1958: The First CIA Attempt
In spite of occasional flashes of truth in the press, the real U.S. involvement 
in the 1965 coup is one of the best-kept secrets in Washington. Official 
statements on the coup and its aftermath are practically nonexistent. Somewhat 
more is known of the 1958 attempt to overthrow the Sukarno government in which 
the CIA was involved.

In their authoritative book about the CIA entitledThe Invisible Government, 
Washington correspondents Thomas Ross and David Wise related how the U.S. 
supplied a right-wing rebel force in Indonesia with arms and a small air force 
of B-26 bombers in an attempt to overthrow Sukarno. The attempt failed, but not 
before one of the American pilots, Allen Lawrence Pope, was captured by 
loyalist forces.

Ross and Wise explain:

  Three weeks before Pope was shot down, Dwight D. Eisenhower had emphatically 
denied charges that the United States was supporting the rebellion against 
President Sukarno. 
  "Our policy," he said at a press conference on April 30, "is one of careful 
neutrality and proper deportment all the way through so as not to be taking 
sides where it is none of our business.

  "Now on the other hand, every rebellion that I have ever heard of has its 
soldiers of fortune...." But Pope was no freebooting soldier of fortune. He was 
flying for the CIA, which was secretly supporting the rebels who were trying to 
overthrow Sukarno. [p. 137]

This cool revelation was never contradicted by Eisenhower or anyone else. All 
the authors omitted to mention was the all too obvious fact that the CIA is the 
arm of the United States government itself.

After the Administration changed hands and President Kennedy had arranged for 
Pope's exchange and invited Sukarno to Washington, the new President was 
somewhat more candid than the old on the subject of the U.S. try at 
counter-revolution in 1958.

  During the visit Kennedy commented to one of his aides: "No wonder Sukarno 
doesn't like us very much. He has to sit down with the people who tried to 
overthrow him. " [p. 145]
Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in his authoritative biography of President Kennedy 
matter-of-factly confirms this story in a chapter analyzing Sukarno:

  His deep mistrust of the white West was understandably compounded in the case 
of the United States by his knowledge that in 1958 the CIA had participated in 
an effort to overthrow him. [A Thousand Days, p. 532]
Wise and Ross also pointed out some of Washington's reasons for being favorable 
to the right-wing generals:

  And many in the CIA and the State Department saw merit in supporting these 
dissident elements. Even if Sukarno were not overthrown, they argued, it might 
be possible for Sumatra, Indonesia's big oil producer, to secede, thereby 
protecting private American and Dutch holdings. At the very least, the 
pressures of rebellion might loosen Sukarno's ties with the Communists and 
force him to move to the Right. At best, the Army, headed by General Abdul 
Haris Nasution, an anti-Communist, might come over to the rebels and force 
wholesale changes to the liking of the United States. [The Invisible 
Government, p. 139] 
  That attempted coup failed. But seven years and nearly a million lives later 
these "changes" were effected.

A series of articles written by a Times team of journalists researching the 
activities of the CIA has confirmed the Wise-Ross story of the 1958 CIA 
intervention into Indonesia's internal affairs.

  In Indonesia in the same year [1958], against the advice of American 
diplomats, the CIA was authorized to fly supplies from Taiwan and the 
Philippines to aid army officers rebelling against President Sukarno in Sumatra 
and Java. An American pilot was shot down on a bombing mission and was released 
only at the insistent urging of the Kennedy Administration in 1962. Mr. 
Sukarno, naturally enough, drew the obvious conclusions.... [New York Times, 
April 25, 1966]

There has been no slacking off of CIA activity in Indonesia since 1958. On the 
contrary, there is every indication that the influence of this agency deepened 
in right-wing circles as the position of the Indonesian government moved to the 
left. In the same articles which the Times researchers so carefully prepared, 
the following remarkable statement appears:

  In Southeast Asia over the last decade, the CIA has been so active that the 
agency in some countries has been the principal arm of American policy. It is 
said, for instance, to have been so successful at infiltrating the top of the 
Indonesian government and army that the United States was reluctant to disrupt 
CIA covering operations by withdrawing aid and information programs in 1964 and 
1965. [New York Times, April 27, 1966] 
If the intelligence agency of another country had infiltrated the U.S. 
government and armed forces to their highest level, and if such infiltration 
were followed by a coup favorable to that foreign power and consolidated by a 
bloodbath of monumental proportions, there should be little doubt in people' 
minds about what had happened.

The thread of continued U.S. infiltration, subversion and economic sabotage in 
Indonesia after the 1958 attempted coup can be picked up only in small pieces. 
But enough has been made public to get the drift of what Washington was 
attempting to do. Control over the army was the key factor in undermining the 
Sukarno regime, and every effort was bent in this direction.

Senator Eugene J. McCarthy in the July 9, 1966, issue ofSaturday Review 
discussed the effects that the U.S. "military assistance" program has on 
foreign policy. He wrote:

  Supplying arms opens the way to influence on the military and also on the 
political policies of the recipient countries. Experience has demonstrated that 
when an arms deal is concluded, the military hardware is only the first step. 
Almost invariably, a training mission is needed and the recipient country 
becomes dependent on the supplier for spare parts and other ordnance. 
  . . . Indonesia, where military elements appear to have taken de facto 
control of the government in the wake of recent turmoil, received, in addition 
to Soviet military assistance, nearly $64,000,000 in military-grant aid from 
the United States between 1959 and 1965.

When Sukarno told the U.S. "To hell with your aid!" it was an attempt to break 
loose from this armored stranglehold.

Even with the information revealed by Ross and Wise, however, the general 
public hasn't the least idea how deeply the U.S. was involved in the 1958 
attempt to overthrow the Sukarno government. But in the case of thesuccessful 
coup of 1965, not even the gossips of Washington knew what really happened. So 
much was at stake for U.S. big business and for the world politics of U.S. 
imperialism that few indeed were the slips of "security" on the Indonesian 


Probably no one knows better than former Secretary of Defense McNamara what 
importance Indonesia has in Washington's Asian strategy. While he is known to 
have a thousand answers ready and a volume of statistics at hand on other vital 
subjects, he was suspiciously tight-lipped on this. In the 1967 Fulbright 
Committee hearings on the U.S. Foreign Assistance Program, McNamara testified 
at length on the results of U.S. military aid programs in many countries 
throughout the world. Yet he was strangely uninformative on the results of such 
"assistance" to Indonesia, despite the unofficial leaks from "informed sources" 
greeting the military coup with glee. But McNamara was too modest to take 
credit for it.

Not as discreet was Senator Sparkman of Alabama, who perhaps needed assurance 
that all this aid was worth it. In banker's language he questioned Secretary 

  SEN. SPARKMAN. I want to go back to . . . our continuing military aid to 
Indonesia. At a time when Indonesia was kicking up pretty badly -- when we were 
getting a lot of criticism for continuing military aid -- at that time we could 
not say what that military aid was for. Is it secret any more? 
  SECY. McNAMARA.I think in retrospect, that the aid was well-justified. SEN. 
SPARKMAN.You think it paid dividends? 

  SECY. McNAMARA. I do sir.

  [Foreign Assistance Hearings, 
  p. 693]


In the prolonged period between the abortive coup attempt of 1958 when the CIA 
pilot was shot down and the successful military takeover in 1965, even 
top-ranking members of Congress were kept in the dark about the progress of 
U.S. subversion and infiltration.

One such Congressman was Clement Zablocki, Chairman of the House Foreign 
Affairs subcommittee on the Far East. The extent of the secrecy shrouding 
relations between the U.S. and key persons in the Indonesian military and 
government can be judged by the fact that Zablocki, a Congressional "watchdog" 
over the U.S. interests in Asia, did not know in the summer of 1965, a few 
short months before the coup, why the Administration wanted to increase 
military aid to Indonesia.

Rep. Zablocki's committee was worried that increased military aid to Indonesia, 
which was being urged by the State Department after Johnson sent Ellsworth 
Bunker on a special mission to Djakarta in March, would be used to implement 
President Sukarno's outspokenly anti-imperialist policies. Called to testify 
before the committee in closed-door hearings was Assistant Secretary of State 
for Far Eastern Affairs, William Bundy. What's the purpose of this aid, the 
committee wanted to know. Won't it be used in the campaign against Malaysia? "I 
want to point out," replied Bundy carefully, "that this equipment is being sold 
to the Indonesian army and not the Indonesian government." "What's the 
difference?" demanded Rep. William Broomfield. "It will be used against 
Malaysia." "We hope not," said Bundy. "When Sukarno leaves the scene, the 
military will probably take over. We want to keep the door open."

Broomfield continued to press the point, asking what "proof" the State 
Department had that the army leaders would be friendly to the United States. 
"We have hopes," was Bundy's reply. (Allen-Scott report -- Hall Syndicate, July 
15, 1965]

Bundy's reticence to allay the fears of his less-informed colleagues seems to 
be the policy of top-level Administration personnel when questioned about 
Indonesia. As James Reston pointed out "Washington is being careful not to 
claim any credit" for the coup "but this does not mean that Washington had 
nothing to do with it." [New York Times, June 19, 1966] And former Secretary of 
Defense McNamara, who could have adopted an I-told-you-so attitude when 
reminded in the spring of 1966 by Senator Sparkman of earlier criticism of the 
military aid program, modestly limited his comment to "I think, in retrospect 
that the aid was well-justified."

By now, Zablocki must surely be convinced that it wasn't out of some idealistic 
urge or altruism that Washington tightened its connections with the Indonesian 
military. Since the takeover led by Generals Nasution and Suharto, Indonesia 
has moved into the American orbit. Final proof of this was the visit of the new 
Indonesian Foreign Minister, Adam Malik, to then President Johnson in September 
of 1966. And on that trip, Malik also dropped in on Zablocki and personally 
reassured him that the new government was "friendly" to the United States.


Malik's visit to the U.S. in September 1966 was the first by an Indonesian 
official of the "New Order." Columnist Marianne Means of the World Journal 
Tribune, after an exclusive interview with Malik wrote of his "friendship" with 
Hubert Humphrey. [WJT, Sept. 28, 1966]

  Minneapolis -- A private plane carrying Indonesian Foreign Minister Adam 
Malik and three aides glided unobtrusively into Wold-Chamberlain airport here 
at 10 a.m. last Sunday on a mission of international significance. 
  Malik, the top civilian in the government of Gen. Suharto, which seized power 
last October from pro-Communist President Sukarno, was hurrying to a private 
rendezvous with Vice President Humphrey in his elegant Sheraton-Ritz suite.

  Protocol was ignored, for Malik had a very special motive for the conference 
and the Vice President was forced to wedge the meeting into a crammed campaign 

  Malik, who is visiting this country to arrange Indonesia's reentry into the 
United Nations, later indicated in a private interview the reason for the 
journey -- the Vice President had played a heretofore secret, but important, 
role in encouraging the democratic forces in Indonesia.

  Humphrey, then Senate Whip and a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, 
met Malik in 1963 at the ceremonial signing of the limited test ban treaty in 
Moscow. The men began to exchange messages, directly and through emissaries. 

  Humphrey conferred with President Kennedy, who authorized him to continue his 
unofficial personal contacts with the Indonesians and to urge them not to lose 

  Thus the stage was set for their first face-to-face meeting in three years. 
During their talk, Malik assured the Vice President that Indonesia will use its 
efforts, slowly at first but inevitably, toward reducing Communist Chinese 
influence in Southeast Asia. Malik said one of the first steps envisioned is 
the development of a regional alliance with other non-Communist nations, such 
as Thailand, the Philippines and Malaysia. Malik also stressed to the Vice 
President that U.S. resistance to Communist aggression in South Vietnam had 
given heart to the leaders of the Indonesia revolt.

  As he left the suite, Malik paused on the doorsill: "Goodbye, my old and dear 
friend," he said softly.

This remarkable article tells us a good deal. First, that a high-ranking member 
of the U.S. government engaged for two years in subversion against the Republic 
of Indonesia, encouraging members of the military who were opposed to their 
country's policies. That when these elements finally seized power, with the 
"encouragement" of the mightiest nation on earth, and massacred up to a million 
people, the "friendship" between these two great "democrats" ripened. And that 
part of the payoff for the deal was a reversal of Indonesia's foreign policy to 
one of support for U.S. aggression in Southeast Asia.

Humphrey had an opportunity to pay Malik, and the ruling generals, a return 
visit in November of 1967. Whatever promises and mutual congratulations were 
made in his private talks with Malik and General Suharto remain in the 
"confidential" category. One can only guess. But Humphrey's concern lest people 
get "the wrong idea" about what happened in Indonesia did make it into the 
press. [New York Times. Nov. 5, 1967]

  Vice President Humphrey opened his visit to Indonesia today by publicly 
denying reports that have aroused anti-American feeling among Jakarta's 
leaders. It is not true, he said, that the United States action in Vietnam 
touched off the overthrow of Indonesia's leftist ruler, President Sukarno.

  Speaking to about 200 Americans at the United States Embassy, Mr. Humphrey 
urged them to consider the effects of their words and actions. He said, "We do 
not want it to appear that what happened here was because we made it happen. 
That is not true." Some Indonesians are reported to have taken umbrage over 
talk, apparently originating in government sources in Washington, that the 
United States had a great deal to do with the overthrow of President Sukarno 
because of its Vietnam action.

  Mr. Humphrey took a cue from Marshall Green, the United States Ambassador 
here, who has been quietly fighting that opinion.

  Mr. Green portrays the United States presence in Southeast Asia not as having 
directly set off the Sukarno overthrow, but rather as having provided a shield 
behind which anti-Communist forces here and elsewhere might effectively operate.

  Various Communist and left-wing spokesmen here attributed the Sukarno 
overthrow to the Central Intelligence Agency. Last November, President Sukarno, 
still clinging to a morsel of power, made a speech in which he referred to 
Ambassador Green 26 times as an agent of the CIA. ...

Humphrey may consider the effects ofhis words and actions more carefully than 
his employees. But he still can't hide what everyone in Indonesia seems to 
know: that the U.S. government had a big hand in creating the present regime

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