Apakah orang arab saja yang pakai jubah? Untuk supaya Anda tidak dicap tak 
berpengetahuan umum, baiklah saya beritahukan bahwa semua bangsa yang berdiam di gurun 
pasir [desert) atau setangah gurun pasir [semi desert] berpakaian a la jubah dalam 
bahasa arab disebut "garabeya".  Orang Tionghoa zaman dulu pun pakai semacam jubah 
cumpa tanpa turban. 

> Från: dicky riyadi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Datum: 2004/10/22 Fri PM 02:35:51 CEST
> Ämne: [ppiindia] Yesus pake kemben
> betul..., coba wanita pake kemben ke gereja ya...
> lha wong yesus saja pake jubah arab lho....wanita di filme yesus juga pake 
> kerudung...
> RG Nur Rahmat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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> Standar Allah???
> "Standar Allah menurut tafsiran manusia" itu yg lebih tepat...
> Allah tahu setiap seluk beluk tubuh manusia, kenapa mesti ditutupin.
> Wong, Dia yg menciptakan, koq!
> --> Memang iya semua Alah yang menciptakan tapi manusia yang tidak tahu setiap lekuk 
> tubuh selalu mau lihat-lihat toh? Anda kira pake jilbab ini untuk Allah? Salah 
> besar. Pakai jilbab ini untuk manusia sendiri, khususnya wanita. Ayat berljilbab ini 
> turun karena ada wanita muslim yg diganggu di pasar, ayat itu turun agar wanita yang 
> beriman supaya menutup kepala dan dadanya, agar tidak diganggu.
> http://www.geocities.com/alummah2000/ChastityAndHijabMuhammadJesus1.html
> 33:32. O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any of the [other] women. Therefore, 
> if you are mindful [of your duty to God] do not be over-soft in your speech, lest 
> any whose heart is diseased should be moved to desire, but speak in a proper and 
> goodly manner.
> 33:33. And stay in your homes, and do not flaunt your charms as they used to do in 
> the time of ignorance. Pray regularly and give the due portion in charity, and obey 
> God and His messenger. God just wishes to remove uncleanness far from you, O members 
> of the [Prophet's] household, and lead you to complete purity.
> 33:53. ... And when you (O believers) ask of them (the wives of the Prophet) 
> anything, ask of them from behind a hijab. This is purer for your hearts and their 
> hearts ...
> 33:59. O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers 
> to draw over them some outer garments [when in public]. That is better for being 
> recognized and not being annoyed. God is ever forgiving, merciful.
> The words in verse 33, "stay in your homes" seem to have suggested to some that in 
> Islam the ideal is almost total physical seclusion of women through confinement to 
> homes. But in regard to these words it should be noted that they are addressed to 
> the wives of the Prophet and the passage begins with the statement that they are not 
> like other women. Moreover, the command "stay in your homes" should be understood in 
> the light of the subsequent words: "and do not flaunt your charms as they used to do 
> in the time of ignorance". That is, the command does not exclude going out for other 
> purposes such as work or prayers or participating in some legitimate activity which 
> is beneficial for the woman individually or for the community at large. This is as 
> true of the wives of the Prophet as of other women. Thus, in verse 59 the Prophet's 
> wives and daughters are specifically addressed along with other women and told to 
> draw their outer garments over them. This instruction will not make sense if
> women, including wives and daughters of the Prophet were to always stay home. 
> Finally, in 4:32 it is taken for granted that some women might engage in jobs or 
> businesses, which of necessity will require going out.
> In verse 53 believers are told to communicate with the Prophet's wives from behind a 
> "hijab". This word means some form of barrier such as a curtain that secludes one 
> party from the other. Thus in 19:17 Mary chooses seclusion (hijab) from her people 
> to receive glad tidings of Jesus' birth. In 7:46 it refers to a barrier that will 
> separate the people of heaven from the people of hell and in 83:15 we read that the 
> unbelievers will be debarred (mahjub) from God. God is said in 42:51 to speak to man 
> only by way of inspiration or from behind a hijab. In these verses the word may not 
> refer to a physical barrier, since God, Heaven and Hell are not physical realities 
> in our ordinary sense. Surah 17:45 speaks of a hidden barrier (hijab mastur) that is 
> created between the Prophet and the unbelievers when he reads the Qur'an (see also 
> 41:5). But in Islamic tradition the word has come to signify one or the other of the 
> ways whereby men and women to varying degree separate themselves from each
> other for the purpose of promoting modesty and chastity. Very often the word is 
> further specialized to the head cover that Muslim women wear. However, the word used 
> by the Qur'an for head-cover is khimar. 
> The fact that the believers can communicate with the wives of the Prophet albeit 
> from behind a hijab shows that the purpose of the Qur'an is not to isolate women 
> from community life.
> In the verses of Surah 24 women were only commanded to draw their head coverings 
> over their bosoms while keeping the dress that they normally wore, which was a long 
> tunic, although they were told not to display their adornments. In 33:59 they are 
> asked to draw some outer garments (jalabib, plural of jilbab) over them. Jilbab, in 
> classical Arabic means a large sheet, as we can see from the usage of the word in 
> Hadith (see further below). But a sown outer garment such as is often used by many 
> women in the Middle East can serve the same purpose. Like khimar respectable women 
> might have used jilbab cover themselves over them in pre-Islamic times. The Qur'an 
> made that practice into a rule.
> Jilbab and hijab serve the same purpose. When a woman goes outside she covers 
> herself by jilbab. But at home, of course, she is dressed in a much more relaxed 
> way. Consequently, first of all, people are told to enter the house only after 
> getting permission and second of all women are told to speak from behind a hijab. 
> This hijab is only for extra convenience. Otherwise, if women are always wearing a 
> jilbab there will be no need for hijab.
> The word used for putting the jilbab on is idna' 'ala. idna' means to bring 
> something near or close. Thus in the same verse (59) it is said that it is better 
> for being recognized, where "it is better" is a translation of 'adna' which may be 
> more literally translated, "it is closer". When followed by ila the word means wrap 
> around while idna' 'ala means to put over. Thus in the verse there may be a word 
> play: idna' 'ala of the jilbab is 'adna' for being recognized as respectable women.
> How far jilbab should cover the woman is subject to interpretation. Clearly, it is 
> not intended that everything should be covered, since at least the eyes need to 
> remain uncovered. Some, including most of the classical interpreters such as Tabari, 
> Zamakhshari, Razi are of the opinion that only eyes should be uncovered. On the 
> other extreme it is said that even the head need not be covered. The words idna' 
> 'ala, however, are more naturally interpreted that covering of the head is intended. 
> Books of Hadith can be used to support both interpretations, although we will show 
> later by a detailed analysis of a very early hadith that in the first century hijri 
> the face was not covered. The interpretation that everything except the eyes needs 
> to be covered became a prevalent view sometimes during the second century. The 
> classical interpreters seem to be guided by this second-century prevalent view 
> rather than by the words of the Qur’an or any authentic hadith.
> Against the covering of the face one may argue that this can cause undue hardship 
> for women, especially in hot countries and it is not the intention of the Qur'an to 
> make life unduly hard for believers:
> God desires ease for you; he does not desire hardship for you (2:185).
> Another argument against the covering of the face is that in 24:30 the Qur’an tells 
> the believing men to lower their gaze. This will not be necessary if women were to 
> cover their faces. This argument will, however, loose its force if the verse about 
> jilbab came after the verse about lowering gaze. Also, even after the verse about 
> jilbab there can be occasions when a person will be face to face to a member of 
> opposite sex and when the lowering of gaze will be relevant.
> In interpreting any Qur'anic regulation we should keep in mind that an 
> interpretation stricter than the one intended can be as wrong as an interpretation 
> more liberal than the one intended. For, each time when we become stricter we 
> prohibit what God has permitted while each time we are more liberal than the Qur'an 
> we allow something that God has prohibited and the Qur'an makes it clear that both 
> are wrong (5:87, 6:150, 7:32, 9:37, 66:1). It is one of the missions of the Prophet 
> to prohibit exactly what is necessary and in the performance of this mission the 
> Prophet sometimes lifts from earlier ummahs the strict regulations in which they had 
> imprisoned themselves (7:157), either by too strict interpretations of the divine 
> regulations or by adding to those regulations (3:93). That people can imprison 
> themselves in stricter interpretations may seem difficult to understand, for, we 
> generally expect people to take the easy route. There are two reasons why people may 
> insist on stricter
> interpretations:
> a) The tendency to relax the requirements of a regulation for making things easy for 
> oneself are fought by the opposite tendency to insist on stricter interpretations.
> b) The stricter interpretation gets associated with piety and some people who want 
> to feel or show themselves to be very pious choose the stricter interpretation 
> without being too concerned with what the regulation itself intends.
> Kerudung/jilbab dipakai pria & wanita di wilayah yg berpadang pasir...
> Fungsinya :
> menutupi muka, mata, hidung, mulut dan rambut dari terpaan angin yg membawa
> pasir
> supaya tetap bersih dan tidak "kelilipan".
> Di Indonesia, fungsinya apa ya??
> Atau biar kelihatan spt orang Arab?? Biar gaya??
> Sama khan dg orang yg berlagak ke-barat-barat-an??
> --> Apa btul? kalo gitu suster buat apa pakai itu? lihat itu kerudung suster. apa 
> suster tidak ke-arab-araban juga mnurut anda, sedangkan islam sudah memberikan 
> alasanya sebagimana diatas, kalao di agama anda bagaimana?
> Pakaian itu yg penting : Sopan & bersih. Pake jilbab boleh, pake long dress
> boleh,
> Pake kemben juga boleh. Terserah aja. Nggak usah pusing...
> Gitu aja koq repot....
> --> Itu kan kata anda, coba anda pake kemban ke gereja atau waktu Yesus masih hidup.
> Salam,
> AI
> ==========================
> From: RG Nur Rahmat 
> Subject: Re: Re: Ibu presiden tak berjilbab
> Ini kembali menimbulkan pertanyaan? Apa itu modesty? seberapa tertutup
> sebetulnya baju kita? Siapa yang mengeluarkan standard? Kalau kata
> Al-Qur'an "tutupilah kepala dan selempangkan ke dada" begitulah kira-kira,
> jadi orang yg memakai jilbab ingin mengunakan standard Allah.
> Apakah salah?
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