Hamas adalah pejuang kemerdekaan yang melawan penjajah
Israel. Sama dengan pejuang kemerdekaan Indonesia

Jika muslim seperti Cat Stevens dianggap teroris, maka
muslim lainnya juga bisa dianggap teroris. Kasihan deh

--- amartien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Cat Stevens was guest of Canadian Hamas front
> Muslim singer criticized Judaism as a 'so-called'
> religion
> Stewart Bell 
> National Post 
> Tuesday, September 28, 2004
> TORONTO - Yusuf Islam, the British singer formerly
> known as Cat Stevens, was the guest of honour at a
> Toronto fundraising dinner hosted by an organization
> that has since been identified by the Canadian
> government as a "front" for the Palestinian
> terrorist group Hamas.
> In a videotape of the 1998 event obtained by the
> National Post, Mr. Islam describes Israel as a
> "so-called new society" created by a "so-called
> religion" and urges the audience to donate to the
> Jerusalem Fund for Human Services to "lessen the
> suffering of our brothers and sisters in Palestine
> and the Holy Land."
> The Jerusalem Fund is one of four "fronts" named in
> a secret Privy Council Office memo that was sent to
> Jean Chretien, then prime minister, on May 23, 2000,
> discussing what it called groups that "have
> unsavoury links with terrorism.
> "In a limited number of cases, fundraising in
> support of violent foreign struggles takes place in
> Canada through the cover of ethnic, religious or
> community-based associations and groups, lobbying
> and even criminal activity," the report says.
> "Front groups operating in Canada include the
> Jerusalem Fund for Human Services (Hamas Front), the
> World Tamil Movement (Tamil Tigers Front), the
> Canadian Kurdish Information Network (Kurdistan
> Workers Party Front) and the Babbar Khalsa (a Sikh
> extremist front)."
> Hamas, also known as the Islamic Resistance
> Movement, is responsible for most of the suicide
> bombings against Israelis. Canada has outlawed Hamas
> under federal anti-terrorism legislation, making it
> illegal to support the group.
> Best known for his hit songs in the 1960s and '70s,
> when he was known as Cat Stevens, Mr. Islam, 56, a
> Muslim convert, made headlines last week when his
> flight from London to Washington was diverted to
> Maine because his name appeared on a U.S. watch
> list. 
> He was expelled from the United States for national
> security reasons. "Yusuf Islam was placed on the
> watch list because of activities that could be
> potentially related to terrorism," a spokesman for
> the Department of Homeland Security told reporters.
> The expulsion was criticized by Muslim groups, and
> Mr. Islam denies any ties to terrorism. "I never
> knowingly gave any terrorist group money," he said
> after being deported from Israel in 2000. "I've
> given to poor people and hospitals. I've helped to
> buy ambulances in the Holy Land. Obviously quite
> clear and supportable aims."
> But on June 20, 1998, Mr. Islam gave the keynote
> address at a Jerusalem Fund fundraising dinner held
> in Toronto. The event was videotaped, and a copy was
> obtained by the SITE Institute, a U.S. terrorism
> research organization.
> The video opens with a scene of Niagara Falls,
> overlayed with the Jerusalem Fund logo, which
> features the al-Aqsa Mosque and the maple leaf. It
> begins with an unidentified man explaining the
> activities of the Jerusalem Fund, which he describes
> as "helping the Muslims in Palestine" by financing
> hospitals, health clinics, families in need and
> orphans.
> "Palestine is close to the heart of each and every
> Muslim. What the Muslims of Palestine have been
> doing for many years now has been that bright light
> shining, that hope ... that they are still believers
> that can raise the banner of jihad in the most
> difficult of circumstances."
> Mr. Islam then begins a 45-minute speech in English
> in which he says it is "intolerable" for Muslims to
> "stand and watch" the situation in the Middle East.
> He describes Jerusalem as the centre of a land that
> is holy because of its connection to Allah.
> "So this city which is blessed because of its
> religious nature. Therefore, what we see today is
> the result of the departure of religion from this
> area, of the uprooting of religion. So many of the
> people of the faith have been exiled from this
> region, moved on, to make way for what? Strangely
> and ironically, they moved on in the name of
> so-called religion, on behalf of ... the Jews.
> "Of course, that would explain what is happening.
> Because the moment that religion and religious
> virtues disappear, there for sure follows trouble,
> tyranny, oppression," he says. "So what do we see
> then today? The concoction of a so-called new
> society based on an old society."
> He says there could be "no redeemer except Allah. No
> political concept or construct or treaty or agent
> except the laws of Allah, which he instructed for
> this world. Jerusalem is that, the symbol of that.
> Out of the hands of the righteous then it falls into
> disrepute and blood.
> "Jerusalem, al-Quds, it is a mirror reflecting the
> reality ... If it is dark, if it is bloody, then so
> too is the world. Today it reflects injustice of the
> secular man over the religious man. And how can the
> secular man be given the control and the sanctuary
> of the divine place of worship when he doesn't even
> respect what is holy? How? And how can those of
> faith allow that to happen? Therefore, peace will
> not return until we return to the Holy Land."
> © National Post 2004
>  --- On Wed 09/29, A Nizami < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> wrote:
> From: A Nizami [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 04:18:25 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: [ppiindia] Deportasi Yusuf Islam: Bush
> Paranoid?
> Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,<br><br>Saya pikir Bush
> paranoid terhadap teroris.<br>Sehingga meski dia
> bilang perang melawan teroris tidak<br>sama dengan
> perang melawan Islam, toh banyak ummat<br>Islam yang
> jadi korbannya termasuk Cat Stevens yang<br>begitu
> cinta damai serta anak2 panti asuhan
> yang<br>kelaparan di satu ponpes di
> ormas Islam kekurangan dana, karena AS
> meminta<br>negara2 Timteng menghentikan aliran dana
> dengan alasan<br>bisa dipakai untuk
> terorisme.<br><br>Wassalamu'alaikum<br><br><br>>
> Friday September 24, 2004 <br>> <br>> First, I thank
> God for relieving me of my ordeal and<br>>
> delivering me home<br>> safe; also, thanks to all
> those who prayed for me<br>> and supported me
> through<br>> this whole dark episode, from eminent
> politicians,<br>> the press and religious<br>>
> leaders, to plain, everyday people. Never would
> I<br>> believe that such a thing<br>> could happen
> in the land of the free -<br>> unfortunately, it
> did. But it's<br>> warming to have such a wave of
> sympathy from my<br>> friends and my worldwide<br>>
> well-wishers. <br>> <br>> After the experience of my
> dramatic deportation from<br>> the USA it feels
> like<br>> I am on a different planet from the one I
> was on a<br>> couple of days ago;<br>> certainly the
> world has changed, not for the best. <br>> <br>> Two
> days beforehand, I had started a journey with
> my<br>> daughter to Nashville,<br>> intending to
> initiate work on a new recording<br>> project.
> Suddenly, our<br>> aeroplane was diverted 600 miles
> to Bangor<br>> International Airport and I<br>>
> found myself surrounded by six uniformed
> officers<br>> and handed over to the<br>> FBI for
> questioning. <br>> <br>> The most upsetting thing at
> this point was being<br>> separated from my<br>>
> daughter, Maymanah, not knowing how she was or
> when<br>> and where we might be<br>> united. <br>>
> <br>> And since my phone was confiscated I
> couldn't<br>> contact my family (nor could<br>> they
> ring me) and they were relegated to watching<br>>
> the whole frightening<br>> episode on TV and
> surviving on scraps of information<br>> shown by the
> media. <br>> <br>> My interrogators repeatedly
> wanted to know how my<br>> name was spelt; it<br>>
> sounded 
=== message truncated ===

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