(The New York Times)
January 4, 2005
Diet and Lose Weight? Scientists Say 'Prove It!'
With obesity much on Americans' minds, an entire
industry has sprung up selling diets and diet books,
meal replacements and exercise programs, nutritional
supplements and Internet-based coaching, all in an
effort to help people lose weight.

But a new study, published today, finds little
evidence that commercial weight-loss programs are
effective in helping people drop excess pounds. Almost
no rigorous studies of the programs have been carried
out, the researchers report. And federal officials say
that companies are often unwilling to conduct such
studies, arguing that they are in the business of
treatment, not research.

"In general, the industry has always been opposed to
making outcomes disclosures," said Richard Cleland,
the assistant director for advertising practices at
the Federal Trade Commission. 

"They have always given various rationales," Mr.
Cleland said, from "'It's too expensive,' to even
arguing that part of this is selling the dream, and if
you know what the truth is, it's harder to sell the
dream." The study, published in today's issue of
Annals of Internal Medicine, found that with the
exception of Weight Watchers, no commercial program
had published reliable data from randomized trials
showing that people who participated weighed less a
few months later than people who did not participate.
And even in the Weight Watchers study, the researchers
said, the results were modest, with a 5 percent weight
loss after three to six months of dieting, much of it

Advertisements for weight loss centers often make it
seem that success is guaranteed for anyone who really
wants it. They feature smiling, thin, healthy people -
results, the advertisements imply, of simply following
the program.

Scientists, however, want something more. They would
like to see carefully controlled studies that follow
program participants over a couple of years and
compare their success with that of nonparticipants. 

But that sort of study is almost never done, said Dr.
Thomas Wadden, director of the weight and eating
disorders program at the University of Pennsylvania
and the lead author of the new study.

It is not as if no one has asked the companies to
conduct such research, he and others said. About a
decade ago, Dr. Wadden, Mr. Cleland and others met
with commercial weight loss companies at the Federal
Trade Commission to discuss getting some solid data on
the programs' effectiveness. 

"We tried to come up with a set of voluntary
guidelines with the idea that these would be
disclosures that weight loss centers would make prior
to consumers' signing on the bottom line," said Mr.

"At the end of the day we agreed to disagree on the
issue of outcomes disclosure. I was convinced that it
could be done, but it was not something the industry
was going to voluntarily do." 

The F.T.C., he said, could not force companies to do
the studies.

Lynn McAfee, the director of medical advocacy for the
Council on Size and Weight Discrimination, was aghast
at the conclusion.

"I don't understand how you can have a product you
never evaluate for effectiveness," Ms. McAfee said.
"It was a slap in the face to all people of size."

Still, patients and their doctors need information,
Dr. Wadden said. So he and his colleague, Dr. Adam
Gilden Tsai, collected what information they could on
the prices, the methods, and the success of nine
commercial weight loss programs, like Jenny Craig,
eDiets and Optifast and self-help programs, like
Overeaters Anonymous. 

The investigators looked at the data presented on
company Web sites, called the companies and searched
medical journals for published papers. In their
review, they included studies published from 1966 to
2003, finding 108 that assessed commercial programs.
Of those, only 10 met their criteria. For example, the
studies had to have lasted at least 12 weeks and to
have assessed weight-loss outcomes after a year.

Dr. Wadden said that even in that handful of studies,
hardly any of them reported data for everyone who
enrolled in the weight-loss programs. Most included
only people who had completed the programs, making the
outcomes "definitely best-case scenarios," he said.

The costs of commercial weight-loss programs can vary
from $65 for three months on eDiets to $167 for the
same time in Weight Watchers to more than $2,000 for a
medically supervised low-calorie diet. 

"Given the lack of good comparative data, it may make
sense to try the cheaper alternatives first," Mr.
Cleland said.

Other experts said that patients might want to forgo
the programs altogether. 

"Doctors could do as well as these programs" in
helping people lose weight, said Dr. George Blackburn,
an obesity specialist at Harvard Medical School,
simply by counseling people to diet and exercise. 

He added, "Doctors can, ought to and are qualified to
get involved."

The Weight Watchers study, published in 2003 in The
Journal of the American Medical Association, involved
423 people who weighed an average of 205 pounds. Half
the participants were randomly assigned to attend
Weight Watchers meetings and follow the program. The
other half tried to lose weight on their own. After
two years, the participants in Weight Watchers had
lost an average of 6.4 pounds. The other group had
lost no weight. Neither group showed a change in blood
pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose or insulin. 

"We found no such evaluations of Jenny Craig or L.A.
Weight Loss," Dr. Wadden and Dr. Tsai wrote.

Kent Coykendall, a vice president of strategic
planning and business development for Jenny Craig,
said the company had begun a randomized study of 70
people on the program. But in the meantime, he said,
Jenny Craig has the records of tens of thousands of
participants attesting to the fact that they lost
weight - "a plethora of real data on real people in
the real world under real circumstances," Mr.
Coykendall said.

In their study, Dr. Wadden and Dr. Tsai also looked at
programs, like Optifast, Health Management Resources
and Medifast, that provide participants with medical
supervision and a low-calorie diet - 800 to to 1500
calories per day. Patients who stay with these
programs, the companies say, can lose as much as 15 to
25 percent of their weight in three to six months. 

But the researchers found no randomized controlled
trials of their effectiveness. And the studies that
were conducted independently of the companies showed
that people on the low-calorie diets weighed about the
same a year later as people on conventional diets. In
addition, the companies' own reports found high
dropout rates, with nearly half the participants in an
Optifast study dropping out in 26 weeks.

But Dr. Larry Stifler, the founder and president of
Health Management Resources, objected. 

"Their criteria - one of the things they always like
to see - is randomized controlled trials," Dr. Stifler
said. But such studies, he said, are not feasible when
a company is offering a treatment. 

"People can't be told they can either join the program
or be in a control group. That's not what this
treatment is about," he said.

Dr. Stifler said his company had data showing that
patients dropped large amounts of weight if they stuck
with the diet. When the company assessed patients
three years later, some had still kept the weight off.
Much of that data has not been published, Dr. Stifler
said, but it has been presented at professional

Robert Hallock, vice president and general counsel for
Medifast, also said his company had unpublished but
promising data. The company keeps track of thousands
of patients, he said, and "everyone knows that
low-calorie diets and structured programs get huge
amounts of weight loss."

As for Internet-based weight loss programs, the only
study Dr. Wadden and Dr. Tsai found was one that Dr.
Wadden, Dr. Leslie Womble and their colleagues
conducted, using eDiets, which provides clients with
low-calorie recipes and foods. They randomly assigned
participants to use eDiets or a standard behavioral
weight-loss manual. They also provided counseling and
weigh-ins to all the participants. After a year, the
eDiet participants had lost 1.1 percent of their
weight while those using the manual had lost 4

Susan Burke, vice president of nutrition services at
eDiets, says the program has changed since 2001, when
that study was done. "It's more personalized and
flexible," she says, and clients who use the support
programs and diet lose weight.

Programs like Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) and
Overeaters Anonymous are free or charge only nominal
fees, but it is not clear how participants fare. Carol
Trinastic, a spokeswoman for TOPS, said the
organization collected data on weight loss. The most
recent, from 2003, indicate that members lost
1,271,466 pounds or 5.9 pounds per person.

But the modest and temporary weight losses with diet
programs are not a surprise, Dr. Wadden said, because
no one knows how to elicit permanent weight loss.

"I don't blame the diet programs. They're fighting
biology," Dr. Wadden said. "Even in the best of
circumstances, people will regain a third of what they
lost in one year and two-thirds in two years and they
may be back to base line in five years." 

He added, "Weight loss is not for the fainthearted."

Of course, some people do lose weight and keep it off,
often succeeding after repeated attempts to diet, said
Dr. Rena Wing, a professor of psychiatry at Brown and
a co-founder of the National Weight Control Registry.

To be part of the registry, people must lose 30 pounds
or more, by any means, including surgery, and keep the
weight off for at least a year. If they regain, they
remain in the registry, Dr. Wing said. "Once you're
in, you're in," she said. 

In 10 years, the registry has enrolled 4,700 people.
Most gained back some weight, but very few gained back
all they lost, Dr. Wing said.

But there also are those who say they have tried and
tried to reduce, only to regain the weight they so
painfully lost. For many, weight loss is never really
out of their minds. Often, the fatter the person, the
greater the concern.

"Your whole life is a diet when you're overweight,"
said Janet B. Forton, a Pennsylvania woman who finally
had weight-loss surgery last year after struggling her
entire life to lose weight. "You go to bed at night
praying you make the right choices the next day."

Why do so many people keep trying to lose weight when
they so often gain it right back again? Dr. Peter
Herman and Dr. Janet Polivy, psychologists at the
University of Toronto, say that just the idea of
dieting may give people a positive lift.

"It turns out that simply declaring you are going on a
diet makes you feel better," Dr. Herman said. "It
seems to boost people's spirits. They feel they are
empowering themselves and they are already imagining
themselves as the new and better selves, taking
control of their lives."

Ms. McAfee has a different explanation.

"It is so penalized to be fat in this society that
it's an investment in your future not to be fat," she
said. "It you're an ambitious person you'll do
anything," and even if the lost weight is regained,
"you'll do it again and again." 

The New York Times 

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