nano-electronic devices of 
future technology generations, aiming  to meet the ever increasing demand of 
miniaturisation. The PhD project  will focus on the study and optimisation of 
wet-chemical synthesis  routes for innovative high-K dielectric metal oxides 
and the  characterisation of their ultrathin layers in view of finding suitable 
 next generation dielectrics for logic and DRAM devices. The research  will be 
carried out in close collaboration with IMEC and with other  disciplines within 
the institute for Materials Research.

Profile and diploma
Candidates are able to work independently and to conduct their research  in an 
interdisciplinary context. A strong interest in inorganic and  physical 
chemistry, materials science and thermodynamics as well as in  the synthesis 
and characterisation of materials with applications in  electronics is 
encouraged. The candidates should have an adequate  basic-knowledge of 
chemistry and materials science and should therefore  have a diploma of: Master 
in (applied) Chemistry or (applied) Physics,  Bio engineer, Master in 
Industrial Sciences, Civil Engineer or  equivalent diploma.

Further information
        * Content job responsibilities: 
        * Prof. dr. M. Van Bael, +32-(0)11-26 83  82, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        * Prof. dr. J. Mullens, +32-(0)11-26 83  08, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        * Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
        * which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan -  building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
        * or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format. 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned  address no 
later than Friday, June 6th 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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