MIT's App Inventor is the "resurrection" of Google's App Inventor. Google App Inventor's GUI was derived from StarLogoTNG's CodeBlocks interface (you can notice this by opening the MIT App Inventor's Blocks Editor), very similar to MIT Scratch's programming environment.

Scratch is an extremely successful tool in educational computing. Since 2007, more than 2 millions freely available open source projects have been created by members (5- to 70-years-old) of the Scratch Community. Scratch has been created by Mitch Resnick, a Seymour Papert's student. Papert is the inventor of Logo, another extremely successful tool in programming.

To me "block languages" are not a good tool for computing in itself. They are extremely good when they are "flat" enough, so that everything they expose to the user is under their eyes. In this way programming becomes natural, and computing too.


Citando Clendon Gibson <>:

I was wondering if anyone on the PPIG list had used either the HyperNext Android Creator or the MIT App Inventor.

The reason I mention it here is that both languages claim to be aimed at either non-programmers or beginning programmers.

If the Wikipedia article on App Inventor is to be believed, that project "drew upon significant prior research in educational computing".

Has anyone used these and if so, what did you think?

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