Inti tajuk rencana ini terletak di alinea terakhir:
pemerintah baru harus mencari keseimbangan atas fakta
geologis dengan kebijakan politik (mengenai perpajakan
dll) untuk menggairahkan kembali kegiatan eksplorasi.

Menteri Pertambangan jaman orla Chairul Saleh
menetapkan ketentuan bagi hasil 85/15% yang tampak
kejam bagi operator asing, tapi ternyata laris manis.
Aljazair yang super nasionalispun tidak mampu berbuat
begitu.  Agaknya Chairul Saleh tahu, bahwa eksplorasi
menemukan sumur minyak adalah 30% keahlian dan 70%
keberuntungan.  Karena itu, selama belum mendapat
sumur minyak maka si subkontraktor (asing) dibebaskan
dari semua pajak.  Baru setelah sumurnya dapat,
ketentuan bagi hasil dan ketentuan pajak berlaku.

Suka tidak suka, dimana-mana orang mengakui bahwa
urusan eksplorasi minyak adalah urusan 'the 7 sisters'
(dulu Texaco, Penzzoil, Shell, BP terus apa lagi
pokoknya jumlahnya 7, sekarang bisa 8 bisa  10). 
Lybia dan Saudi Arabia tahu betul itu, makanya mereka
memberi konsesi luar biasa.  Boleh dikata, slogan
nasionalisme tidak berlaku didunia perminyakan. Coba
bayangkan, dari A sampai Z mengukur tekanan semburan
minyak dan gas di well-head, memeriksa korosi di pipa,
pencegahan kebakaran, memeriksa core, welding didarat
dan dibawah pemukaan laut, semuanya mengacu pada
manual API (American Petroleum Institute).  Dan yang
punya bukan saja modal tetapi juga pengalaman dan
integritas yang teruji adalah operators dan service
oil companies macam Schlumberger (di lepas pantai
Bombay sini ada 12 insinyur perminyakan Indonesia dari

Produksi minyak Indonesia merosot bukan karena
cadangan minyak dan gasnya hampir habis, bukan. Ladang
minyak Cinta dilepas pantai Jakarta ketemu oleh ARCO
dimasa Pertamina dijabat Ibnu Sutowo.  Sekarang
kegiatan eksplorasi semacam itu tidak ada lagi, karena
ketentuan sekarang sudah menghilangkan selera.  Belum
lagi soal otonomi daerah, menyebabkan ARCO yang
menemukan cadangan gas luar biasa besar di lepas
pantai Irian gagal meneruskannya ke tahap eksploitasi.
Kini ARCO yang lagi apes itu dibeli oleh BP.  Belum
lagi soal KKN ---> Exxon mendapatkan dibawah ladang
BPM di Cepu ada sumur yang luar biasa besar.  Tommy
merebut konsesinya, lantas dibeli Exxon dengan harga
berlipat ganda. Sekarang tidak kedengaran lagi
urusannya.  Kabarnya untuk menggarap eksplorasi di 12
blok, 7 akan diberikan ke swasta nasional seperti
Medco, mudah-mudahan saja yang 7 itu tidak murni calo



  Print November 08, 2004 
(Rditorial The Jakarta Post)

New hope in oil industry 

Amid the plunge in Indonesia's oil production to
966,500 barrels per day (bpd) this year from as many
as 1.2 million bpd in 2002 -- which degraded the
country as a net oil importer -- there have, of late,
been several promising developments in the petroleum

Last Tuesday, the Oil and Gas Implementing Body (BP
Migas) awarded 12 new oil and gas contracts to foreign
and national companies, with combined commitments to
spending at least US$163 million for exploration
within three years. 

Late last month, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
inaugurated a new oil and gas production field and
floating storage facility in the South Natuna Sea,
with a potential output of up to 100,000 bpd. The
Belanak production facility will also produce gas,
condensate and liquefied natural gas. 

Earlier, in the middle of last month, the government
finally issued two long-awaited regulations to
implement the Oil and Natural Gas Law of 2001, which
allows foreign companies to enter the downstream
petroleum industry, which is currently monopolized by
state oil company Pertamina. 

These developments will surely provide a positive
signal to energy investors, notably oil mining
companies, that Indonesia remains an area of great
potential for oil and natural gas prospecting, with a
reasonably high success ratio. 

Much more important than the new investments pledged
by the 12 mining contractors is the fact that seven of
the new oil blocks were awarded to national firms.
This signifies very significant progress in the
financial and technological capacity of national
companies to operate in the capital- and
technology-intensive and high-risk industry. 

Continued investment in oil and gas exploration is the
only way to discover new reserves to sustain
production, and typically an oil project takes between
five to eight years to get up and running, meaning
that today's output is the product of investments made
several years ago. 

It is no wonder that the steep decline in new
exploration over the past six years of economic crisis
and legal uncertainty -- caused by excesses in the
start-up of the local autonomy process and the
transition to the new oil and gas law -- have markedly
cut into Indonesia's daily production capacity. 

Even last year, contractors' spending for exploration
still fell by more than 50 percent. Consequently, no
significant volumes of new reserves were discovered
and added to the national production capacity, while
oil and gas consumption has now risen, returning to
the pre-crisis level as a result of the economic

The government, last year, changed the standard
formula for production sharing contracts -- 80:15 for
oil and 70: 30 for gas all in favor of the government
-- to a ratio of 75: 25 for oil and cut down its share
of gas production to as low as 55 in certain areas in
a bid to attract more investors to explore new blocks.

But, while the new production-sharing formula would
improve the attractiveness of oil and gas prospecting
in the country, this advantage seemed to lack the
power to woo as many new investors to the hydrocarbon
industry as there had been in the early 1990s. 

Hence, the mid-October issuance of two Government
Regulations -- No.34 regarding the upstream oil
industry and No.36 on the downstream industry -- will
hopefully improve regulatory and legal certainty in
the petroleum sector, as these regulations provide
more clear-cut rules of the game between BP Migas and
mining contractors (oil firms). 

The 2001 law on oil and natural gas is supposed to
have fundamentally improved the attractiveness of the
hydrocarbon industry because the legislation will
abolish the monopoly of state oil and gas company
Pertamina in the downstream industry later next year.
As investors will be allowed to get reasonable margins
from both crude oil mining and refining and final
products, they will be encouraged to make more
investments in exploration. This, in turn, will
increase the volume of proven oil and gas reserves. 

However, issues related to bureaucratic and regulatory
procedures for BP Migas approval of contractors'
spending plans and weak fiscal and legal environments
remain major obstacles to new investment in
prospecting Indonesia's potential hydrocarbon

Yet, most discouraging is what oil mining contractors
see as contradictory provisions on taxation for
expenditure during the stage of exploration. Oil
contractors have been subject to value added tax and
import duty even during the stage of exploration,
which is quite unreasonable given the long lead time
for investments in the petroleum industry. But the new
regulation does not resolve this taxation problem once
and for all. 

The petroleum industry will remain unattractive to new
investors as long as the government cannot strike a
harmonious balance between geological prospects and
fiscal terms, bureaucracy and regulatory frameworks. 


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