Petikan tulisan di bawah ini memberikan contoh
keterlibatan pemerintah Sayap Kanan (Republican)
Amerika, Ronald Reagan dengan petualangannnya
ikut campur di dalam konflik politik yang berdarah-
darah politik "kanan" lawan "kiri" di negara-2 Amerika 
Latin. Kebijakan Reagan merupakan kebalikan dari Presiden 
sebelumnya, Jimmy Carter (Democrat) yang mengutuk praktek
kekejaman junta Militer Argentina waktu itu.

Sudah jelas bahwa tangan Ronald Reagan sebetulnya ikut
berlumuran darah rakyat Amerika Latin. Menengok gaya
pemerintahan semacam ini, sebetulnya tidak terlalu
mengejutkan juga jika mendengar orang seperti Pat
Robertson ngomong seperti itu ...

Kamu itu kalo ngomong di depan publik mbok ya jangan 
terlalu polos gitu to Pat, Pat ...

===( i-haem )=======================================


A Crusade
In a grander context, Videla and the other generals saw their 
mission as a crusade to defend Western Civilization against 
international communism. They worked closely with the Asian-
based World Anti-Communist League and its Latin American 
affiliate, the Confederacion Anticomunista Latinoamericana [CAL].

Latin American militaries collaborated on projects such as the 
cross-border assassinations of political dissidents. Under one 
project, called Operation Condor, political leaders -- centrist 
and leftist alike -- were shot or bombed in Buenos Aires, Rome, 
Madrid, Santiago and Washington, D.C. Operation Condor often 
employed CIA-trained Cuban exiles as assassins.

In 1980, four years after the coup, the Argentine military 
exported its terror tactics into neighboring Bolivia. There, 
Argentine intelligence operatives helped Nazi war criminal 
Klaus Barbie and major drug lords mount a brutal putsch, known 
as the Cocaine Coup. The bloody operation turned Bolivia into 
the first modern drug state and expanded cocaine smuggling into 
the United States. [For more details, The Consortium, Oct. 13, 

Videla's anything-goes anti-communism struck a responsive chord 
with the Reagan administration which came to power in 1981. 
President Reagan quickly reversed President Carter's condemnation 
of the Argentine junta's record on human rights. Reagan's U.N. 
Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick even hosted the urbane Argentine 
generals at an elegant state dinner.

More substantively, Reagan authorized CIA collaboration with 
the Argentine intelligence service for training and arming the 
Nicaraguan contras. The contras were soon implicated in human 
rights atrocities and drug smuggling of their own. But the contras 
benefitted from the Reagan administration's "perception management" 
operation which portrayed them as "the moral equivalent of the 
Founding Fathers." 

In 1982, however, the Argentine military went a step too far. 
Possibly deluded by its new coziness with Washington, the army 
invaded the British-controlled Falkland Islands. Given the even-
closer Washington-London alliance, the Reagan administration 
sided with Margaret Thatcher's government, which crushed the 
Argentine invaders in a brief war.

The humiliated generals relinquished power in 1983. Then, after 
democratic elections, the new president Raul Alfonsin created a 
truth commission to collect evidence about the Dirty War crimes. 
The grisly details shocked Argentines and the world.

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