bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiem, alhamdu li- lLahi Rabbi-l'alamien wa-
shshalatu wa-ssalamu 'ala asyrafi- lAnbiyai wa-lMursalien, 
wa man tabiahu ila yaumi- ddien. NastaienuHu wa nastaghfiruHu min
sayyiati anfusina wa sayyiati amalina, ma- yyahdli-lLahu 
fala mudlillalah wama- yyudlli-lLahu fala hadiyalah. 'amma bad.
a-ssalamu 'alaikum wa rahmatu-lLahi wa barakatuH, i pray that this
meets you all in the best of health and in strong ieman insya Allah. i
also pray that you are all fervently preparing for Ramadlan which
seems to be getting closer more quickly that we (well, at least most
of us) expected. may Allah azza wa jalla allow us all to be able to
perform the shaum in the blessed month and make it a means for us to
gain closeness to Him - may He also pardon us of our shortcomings and
accept our deeds, no matter how smal or insignificant they may seem to
us, amien.

i thought i'd share some uplifting news with you all.

Are you preparing to be a good muslim husband? 

Learn 5 secrets of what a successful Muslim husband is, and what a
successful Muslim husband isn't........

A Muslim husband is not stingy when it comes to money and he spends
freely on his wife and children.

"The best charity is that which comes from one when he is wealthy and
begins with those whom you are responsible to support." (Bukhari).

A good Muslim husband helps his wife out around the house with the
household chores.

Many husbands believe that housework is only for women and think that
it's beneath them to help their wives with the household chores.
However, this couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, when a wife
sees that her husband takes the responsibility to help her with the
housework, she grows in admiration and respect for him and can't help
but want to do as much as she can to please him. This doesn't mean
that a husband should be expected to work all day long and then come
home and cook and clean and do the laundry while his wife has been
home all day doing nothing. However, there is nothing wrong with him
giving a helping hand to his wife whenever it is needed or in him
taking care of his own needs –such as mending his own clothes,
especially and particularly, if his wife is busy with the children or
with other tasks, or is sick, pregnant or just needs a break from the
work in the house.

"He (Muhammad) used to tend to the work of his family." (Bukhari).

A Muslim husband accepts his wife's inconsistencies and her faults and
he doesn't try to make her personality like his, because to do so
would break her spirit.

Too often, men try to mold women's personalities into their own image.
This is a mistake that often leads to resentment and anger on the
woman's part. It is also dangerous because it erodes her self-esteem
and destroys her individuality. Instead, he should be tolerant and
respect her unique feminine nature. If there is an element of her
personality that he dislikes, it is on him to change himself or his
outlook but he should not try to change her personality. This,
however, does not apply to religious issues such as hijab, salat,
obedience to the husband or other issues that have been made incumbent
on her by the Shariah.

"No male believer is to hate a female believer. If he hates a trait in
her then let him be pleased with another trait." (Muslim).

"Woman is like a rib: If you try to straighten it out you will break
it." (Al-Bukhari/Muslim).

"Treat women kindly, for woman was created from a rib. The part of it
that is most bent is the top. If you try to straighten it you will
break it, and if you leave it alone it will remain bent. So treat
women kindly." (Bukhari/Muslim).

A good Muslim husband doesn't tell his bedroom secrets.

"The most evil of people in the sight of Allah on the Day of Judgment
will be a man who was intimate with his wife and then went and told
others about her secrets." (Muslim).

A good Muslim husband doesn't neglect his appearance and he keeps
himself physically fit.

It is not only an obligation on the Muslim woman to keep herself
looking and smelling good for her husband, but it is also an
obligation on the husband as well to set the example and keep himself
looking good for his wife. In fact, I believe that in most cases it is
the husband who sets the tone in the house in this area because if his
wife sees that her husband is going to a lot of extra trouble to keep
himself looking good, then more than likely she will also try to keep
herself looking good for him. In this way both of them are
complementing each other and this helps to keep their marriage fresh
and alive. He should also exercise regularly and not allow himself to
become over-weight and out of shape. At home, he should dress neatly,
make sure that his hair is combed and that his general appearance is

"Whoever has hair let him look after it properly." (Abu Dawud).

"If it were not for the fact that I did not want to overburden my
Ummah, I would have ordered them to use the siwak before every
prayer." (Bukhari/Muslim).

"O children of Adam! Wear your beautiful apparel at every time and
place…." (Quran 7: 31-32).

hadana-lLahu wa iyyakum ajma`in, wa-lLahu 'alam bi-shshawab, wa
bi-lLahi-ttaufiq wa-lhidayah baraka-lLahu fiekum wa 
shalla-lLahu wa-ssallamuH 'ala Nabiyyina Muhammad, subhanaka-lLahumma
wabihamdiKa asyhadu alla Ilaha illa Anta, astaghfiruKa wa atubu ilaiK. 
wa ssalamu 'alaikum wa rahmatu-lLahi wa-barakatuH. 

*Yesterday is history, 
Tommorow's a mystery, 
Today's a gift, 
That's why we call it the Present.*

"Each day I wake in gratitude.
Thanking Allah, 
He let me rise
And To Him I only
Seek  His assistance." 

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