Benazir Bhutto's answer to al-Qaeda 

      Benazir Bhutto, daughter of former premier Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, as leader of the 
Pakistan People's Party, served as premier for two terms, 1988-90 and 1993-96, the 
first term making her the first female prime minister in the Muslim world. She 
currently lives in self-imposed exile. Asia Times Online's Syed Saleem Shahzad spoke 
to Mrs Bhutto on a wide range of topics. 

      Asia Times Online: Islamic extremists have called for "death to America", with 
no room for compromise. Why has this extremism emerged now, and not, for instance, 
during the Cold War? 

      Benazir Bhutto: The slogan "death to America" was, to my knowledge, raised 
before Islamic extremists took center stage in global politics. If I recall correctly, 
it was used way back in Latin America during the times of Che Guevara and Pancho 
Villa. The slogan is today considered more deadly because of the events of 9/11. In 
the past, it was more a manifestation of anger or resentment among those who raised 
such slogans. The events of 9/11 have given it a less rhetorical content. 

      During the Cold War the countries which felt aggrieved used superpower rivalry 
to promote their agendas. With the demise of the Soviet Union, and the rise of Islamic 
extremists during the fight against the Soviet occupation [of Afghanistan], Islamic 
extremists felt that they could take on the remaining superpower. It is unlikely that 
non-state actors can take on a superpower without being assisted by another 
superpower. However, they can cause random terror, spread insecurity and fear, give 
birth to a clash of cultures and religions and create more hatred and intolerance. 
This is the real danger. We need to counter such extremism by promoting unity, 
tolerance and respect to different races, religions and genders. In such moderation 
lies the harmony and well being of the world community. Moreover, we need to address 
unresolved political issues to prevent extremists from exploiting them for their own 
narrow and theocratic ends. 

      ATol: The US says "you are with us or against us" - all-out war with no 

      Bhutto: The impact of 9/11 was dramatic and led to a dramatic declaration that 
either you are with us or against us. The United States was struck in its financial 
and political center - while Pearl Harbor was on the periphery in comparison. Pearl 
Harbor drew the US into World War II. The attacks of 9/11 have drawn it into the war 
against terror. For some time, the events of 9/11 will continue to dominate the agenda 
of global politics, with the US in the lead. 

      ATol: The US is fighting a war against an invisible enemy called al-Qaeda and 
Osama bin Laden's International Islamic Front (a loose coalition of pro-al-Qaeda 
organizations). What is al-Qaeda in the real sense? Is there an ideology behind its 
movement, or are they just a bunch of militants who are mindlessly in search of soft 
US targets to blow up? 

      Bhutto: Al-Qaeda has managed to unite disparate militant groups into an 
international confederate of terrorists, which is at times is called the Islamic 
Front. Often these groups exploit local tensions, for example the tensions in the 
Middle East, the nationalistic feelings of the Chechen people, the nationalistic 
opposition to foreign troops in Iraq or the Kashmir dispute. However, they do have an 
ideology. Their real agenda is to use regional political issues to bring about a 
theocratic dictatorship similar to the one that existed in Afghanistan under the 
Taliban. Gender discrimination, cultural intolerance, denial of representation, 
repression of freedom and subjugation of the masses to one-man clerical dictatorship 
is a negation of humanity's struggle to overcome suffering and to live in respect and 
dignity. It is important to separate the terrorists from the regional issue by 
defusing tensions where they exist through political action. 

      ATol:There is a theory that Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf was the 
biggest supporter of al-Qaeda before September 11, 2001. Why and how did he became the 
"most trusted" US partner in the "war on terror"? And does the Pakistani army fully 
support him? 

      Bhutto: It is a fact that the Musharraf regime was the biggest supporter of the 
Taliban, who harbored al-Qaeda, which was recruiting and training men for terrorism 
prior to 9/11. This policy was defended in the name of strategic depth. I called it 
"strategic threat" in a speech I gave in parliament calling for the breaking of ties 
with the Taliban in 1998. According to a book by Bob Woodward, the Bush administration 
asked Musharraf to stand up and be counted as friend or foe. Since he gave a positive 
answer in one telephone call, they decided to work with him. It was more convenient 
for Washington to work with someone stating he was prepared to play ball than bring 
about a change at a time of immense crisis. Washington has managed to squeeze 
concessions out of Musharraf. There is a US base in Pakistan, the FBI [US Federal 
Bureau of Investigation] are allowed to operate [in Pakistan] and through electronic 
"transepts" have captured some big fish. Musharraf in turn has been able to use the 
relationship to buy time during which the Taliban (either deliberately or 
inadvertently) have been able to regroup. He has also cleverly held out the promise of 
the capture of a high-value target - read Osama bin Laden or [Taliban leader] Mullah 
Omar - during the US presidential-election year. 

      The Pakistan army is a disciplined force. It may be unhappy having to kill 
civilians in search of terrorists in the tribal areas, but it does what it is ordered 
to do through its chain of command. There have been isolated incidents that 
demonstrate a lack of support, namely in the two assassination attempts [last year] 
against Musharraf, and some other incidents. However, this kind of isolated, 
junior-level activity is not new. It has occurred in the past during the Attock 
Conspiracy case of the 1970s [to overthrow Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's government] and the 
Islamic Brotherhood attempt to overthrow the democratic government in the 1990s. 

      By involving the military in civilian affairs and scandals ... as well as 
political persecution, the impartiality of the armed forces and its professionalism 
has been made subject to public controversy. It is this controversial political role 
that would make most professional officers uncomfortable. 

      ATol: The US invasion of Iraq, in the name of creating a civil society and a 
liberal democracy in the Middle East, has instead promoted fundamentalist trends, 
especially in Iraq itself, which had been a tolerant secular society but is now a 
fundamentalist hotbed where private Shi'ite and Sunni militias rule the roost. 

      Bhutto: There were two plans: one for the overthrow of the Saddam Hussein regime 
and the second for a postwar order. The first worked and the second did not. The 
consequences are before us. It's a tragedy to see Muslims divided on sectarian lines. 
It's important for Muslims to unite and dissent on political rather than religious 

      ATol: Previously, Islamic fundamentalist parties could not make headway in 
elections, now they are emerging as a challenge in countries such as Pakistan, 
Afghanistan, Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia. 

      Bhutto: Extremist and fundamentalist political parties have never been able to 
score any significant political victories in countries like Pakistan. In fact, if the 
past record is any guide, it is clear that the extremist parties were never voted into 
power or even brought close to it by the people. The extremists rose under the 
dictatorship of General Zia ul-Haq in Pakistan. The religious parties [Muttahhida 
Majlis-e-Amal] formed a government for the first time [in North West Frontier 
Province] under General Musharraf's dictatorship. 

      It is dictatorship that leads to the rise of extremist groups. Pakistan, 
Afghanistan, Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc are all countries that share a 
background of long periods of military or authoritarian rule. The best defense against 
extremism and terrorism is the promotion of freedom, human dignity, rule of law, 
tolerance and pluralism. The present marginalization of moderate political parties in 
Pakistan can cause blow-back in time. There is a political vacuum in Pakistan which is 
dangerous to the future. 

      ATol: There is an extreme feeling of dissent within religious political parties, 
which is further giving birth to more extreme notions. Jihadi organizations are one 
manifestation, but there is a very strong opinion flourishing in the shape of Hizbut 
Tehrir-like organizations, which has taken strong roots in Central Asia and is 
silently taking root in Pakistan. Unlike religious-political parties, they do not 
believe in democracy at all. What is the perspective of these trends? 

      Bhutto: During the days of fighting the Soviet occupation in Afghanistan 
[1980s], a military dictator in Pakistan [Zia] used religious parties to recruit 
fighters. He used money to set up religious schools whose real purpose was to 
indoctrinate young men into becoming robots. Since he was associated with the Muslim 
Brotherhood, he used those links to bring together members of the Muslim Brotherhood 
from different parts of the world. They were brainwashed into believing that after 
defeating the Soviet Union, they could take on the other superpower, namely America. 
They were never told that the success against the Soviets was because it was a proxy 
war with international backing. These indoctrinated elements were patronized in the 
military, security, civilian and political structure of Pakistan. They believe that 
Islam came to Pakistan through the shores of Central Asia and can now be exported to 
Europe through Central Asia. Hence we see the cells operating in that area. 

      I believe that both my governments were destabilized by these forces. The 
Pakistan People's Party and I posed the most potent threat to them. We gave an 
alternative vision of freedom, human rights, modernity compatible with religion as 
well as progress and prosperity. Pakistan, under the PPP, was an example of a 
moderate, enlightened and modern democracy to 1 billion Muslims at the crossroads 
having to choose between the past and the future. These elements prefer Musharraf to 
the PPP. Musharraf is a military dictator and is not an ideological alternative to 
them. They have scuttled all attempts at rapprochement between the army led by 
Musharraf and the people led by the PPP. This is why some sections of the media have 
speculated that Islamabad could be seized by a combine of religio-political-military 
elements. I do not believe that this nightmare scenario is possible because I believe 
that the restoration of democracy can turn the wheel of disaster into one of 
opportunity for the people of Pakistan - and the wider world community. 

      Previously, the religious parties were used to help recruit militants. With the 
passage of two decades, the militant cells are becoming more independent of the 
religious parties. While they take their spiritual mentoring from the religious 
parties, their organizational structures are cellular and independent. But there is a 
real danger today. Disillusioned with military dictatorship and unable to express 
disillusionment through a fair electoral process, the danger is of the radicalization 
of the masses. This disillusionment provides a perfect breeding ground for extremist 
organizations. That was why in Pakistan, parties that are sympathetic to the Taliban 
and al-Qaeda claim that neither democracy nor military dictatorship works and that 
theocratic rule should be given a chance. Thus, when people are denied the democratic 
model of development, they can choose a system that is even worse than military 

      ATol: Why have secular forces in Muslim societies failed to contain 

      Bhutto: Most secular forces were kept out of government during the Cold War by 
military or authoritarian rulers lacking grass-root support and legitimacy. Since 
authoritarianism and dictatorship rested on force rather than on law, it gave birth to 
a culture of lawlessness and extremism. We need to have democracy in the Muslim world 
and we need to spend more on education and human development to contain the forces of 

      ATol: Where do liberation movements such as those in Palestine and Kashmir 

      Bhutto: The armed struggle of the people of Palestine and Kashmir and others 
under occupation received a setback following the events of 9/11. Now there is zero 
tolerance for armed struggle. However, the causes of unrest are political and the 
search for a solution will continue through peaceful avenues. 

      Syed Saleem Shahzad is Bureau Chief, Pakistan, Asia Times Online. He can be 
reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

      (Copyright 2004 Asia Times Online Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for information on our sales and syndication policies.)  

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