Southeast Asia
   Jan 21, 2005


US ties and challenges to peace in Aceh
By Abigail Abrash Walton and Bama Athreya

Aceh, so long isolated from international view by the Indonesian government 
and military, is now - tragically - at the center of world attention. 
Members of the US Congress and their staff, United Nations officials, 
journalists, and humanitarian aid workers have arrived on the scene after 
years of blocked access. These shifts offer the administration of US 
President George W Bush and other actors an unprecedented opportunity for 
peace-building and enhancement of human security and stability in a region 
dominated by violent conflict for decades.

This report analyzes three key factors in responding effectively to the 
challenges of emergency aid and reconstruction efforts as well as long-term 
sustainable development and conflict resolution: 1) the role of the 
Indonesian military (TNI) in aid delivery and in ending the ongoing 
conflict; 2) the differences between Aceh's indigenous insurgents (Free Aceh 
Movement or GAM) and newly arriving extremist Islamic militias; and 3) the 
role of ExxonMobil in the province.

Shortsighted US opportunism in the face of disaster?
In the aftermath of the massive earthquake and tsunami that devastated much 
of Aceh, US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is pushing yet again the Bush 
administration's frustrated desire to strengthen ties with the Indonesian 
military over the well-grounded objections of the US Congress, as cemented 
in US law. In his trademark Orwellian rhetoric, the secretary argues that 
such a move is essential to winning the "global war on terror". This myopic 
logic ignores the numerous reports documenting the Indonesian military as a 
de facto terrorist entity with a long track record of undermining human 
security in Aceh and other parts of Indonesia as well as near-daily news 
reports about the TNI's control-happy undermining of emergency relief 

Indeed, the US State Department's 2003 Indonesia country report notes, 
"Security-force members murdered, tortured, raped, beat, and arbitrarily 
detained civilians ... Human-rights abuses were most apparent in Aceh ... 
however, no security-force members have been prosecuted for unlawful 
killings in Aceh ... Retired and active-duty military officers who were 
known to have committed serious human-rights violations occupy or have been 
promoted to senior positions in both the government and the TNI."

The TNI is also a massively corrupt institution, relying on its private 
business interests for an estimated two-thirds of its annual budget. The 
TNI's businesses include illegal logging, drug production and trafficking, 
and prostitution, as well as "security" payments, viewed by many as 
extortion, from Indonesian and US businesses. ExxonMobil reportedly pays the 
military about US$6 million per year for "security" at its Aceh natural-gas 
operations; Louisiana-based Freeport-McMoRan Copper and Gold Inc paid the 
Indonesian military and police at its West Papua mines $10.7 million during 
a recent two-year period. These relationships with the TNI have cost US 
multinationals and their shareholders both in terms of reputation and 
financial liabilities resulting from associated TNI human-rights abuses.

New legislation requires the TNI to abandon its economic activities within 
the next five years - a crucial yet challenging undertaking that will 
require consistent backing by the international community to Indonesia's 
civilian reformers, not the business-as-usual stance proffered by 
normalization of military relations.

When will policymakers grasp the common-sense wisdom "With friends like 
these, who needs enemies?" Attempting to build working relationships with 
human-rights abusers with agendas and interests of their own is a 
long-failed policy that costs lives rather than saves them. US support and 
assistance - financial and political - are best channeled to civilian-led 
emergency aid, good governance, and development programs.

The political landscape and the threat to aid delivery
Because of its territorial command structure, which gives it bases of 
operation from the village level up, the TNI would in theory be the 
best-placed Indonesian institution to provide disaster relief. However, the 
TNI cannot play an effective leadership role in disaster relief and 
reconstruction for numerous reasons. Its brutal reputation, gained during 
years of unfettered human-rights atrocities against Aceh's civilians, has 
hindered the TNI's effectiveness by casting grave and well-founded suspicion 
on the military playing any sort of unsupervised or managerial aid role.

By severely restricting the movements of aid workers and unilaterally 
setting an arbitrary March 26 deadline for the departure of US and other 
foreign troops assisting with disaster relief, the TNI has further lost 
credibility as an institution capable of meeting the needs and challenges 
confronting disaster survivors. Instead, the TNI's overriding mission of 
destroying the estimated few thousand GAM fighters in the region - and the 
TNI's interest in sustaining the conflict so as to continue to profit from 
the region's war economy - constitute a conflict of interest that 
irreparably undermines aid work.

In recent days, the international press has reported that foreign aid 
workers to Indonesia will be restricted to two areas: Banda Aceh and 
Meulaboh. The Indonesian military has claimed that it cannot guarantee the 
safety of foreigners in any other part of the province, alleging GAM might 
at any time attack foreigners in other parts of the province. The alleged 
GAM threat is a red herring, meant to prevent foreign aid workers, 
journalists, and other observers from witnessing the TNI's ongoing military 
offensive in Aceh's inner regions even since the disaster of December 26 or 
from hearing the stories of survivors of pre-disaster human-rights abuses.

GAM has issued statements declaring a unilateral ceasefire (though fighters 
in the field say they will return fire if the TNI strikes first) and also 
declaring its intent not to fire on civilian aid workers of any nationality. 
Adding to the credibility of these statements is the simple fact that GAM 
members believe that a foreign presence throughout Aceh ultimately benefits 
their cause. While GAM has indeed engaged in violence against Indonesian 
forces and, on occasion, civilians in the past, the group has no record of 
aggression against foreigners.

It is important for international audiences to understand that anti-foreign, 
violent Islamic elements do exist in Indonesia, but these forces are not 
GAM. There are a number of other extremist Islamic groups that operate in 
Indonesia, although historically these groups have had no presence in Aceh. 
However, within the past several weeks, the Indonesian government and 
military have facilitated the movement of these extremist groups into Aceh. 
It is crucial for the international donor community to recognize the past 
role of the Indonesian military in aiding and abetting such groups, and the 
present interest the military may have in maintaining such groups' presence 
in Aceh as a proxy base for its military operations against GAM.

In fact, the TNI has a documented record of using proxy militia groups to 
engage in violence in East Timor and elsewhere. A 2002 study for the US 
Naval Postgraduate School notes that the Indonesian army has become "a major 
facilitator of terrorism" due to "radical Muslim militias they ... 
organized, trained, and financed". The study adds that the military gave one 
terrorist group an estimated $9.3 million "embezzled from its defense 
budget". According to a Congressional Research Service report first released 
in 2002 and updated in 2004, "Radical groups such as Laskar Jihad and the 
Islamic Defenders Front ... received assistance from elements within the 
Indonesian military in organizing [and] securing arms and transport to 
locales throughout the Indonesian archipelago."

The Islamic Defenders Front - known for its violent attacks on Jakarta 
nightclubs - as well as Laskar Mujahidin, the security wing of the Majelis 
Mujahidin Indonesia (MMI), have established a presence in Aceh reportedly to 
support Islamic law and tradition in the region during aid relief efforts 
there. MMI once was headed by Jemaah Islamiah (JI) leader Abu Bakar 
Ba'asyir, who is currently on trial for his alleged role in the 2002 bombing 
of a Bali nightclub in which 202 people were killed and a 2003 blast that 
killed 12 people at the JW Marriott hotel in Jakarta. JI reportedly also is 
responsible for a 2004 bombing at the Australian Embassy in Jakarta.

In maintaining a coherent position in promoting peace in the region, 
governments and other institutions providing disaster aid should not shy 
away from protesting the entrance into Aceh of outfits with a documented 
history of violence.

Corporate good citizenship: ExxonMobil in Aceh
Multinational corporations based in Indonesia, including ExxonMobil, Newmont 
and Unocal, have given generously to assist relief efforts in the region. 
However, in view of the unparalleled and, in many ways, destabilizing role 
that ExxonMobil has played in Aceh over the years, it is incumbent on the 
corporation to do more.

ExxonMobil currently faces a multimillion-dollar lawsuit, filed by the 
Washington, DC-based International Labor Rights Fund (ILRF) on behalf of 
Acehnese villagers who were tortured and murdered by the TNI on ExxonMobil's 
premises. Concerned about its investments, the city of New York has filed a 
shareholder resolution with the US Securities and Exchange Commission 
calling on ExxonMobil management to report on the details of the company's 
financial relationship with the TNI.

What did ExxonMobil do? The Arun gas field in North Sumatra is one of the 
world's largest sources of liquefied natural gas (LNG), and Exxon Mobil Corp 
(originally Mobil Oil Corp) has had a contract with the government of 
Indonesia since 1969 to process LNG from this site.

There have been credible reports that ExxonMobil Corp, along with its 
predecessor companies, hired TNI military units to provide "security" for 
the company's Arun project. The result has been TNI-perpetrated torture, 
murder, rape, and other acts of terror against the local population. In some 
cases, the TNI used ExxonMobil equipment or facilities to conduct the 
torture and to dispose of those killed. For example, one of the plaintiffs 
in the ILRF case was "disappeared" for a period of three months, during 
which time he was repeatedly beaten and tortured with electric shocks. He 
was then taken to an open pit where he was shown a large pile of human 
heads. He was told that he would be killed and his head would be added to 
the pile. He was eventually released, but soldiers burned down his home 
thereafter. Another plaintiff, who was several months pregnant, was raped 
and beaten by a soldier who forced his way into her home. These examples are 
typical of the stories of dozens of innocent civilians living around the 
ExxonMobil area of operations.

The ExxonMobil facilities were not significantly damaged by the tsunami, 
thanks to concrete barriers that had been erected long ago to protect the 
site. The company's gas-extraction operations are ongoing, and ExxonMobil 
personnel reportedly are continuing to work in the area without problems. 
However, despite the announcement of a $5 million donation to relief 
efforts, the company has been silent regarding its own role in facilitating 
relief operations in the Lhoksumawe area. The Indonesian military has denied 
access to Lhoksumawe to foreign relief workers, supposedly on the grounds 
that the TNI cannot protect foreigners' safety in that area, but no such 
restrictions have been placed on ExxonMobil employees. ExxonMobil owns its 
own airstrip at the site, but it is unclear whether the company has offered 
to make it available to facilitate aid delivery by humanitarian workers or 
whether ExxonMobil intends to provide meaningful assistance to 
reconstruction efforts.

The company owes far more to the people of Aceh than a mere $5 million 
donation. ExxonMobil reportedly has extracted some $40 billion from its Arun 
gas operations during the past decade alone, including earnings of an 
estimated $2 billion annually in recent years. ExxonMobil's role as a major 
player not only in Aceh, but also in terms of Indonesia's national economy 
and the other US-based multinationals operating there, makes the company a 
stakeholder with unmatched clout. (ExxonMobil executive Robert Haines serves 
as chairperson of the US-ASEAN Business Council's Indonesia subgroup and led 
a high-level delegation to Jakarta early last month to meet with Indonesian 
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and other top-ranking government 
officials.) The company should use its resources and influence to advocate 
that foreign aid workers be given access to the area, facilitate their 
transport and delivery of aid and, on a broader scale, encourage the 
Indonesian government to move toward a ceasefire and resumption of peace 
talks with GAM as an absolutely vital condition to aid delivery and 
long-term security throughout the province.

Conclusion and recommendations
To ensure that the response to the tsunami contributes to both short-term 
relief and long-term peace and security for the people of Aceh, the Bush 
administration must support Indonesian efforts at strengthening the 
country's civilian democratic governance and military reform. Above all 
else, this means ensuring that in the immediate and near term, the TNI plays 
a limited, non-managerial role in relief efforts. For example, Indonesian 
military personnel could usefully employ the TNI's logistical infrastructure 
to provide transport of aid under the direction of local civilian government 
and Indonesian and international humanitarian organizations.

The Bush administration should support efforts by the UN as well as 
international and local humanitarian organizations to provide long-term 
reconstruction assistance in Aceh. For recovery and reconstruction to be 
effective, fighting in the region must end. The task of building peace in 
Aceh is complex but, at a minimum, the US and other members of the 
international community must prioritize a ceasefire between the TNI and GAM, 
insist on demilitarization of the province, and once again vigorously 
support peace talks. Indeed, Germany has explicitly linked its massive aid 
pledge to President Yudhoyono's stated commitment to pursue a peaceful 
solution to the conflict in Aceh.

As the largest debtor among the countries hit by the tsunami, Indonesia puts 
roughly 25% of its annual revenues toward debt repayment to the 
International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and wealthy countries such 
as the United States and Japan. The Bush administration should support an 
immediate, interest-free debt moratorium and the convening of an 
International Debt Conference. A moratorium will enable the Indonesian 
government to undertake emergency aid and reconstruction planning; a 
conference is needed to develop an effective and comprehensive approach to 
Indonesia's massive $132 billion external debt burden, much of it accrued 
during the corrupt, 32-year regime of ousted military dictator Suharto. 
Coordinated by an independent institution such as the UN Development 
Program, and based on independent research, the conference would assess the 
sustainability of current debt repayments with respect to immediate disaster 
relief as well as the country's overall poverty reduction and development 
goals. These measures should enable the Indonesian government to meet the 
new challenges of effective emergency aid and reconstruction without having 
to enter into more debt slavery or by escalating exploitation of Indonesia's 
unique and sensitive natural environment.

To combat terrorism effectively, the US arguably needs the friendship of 
Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation. Aceh's natural disaster 
offers an unprecedented opportunity for enhanced long-term human security. 
The way to achieve these goals is not by building ties with the very 
elements that engage in destructive violence there. It is by demonstrating 
that the United States is ready to contribute materially to peace-building, 
sustainable development and democratic reform.

Abigail Abrash Walton is on the faculty at Antioch New England Graduate 
School and has monitored conditions in Indonesia since 1993. Bama Athreya is 
deputy director of the International Labor Rights Fund. Both are regular 
contributors to Foreign Policy In Focus. 

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