The Biomedical Research Institute of Hasselt  University has a vacancy for a 

PhD student Neuroimmunology (2x2 years)(mandate MBW/2008/025)

Job description
Research at the Biomedical Research Institute (BIOMED, Hasselt  University) 
focuses on disease mechanisms of multiple sclerosis (MS) and  the development 
of new therapeutics for this neuro-inflammatory disease.  The group uses 
various modern technologies in immunology, molecular  biology, cell biology and 
imaging to study immune system alterations and  immune mediated damage of 
oligodendrocytes during MS. Recent data show  that immune responses in the CNS 
are not merely detrimental but also  have protective effects e.g. by producing 
neurotrophic factors such as  neurokines. The successful applicant will further 
investigate immune  mediated neuroprotective mechanisms in MS. This project is 
part of a  recently approved Methusalem Program called NEURONET. NEURONET 
brings  together researchers from Hasselt University and Antwerp University 
(VIB)  headed by prof. Christine Van Broeckhoven (UA) and prof. P. Stinissen 
(UHasselt)  specialized in clinical
 neurology, neuropathology, neuroimmunology,  genetics and genomics, cell 
biology, mouse models and therapeutics in  the domain of neurodegenerative 

Profile and diploma
The applicant should hold a master degree in life sciences e.g. medical  
sciences, biomedical sciences, bioengineering, biochemistry, biology,  
biotechnology or equivalent. Laboratory research experience is a  definite plus 
(e.g. during the Master’s dissertation). Applicants should  have excellent 
communication skills and sufficient knowledge of Dutch  and/or English. The 
candidate is highly motivated to work in a  multidisciplinary team.

Further information
        * Content job responsibilities: 
        * prof. dr. Niels Hellings, +32 11 26 92 68 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        * prof. dr. Piet Stinissen, +32 11 26 93 03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        * website of the Biomedical Research  Institute: 
        * Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
        * which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan -  building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
        * or which can be downloaded here
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned  address no 
later than Wednesday, October 8th 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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