Perjalanan II [10]/The Journey II [10]

Bertemu dengan thoriqoh- thoriqoh lain


Jika ada 1000 kepala,

Maka akan ada 1000 tafsiran Qur'an,


Jika ada 1000 pemikir dan penafsir,

Maka jangan disalahkan bila akan ada 1000 arti dari satu ayat.


Setiap orang bisa saja memakai dalil-dalil Qur'an dan Hadits Nabi,

Jangankan orang Islam sendiri,

antara golongan dalam Islam,

Bahkan non Islam-pun yang hafal Al-Qur'an, Hadits, dan kitab-kitab kuning-pun 


Kebenaran ternyata sulit untuk di buktikan.

Secara perlahan-lahan, melalui praktek-praktek kenyataan, kutempuh juga 
pembuktian kebenaran itu.


Satu ketika, pernah ku bertemu dengan seorang tokoh, seorang yang rajin 
beribadah malam, dzikir, puasa,

Kupelajari apa-apa yang diajarkan olehnya,

Sungguh hebat,

Dalam waktu singkat, setiap orang diproses untuk berhadapan dengan kebenaran,

Tiap hari ditarget untuk memproses diri,

tiap malam tahajud tak pernah lupa,


Hanya masalah keseimbangan yang tidak kucocoki.

Keseimbangan antara proses diri tiap individu yang bersifat evolusi, dihadapkan 
dengan proses revolusi dalam ruhani.


Aku merasakan ketidak cocokan.


Kutinggalkan pengajian ruhani itu.


Aku berjalan lagi bersama seorang teman,

Kuperkenalkan padanya,

seorang guru yang relatif masih muda,

Tiap hari puasa,

tidak lagi puasa sehari, kemudian berbuka, tidak,

tetapi tiap hari berpuasa.


Engkau yang tidak memahami bisa saja menyalahkan,

Aku sendiri tidak berani menyalahkannya,

Jalan yang di aku sendiri tidak kucocoki.


Kutinggalkan pengajian itu,

sementara temanku sampai sekarang masih tetap belajar di pengajian tersebut.

ya....12 tahun lamanya sampai sekarang,

Beliau temenku masih tetap menjaga puasanya tiap hari sampai sekarang......

Salut untuk beliau.


Teori-teori sedikit demi sedikit kutambahkan untuk kemudian kutinggalkan.

Adu dalil-adu dalil sedikit demi sedikit kutinggalkan.


Qur'an adalah peta,

Qur'an adalah petunjuk,




Bagaimanakah seandainya sudah sampai di tujuan ?????

Perlukah lagi petunjuknya ?????


he..he..he...jangan disalah pahami......sulit yaa........

ngaji tasawuf.......


Ibarat peta, tujuan tiap-tiap ayat ada, sehingga tiap saat, Qur'an tetap kita 
perlukan untuk menunjukkan arah jalan kita.

Qur'an adalah kumpulan kesimpulan dari proses ruhaniyyah Nabi Muhammad,

Sekarang kita memilikinya,

berarti itu akan memudahkan jalan kita.


Tidak malukah engkau bila menggunakan ayat-ayat-Nya ???

Hanya sekedar agar pendapatmu dipercaya oleh orang lain ?????

Apalah artinya bagi orang yang sudah mengalami ????

Apalah artinya bagi orang yang sudah merasakan ????

Apalah artinya bagi orang yang sudah mencapai ????


Kalau hanya dalil-dalil mati yang kau pergunakan.!!!




Perjalananmu masih jauh,

Jangan kau terjebak di sini.............


Kembalilah hijrah dan berjalan..................

Muhammad menantimu........

Jibril terus mengantarkanmu...................

Alam semesta membantumu.............


Jangan pindahkan tujuanmu ke yang lebih rendah........

ALLOH adalah tujuanmu............

Journey II (10)


Meeting with another Thoriqoh

If there are 1000 heads,

Then there will be 1000 the interpretations of the Koran.


If there are 1000 thinkers and interpreters,

So don't blame on 1000 meanings from a verse.


Everyone can use the theorems of the Koran and the prophet's hadits,

Much less in the scope of Moslem itself in among their own groupings,

Even the non-Moslem who has memorized the verses of the Koran, Hadits and 
Yellow Books are many.


The truth turns out to be difficult to be proven.

Slowly I was drowning in proving the truth through practices of the reality.


Once, I have ever met a person who diligently practiced night's prayer, fast, 
reciting to praise Lord,

I performed as he had taught to me.


In a quick moment, everybody had been processed to face the truth,

Everyday we were being focused on processing ourselves,

And we had never forgotten tahajud prayer every night.


That was just a matter of balancing that I was not fitted in it.

The balance of the evolution of individual process was faced with the spiritual 
revolution process.

I was not fitted in it.


Then I left...  .


I hung out with a friend.

I introduced him to a relatively young teacher.

We fasted everyday,

Not only fasted everyday and then broke fast, no., but,

Everyday was a fasting day.


For all of you might be blame on this.

I am alone not daring to blame on the way that I was not fit in.


Then I was leaving while my friend was focusing on his education in there up to 

That's right! 12 years in the long run up to now.

And my friend still keeps on his fasting running everyday now.

Salute for him!


Theory by theory I upgraded and I left thence,

And also I left behind debating the theorems step by step,


Koran is a map,

Koran is a clue,




How if I have reached the bottom of destination?????

Do I need some clues anymore?????


Gotcha!!!..Don't is difficult to learn tasawuf, isn't it?!


Like map, there is destination in each verse,

Thus, every moment we do always need the Koran to show the direction of our way.

Koran is a collection of conclusion of the prophet Muhammad's spiritual process.


Now we have it,

Therefore that will be the direction to smooth our way.


Have you no shame when you practice the verses in a wrong way???

The way that you try to make the people believe in your words????

Does it mean to the people who have been through this?

Does it mean to the people who have tasted this journey?

Does it mean to the people who have reached?


If those all only the dead theorems you have used!!!




Your journey is still long way to heaven.

Don't be stuck in here any longer.


Keep move on and walk on.

Muhammad has been waiting for you.

Gabriel keeps on guiding you.

The universe still helps you out.


Don't move your destination in on the other lower side.

Allah is your destination indeed.

to be continued

warm regards,


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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