Dear all, 

Untuk teman-teman yang berminat mengikuti kursus di bawah ini. Abdus Salam / 
menyediakan sejumlah bantuan finansial (dg jumlah terbatas) bagi para
partisipan dari negara berkembang. Deadline pendaftaran: 30 Jan 2009.

Introduction to Optofluidics

Start Time: 1
June 2009  

Ends On: 5
June 2009 

Location: Trieste
- Italy 

Venue: LB
(Lecture Room C) 

Directors: D. Cojoc, J.
Niemela, S. Raghu  


is an emergent research field that combines optics, fluidics and micro/nano
technologies. Advances in these areas in the last ten years have led to very
interesting application-driven research and technology development. This 
will introduce the state-of-the-art of optofluidics to scientists and engineers
interested in working in this area and who have background in relevant fields. 
will also generate synergies between scientists of different countries to
actively collaborate in research and development in this area. 

Since this is a relatively new area of research, the topics covered will be
based on the research activities of the lecturers in this field. General areas

- Fundamentals of optofluidics 

- Fluidic waveguides 

- Optofluidic micro-particle manipulation 

- Optofluidic detectors 

- Non-linear optics - microfluidic combinations 

- Fabrication technologies for optofluidics 

- Research topics in optofluidics 

- Participant presentations 


Dan Cojoc, CNR-INFM-TASC Trieste 

Jean-Pierre Delville, University of Bordeaux 

Roberto Di Leonardo, Rome University “La Sapienza” 

Jean-Marc Fournier, EPFL Lausanne 

Pal Ormos, Hungarian Academy of Science 

Miles Padgett, University of Glasgow 

Massimo Tormen, CNR-INFM-TASC Trieste 

Changhuei Yang, California Institute of Technology 


Scientists and students from all countries which are members of the United
Nations, UNESCO or IAEA may attend the activity. As it will be conducted in
English, participants should have an adequate working knowledge of this
language. Although the main purpose of the Centre is to help researchers from
developing countries, through a program of training activities within a
framework of international cooperation, students and post-doctoral scientists
from developed countries are also welcome to attend. 

As a rule, travel and subsistence expenses of the participants are borne by
their home institutions. Some ICTP funds are available for a limited number of
applicants who are nationals of, and working in, developing countries. Such
financial support is available only to those attending the entire School. As
scarcity of funds allows travel to be granted only in a few exceptional cases,
every effort should be made by candidates to secure support for their fare from
their home country. There is no registration fee to attend this activity. 

The online application form is accessible through below link (please select:
"Application form"). 

Comprehensive instructions will guide you step-by-step, on how to fill out and
submit the application. Kindly send any file attachments in PDF format. 


notes available

announcement application_form (deadline for
     requesting participation: 30 January 2009  





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