Perjalanan II [11]/The Journey II [11]

Bertemu dengan thoriqoh-thoriqoh lain II

Satu ketika pernah, aku bertemu,

Seorang murid dari thoriqoh lain.

Yang juga sama sepertiku......

Mencintai yang namanya kebenaran dimanapun adanya.

Mulailah keterangan-keterangan kuberikan pada rekan-rekannya yang membutuhkan.


Semua senang, semua bisa memahami,



Penyakit lama kambuh juga,

Para senior di dalam thoriqoh tersebut tidak bisa menerimanya,

Seorang yang diluar thoriqohnya telah berani-beraninya memberikan 

pemahaman, pemahaman. Seolah keseniorannya tidak kuanggap.


He...he...he....begitulah kenyataannya,

kekuatan golongan menyebabkan kesempitan dalam berpikir,


Aku di datangi 4 orang dari seniornya...

Bangun tidur tidak terus mandi......

tapi terus diskusi dengan adu kebenaran,

maunya mereka .........


Tapi apalah artinya kalau yang diinginkan adalah menang kalahnya suatu pendapat 

Ndak ada artinya buat aku,

Lebih baik sekalian saja ........

Kupertanyakan pada mereka hal-hal yang memang belum pernah masuk dipemikiran 



"Engkau menyembah siapa ?" tanyaku,

"Alloh " jawabnya.




"sama kayak jawabannya orang kafir ", kataku lagi......


mereka emosi......


"orang kafir itu tidak percaya pada Alloh, mereka tidak menyembah ALloh", 
tangkis mereka...


he..he..he...kubuka al Qur'an, kusuruh mereka membaca sendiri,


"Jika engkau bertanya pada orang kafir (Quraisy) siapakah tuhan mereka, mereka 
akan menjawab Alloh, yang menciptakan langit dan bumi".


"Kalau begitu", kata mereka,

"Aku menyembah Alloh yang menciptakan aku dari tanah"


"He...he..he...kayak omongannya Iblis", kataku lagi


mereka tambah emosi,


Kubukakan Qur'an, kusuruh mereka membaca sendiri


"Iblis mengatakan, bukankah Engkau menciptakan aku dari Api, sedang Adam dari 
tanah ?"


"Lalu"...kata mereka......

"Apa ada orang yang tidak menyembah Alloh ?" tanya mereka.


" Ada", jawabku.

"Siapa" kata mereka lagi



"Aku tidak menyembah ALLOH", kataku agak keras.


Logika mereka pusing....

akal tidak mau menerima.....

Kebenaran yang sulit  diterima tapi kok ndak bisa mbantah.....



Biarlah.....ndak ada artinya buat diriku.....

Kalau mereka mau mengerti.....

keuntungan sebenarnya adalah buat mereka sendiri.



kutinggalkan mereka untuk pergi kebelakang.


Aku mandi pagi....

alangkah menyegarkannya air pagi hari............



Journey II (11)


Meeting with the other second Thoriqoh

Once I have ever met a disciple of the other thoriqoh.

Just like me.

Love in the name of the truth wherever it was.

Then I started to give some information away to his friends whom needed.


Everybody was glad, everybody understood.



The seniors in that thoriqoh could not accept,

How dare someone out of that thoriqoh gave the comprehension, the senses, 

As if their seniority had been ignored by me.


Well, that's the case!

The strength of grouping dragged them into narrow-mindedness.


I was come by 4 seniors.

Arose from sleep didn't straightaway take a bath,

But I was stuck of discussing..debating..arguing..the truth with them,

As they wanted to.


What was the meaning of wishes to overwhelm or defeat the way of thinking?????

It didn't mean to me at all,

So, I was better off being that way.


I asked about the things which had never been crossing their mind before,


"Who do you serve to?", I asked.

They answered,"Allah."


Well, GOTCHA! You've already been caught up!!


Then I commented on,"Same to infidel's answer!"


They blew up...!!


They tried to defend,"The infidel doesn't believe in Allah, and they doesn't 
serve to Allah!"


Well, well, well. . Then I opened the Koran, I asked them to read it up by 
their own.


"If you ask to the infidel(Quraisy) after who their Lord is, they will answer 
'Allah' who has created the heavens and the earth."


"If it is so,"they said,"I serve to Allah who has created me from the soil."


"Hi.hi.hi., sounds like I hear evil's say."I commented on over.


They were flaming up!


I opened the Koran once again, then they read up once again.


"Evil says; haven't you created me from fire, and Adam from soil?"


"So.."They said..,"Is there any mankind or another creature who doesn't serve 
to Allah?"They asked me.


"There is."I answered.





"I don't serve to Allah!" I spoke louder.

Their mind lost their logic...


The mind didn't want to accept.

The truth which could not be accepted, but they could not defend anymore, 


So, be that as it may.

It didn't mean to me.

If they wanted to learn more and listen or understand,

Then the advantage would be served for themselves.


I left them to take a bath,

Morning shower,.freshened me up to the bone!


to be continued

warm regards


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