Bicara tentang kenaikan allowance,
Biar bikin iri: Tunjangan STUNED belanda mulai dec kmrn naik 100 e!....


From: Furqon Azis <>
Sent: Thursday, January 1, 2009 11:16:02 AM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] New Belgian government sworn in

yg lom nerima yah ditunggu ajah hehehehehe
Alhamdulillah naeknya untuk single € 20an/bulan and tunjangan kluarga/anak € 1

padahal tahun fiskal 2008, APBN Flemish Government surplus € 240 juta,  (ngarep 
dapet lebih mode : ON)
(source : http://www.deredact de.redactie. english/news/ 
081230_Flemishde bt)
kapan yah APBN Indonesia bisa ga defisit jd g usah ngutang ke sono kemari


Tue 30/12/08 19:25 -  Despite the economic crisis the Flemish government is 
closing the year out with a budget surplus of €240 million. 
Flemish government has done a better job keeping its budget under
control than the High Council for Finances had imposed. Flanders was
supposed to be able to close out the year with a budget surplus of €35
million. But the Flemish government has been able to do €205 million
the Flemish government has paid off all its debts. "We've made a big
effort over the last ten years," said Flemish Budget Minister Dirk Van
Mechelen (Flemish liberal). 

"We had a public debt of €6.6 billion the end of 1998 and in December
2008 the debt has been reduced to zero. In other words: Flanders is
debt-free and will not have to pay nearly as much in interest in the

'Stimulus budget' for 2009

According to Minister Van Mechelen a so-called stimulus budget has been drawn 
up for 2009 including a series of reductions in the tax burden and investments 
in infrastructure.

The minister admits that the budget for next year is stretched to the
limit. At the same time he thinks it is necessary to stimulate the
economy and for the government to invest in this time of crisis.

For 2009 a retaining provision of €500 million is being put aside- a kind of 
buffer for troubled times.

From: rezki amalia <amalia_rezki@>
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 6:17:51 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] New Belgian government sworn in

uhhhuuuiiiiii sikkk,,,,,
ngemeng2 kontingen gent belum nerima euyy,,, emang selalu telat kalu udah akhir 
tahun mah,,,
payah,,,hhahahaha, ,, naik berapa emang ey???
eh aspirasi yg biayain self funding pan belum,,,,
ish ish ish,,,,piss ah,,,

From: achmad efendi <efend...@yahoo. com>
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 2:03:56 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] New Belgian government sworn in

temans, ngomong2 masalah allowance bulanan VLIR, khan sudah naik atuh mulai 
bulan januari 09. Ya khan Rezki,..., hayooo Utong juga ngaku........ So, usulan 
neng Rezki dah di'tampung' tuh. Btw, naiknya emang tiap tahun kali ya ......

Achmad Efendi
NB: semoga Indonesia bisa maju dan makmur, shg bisa ngasih beasiswa pada mhs2 
dari Belgia untuk sekolah di Univ2 di Indonesia, amin 

From: Furqon Azis <uton...@yahoo. com>
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 12:20:56 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] New Belgian government sworn in

Hayuq atuh kita demo biar beasiswa VLIR di naekan jadi 2000 euro sebulan bebas 
pajak hehehehee

From: rezki amalia <amalia_rezki@>
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 12:16:52 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] New Belgian government sworn in

hehehe,,, ok deh, makasih pak atas koreksiannya, ,,
btw, sapa pun itu, asal inspirasi tertampung, gapapa deh,,,

From: Furqon Azis <uton...@yahoo. com>
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 12:15:05 PM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] New Belgian government sworn in

selamat oge pak Rompuy, smoga kabinetnya tahan lama
btw untuk usul beasiswa VLIR dinaekan mah mintanya jangan ke pak Rompuy atuh,
tapi ke pak Kriss Peeters (President of Flanders), yang ngasih beasiswa pan 
Flemish government, bukan Belgium federal government, CMIIW.

From: rezki amalia <amalia_rezki@>
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 11:57:48 AM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] New Belgian government sworn in

selamattt selamattt pak rompuy,,,,namanya kayak nama org manado yahhh,,,
gimana kalo baru aja menjabat, beasiswa vlir dinaikkan pak,,, kuota dari 
ditambah, dan yag self funding study di biayainnn,,, ,
sapa tau masuk surga pakkk,,,,

From: bagusco <bagus...@yahoo. com>
To: ppibel...@yahoogrou
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 9:54:46 AM
Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] New Belgian government sworn in

Selamat buat Pak Rompuy...... kapan2 ikut kita ngumpul2 dong pak...hehe.

Setio Pramono <hafidz...@yahoo. com> wrote:
New Belgian government sworn in  
Van Rompuy, left, was sworn in as Belgium's new prime minister by King Albert 
II [AFP]  Herman Van Rompuy, a Flemish Christian Democrat, has been sworn in as 
Belgium's prime minister, to head a revived five-party coalition.
King Albert II swore the new government into office at a ceremony at the royal 
palace on Tuesday.
Van Rompuy replaces his fellow party member Yves Leterme, who resigned on 
December 19 over allegations of political meddling in the bailout of the 
stricken bank Fortis.The five parties that had made up Leterme's government 
renewed their coalition
after a meeting on Tuesday.
The new government faces a parliamentary vote of confidence on Friday.
'Good formula'
Van Rompuy was expected to take over his predecessor' s plan for battling a 
looming recession caused by the global financial crisis.
He will also have to handle the strained relations between Flanders, Belgium's 
richer, more populous Dutch-speaking region, and its Francophone area.
"Nothing is simple in our country, but what is important is that we have a 
government to lead with seriousness, stability and serenity," said Elio di 
Rupo, the leader of the Francophone Socialist party.
Van Rompuy will be the third prime minister since general elections in June 
2007 in the linguistically divided country that is host to the main European 
Union institutions and to Nato.
Budgetary hardliner
Belgium is expected to have slipped into recession in the fourth quarter and 
large banks have received bailouts. Fighting the economic downturn will be 
Reynders' main challenge.
Van Rompuy, 61, has the reputation of being both an intellectual and a 
budgetary hardliner.
He was budget minister from 1993 to 1999 and sharply reduced public debt in his 
first year in office.
His other task will be to sort out the Fortis debacle.
The bank's shareholders won an appeal court ruling this month, freezing the 
group's break-up by the Dutch, Luxembourg and Belgian governments and the 
latter's sale of Fortis assets to BNP Paribas.
Leterme's government had planned a $2.87bn package of measures to boost growth, 
including tax cuts, lower energy costs and accelerated infrastructure projects.
That government collapsed after the supreme court said there were clear 
indications of political meddling in a court ruling over the bailout of Fortis.
Belgium's coalition comprises of the Flemish Christian Democrat party, the 
Flemish Liberal party, the Francophone Liberal party, the Francophone Christian 
Democrats and the Francophone Socialist party. 



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