Gerakan Kreasionisme bukan saja berbahaya buat negara Adidaya dan 
Superpower seperti USA, tetapi lebih2 lagi berbahaya buat negara2 
yang sedang berkembang.  Dinegara2 yang sudah berkembang 
Kreasionisme berbahaya, sebab menyesatkan masyarakat serta 
menghambat dan menyelewengkan perkembangan IPTEK.  Gerakan 
Kreasionisme bisa berkembang di USA, sebab:

(a) Kaum Kreasionis selama ini telah menyalah-gunakan sistim 
demokrasi dan celah2 sistim hukum Amerika untuk memaksakan itikadnya 
yang cuma pernah berhasil sampai taraf sekolah menengah, tetapi 
tidak pernah bisa menembus taraf akademis;
(b) para ilmuwannya selama ini telah mengabaikan bahayanya, dengan 
alasan terlalu sibuk dengan pekerjaannya sendiri (baca tulisan saya 
yg lain tentang artikel yang baru muncul dimajalah American Physical 
Society).  Reaksi tipikal dari ilmuwan Amerika terhadap kaum 
Kreasionis adalah meremehkan dan tidak menyadari bahayanya:
"Intelligent Design? Creationism? Look, I'm very busy right now. I 
don't have time for that nonsense. I've got work to do in the lab 
and on the computer. I have a career. Besides, it will all go away 

*** Intelligent Design?  Kreasionisme?  Bahh, saya sedang sibuk 
sekarang.  Saya tidak punya waktu untuk NONSENS demikian.  Saya 
masih punya kerja di Laboratorium dan komputer.  Sayapun punya 
karier.  Kecuali itu, ID dan Kreasionisme toh akan lenyapi/punah 
dengan sendirinya****

Syukurlah bahwa sejak belakangan ini kalangan akademisi Amerika 
mulai sadar dan mulai membalas untuk membendung serangan kaum 
Kreasionis.  Dibawah ini saya lampirkan artikel yang baru saja 
muncul di American Physical Society (APS) Online, yang menjelaskan 
bahayanya Kreasionisme abgi kemajuan IPTEK di Amerika dan menyerukan 
agar seluruh ilmuwan bersatu-padu melawan gerakan Kreasionisme.  APS 
adalah organisasi terbesar yang anggautanya meliputi hampir seluruh 
fisikawan yang hidup dan berprofesi di Amerika.  Dalam artikel 
dibawah ini dijelaskan bahwa bahayanya Kresionisme bukan hanya 
terbatas kepada kemajuan IPTEK di Amerika saja, melainkan juga 

Ditambah dengan tindakan National Academy of Sciences sebagai 
AUTORITAS TERTINGGI dalam IPTEK di Amerika melawan Kreasionisme 
(baca berita saya *Bahayanya Kreasionisme* bagian ke-I dimilis ini 
juga), kedua tindakan yang serentak ini menandakan kebangkitan kaum 
ilmuwan Amerika menentang Kreasionisme.  Perkembangan baru ini jelas 
akan menggali LIANG KUBUR bagi gerakan Kreasionisme di Amerika.  
Tetapi sebagai akibatnya, mereka akan lebih giat lagi meng-ekspor 
ideologi-bangkrutnya ke-negara2 berkembang, a.l. INDONESIA dan Korea.


Negara2 yang sedang berkembang BELUM menemukan jalan untuk 
mengembangkan IPTEK.  Bagi mereka, bahayanya Kreasionisme lebih 
besar lagi,  sebab akibatnya mereka TIDAK AKAN SANGGUP MENEMUKAN 

Jadi saya himbau, agar para scientist Indonesia yang merasa punya 
tanggung-jawab atas perkembangan IPTEK di negaranya agar supaya 
meningkatkan kewaspadaan dan kegiatan mereka dalam menanggulangi 
usaha kaum Kreasionisme Indonesia yang disokong oleh Kreasionisme 
internasional.  Para Kreasionis Indonesia tergabung dalam LSPI 
(Lembaga Sains Penciptaan Indonesia) yang merupakan bagian dari 
Indonesian Society for Creation Science (ISCS) yang bermarkas besar 
di Gd. Sastra Graha 6th. fl. Suite 604, Jl. Raya Pejuangan No.21 
Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta, Jakarta Barat 11530, Indonesia, telefon 

Nama2 para aktivis Kreasionisme Indonesia bisa dilihat dalam website 
LSPI <>, dimana juga 
dimuat nama2 mereka yang mengaku ilmuwan (tentu saja mereka ilmuwan 
gadungan, atau PSEUDOSCIENTIST), yaitu antara lain:
* Dr. Yohannes Surya (pendiri LSPI, fisikawan)
* Dr. Ir. Indarto Ces, DEA (Presiden LSPI, dosen Geologi ITS + Petra 
Univ. Indonesia )
* Drs. Widia Nursiyanto, M.Sc (pendiri LSPI, fisikawan)
* Herianto Wibowo, M.Sc. (dosen Univ. of Parahyangan, Bandung)
* Dr. John Kim (anggota KACR Korea, dosen UBAYA in Indonesia, 
Pendiri LSPI)
* Ir. Yonathan Lie (ahli Informatik, Jakarta, Indonesia)
* Budianto Lestyana, SP (siswa Agronomi, IPB, Bogor, Indonesia, LSPI 
* Felix M. Mesak (pendiri LSPI, siswa S3,  Biomedical Science, UI)

Dibawah ini saya lampirkan artikel yg baru muncul di American 
Physical Society Online.


October 2005
Intelligent Design: The New Creationism Threatens All of Science and 
By Marshall Berman
"Intelligent Design? Creationism? Look, I'm very busy right now. I 
don't have time for that nonsense. I've got work to do in the lab 
and on the computer. I have a career. Besides, it will all go away 
What Americans Believe 
Sound familiar? For most of my life, I thought everyone knew 
that "Creation Science" was "dark ages" stuff. Until a physicist 
began to argue with me that evolution was a bunch of "just-so" 
stories, with no supporting evidence. Since then, I've seen, read, 
and heard hundreds of other creationists and "Intelligent Design" 
advocates argue that there is no fossil evidence to support 
evolution, that the only reason evolution has endured for almost a 
century and a half is because modern scientists are part of a 
conspiracy to cover up the real truth, that there are major 
questions concerning the reliability of radioactivity dating 
methods, and that many scientists "worship at the altar of 
Darwinism." These people are scientists, lawyers, philosophers, 
theologians, and politicians. Indeed, I learned that creationists, 
like biological species, come in many varieties: young earth, old 
earth, and a reincarnated species, intelligent design creationists. 
Gallup polls taken during the past 20 years consistently show a 
plurality (45 percent in February 2001) of Americans agreeing with 
the statement: "God created human beings pretty much in their 
present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so" 
(Brooks, 2001). 
Two-thirds of those surveyed favored teaching creationism along with 
evolution in public schools, while 29 percent are opposed (Gallup 
News Service, 2000). 
Other surveys have shown that perhaps half of adults do not believe 
that humans evolved from earlier species, instead believing the 
Biblical account in Genesis. 
What Scientists Believe 
There is a stark difference between the views of scientists and 
those of the general public. 5% of scientists hold creationist 
views, compared to 44% of the public. 95% of scientists hold 
naturalistic or theistic views that evolution is valid (Gallup poll, 
According to Newsweek, "By one count there are some 700 scientists 
with respectable academic credentials (out of a total of 480,000 
U.S. earth and life scientists) who give credence to creation-
science..." That would put the support for creation science among 
those branches of science that deal with the earth and its life 
forms at about 0.14% (Newsweek magazine, 1987). 
Science Illiteracy 
Our nation is paying a heavy price for having failed to teach 
students critical thinking skills, reasoning, and good science for 
several generations. The consequences are an appalling science 
illiteracy among most Americans. In a recent survey (NSF, 2000), 
about half the respondents did not know: 
*The earliest humans did not live at the same time as dinosaurs. 
*It takes Earth one year to go around the Sun. 
*Electrons are smaller than atoms. 
*Antibiotics do not kill viruses. 
Dr. Jon Miller, Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago, 
studies American views on and knowledge of science. His data reveal 
some major gaps in basic knowledge. American adults in general do 
not understand what molecules are. Fewer than a third can identify 
DNA as a key to heredity. Only about 10 percent know what radiation 
is. One adult American in five thinks the Sun revolves around the 
Earth (Dean, C., 2005). 
International Competitiveness in Science, Math, Technology and 
The US is falling rapidly and drastically behind in science and math 
education (e.g., see Getty, S. and Berman, M., 2005), compared to 
other industrial countries, especially in East Asia. Those countries 
hold scientists, engineers, and teachers in high regard, and provide 
respect and rewards. In this country, politicians talk about 
education, but little will be accomplished until the culture itself 
changes. On the business side, outsourcing has gone far beyond low-
wage manufacturing. Hi-tech companies are now outsourcing research 
and innovation to India and China, because that's where some of the 
most competent scientists and engineers are! US competitiveness is 
almost certainly destined to be second-class, unless we can turn 
this around (e.g., see Friedman, T. L., 2005). 
Intelligent Design, The Discovery Institute, and The Threat to 
As disheartening as these surveys are, they only tell a small part 
of the story. In the 1980s, federal courts and the Supreme Court 
ruled that the First Amendment prohibited the teaching of Bible-
based creationism and so-called "Creation Science." Shortly 
thereafter, an "evolved" version of creationism appeared 
called "Intelligent Design" (ID). ID is actually a re-incarnation of 
a discredited 200-year-old argument that goes back to William Paley, 
who said that the complexity of living things required direct, 
divine intervention by a creator (Berman, M. 2003). 
Although the current version of ID professes to be scientific, it is 
religious. Phillip Johnson, a retired lawyer, is considered to be 
its guru; its center is the Discovery Institute (DI) in Seattle, 
Washington [], which includes the Center 
for Science and Culture (CSC) 
[].Financial support for the DI, 
millions of dollars, comes from 22 foundations, at least two-thirds 
of them with explicitly religious missions. 
ID refuses to "publicly" describe the "designer," or say anything 
about methods or timing of the implemenation of design into life on 
earth, demonstrate any scientific predictability, show any empirical 
support, or even conceive of how the "notion" could be tested or 
falsified. [Leading ID supporter, Michael Behe, has said: "…while I 
argue for design, the question of the identity of the designer is 
left open. Possible candidates for the role of designer include: the 
God of Christianity; an angel--fallen or not; Plato's demi-urge; 
some mystical new age force; space aliens from Alpha Centauri; time 
travelers; or some utterly unknown intelligent being" (Behe, M. 
2001)]. ID cloaks itself in scientific vocabulary and pseudo-
scientific concepts such as "irreducible complexity" and "specified 
complexity." It attacks a few details about the evolutionary 
process, all of which have been extensively and fairly analyzed by 
the science community and found wanting, false or just typical 
ongoing research questions. DI hired a well-known public relations 
firm, Creative Response Concepts 
[], and has influenced a large 
group of local, state and federal politicians, including US 
Congressmen and Senators, and even the President. It recently helped 
produce a media statement by German Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn, a 
close friend of the current Pope (Schoenborn, 2005). The Discovery 
Institute does everything a political advocacy group would do, 
except perform any scientific research or produce any new scientific 
Nevertheless, they claim to be a growing movement, and that it 
is "only fair" to "teach the (non-existent scientific) controversy." 
Their most important immediate goal is to insert their unscientific 
ideas into public school science classrooms, and they care little 
about gaining acceptance in the science community. Unfortunately, 
many conscientious religious people, including politicians and 
school board members, have come to believe that there really is a 
scientific controversy. 
Many readers of APS News may not understand the broad goals of the 
Discovery Institute and the Intelligent Design advocates. The 
Institute developed a plan called the "Wedge," which was anonymously 
leaked (Wedge Strategy, 1999; and Forrest and Gross, 2003). 
Evolution is only the initial target of the Wedge's edge, to be 
followed by an attack on all of science, and ultimately by profound 
changes in our society, culture, and government. They wish to change 
much more than the content of science; they want to change the 
process of doing science, and with it the entire character of 
American society. Here are their own words, excerpted from their 
plan and goals, the "Wedge Strategy":
"Discovery Institute's Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture 
seeks nothing less than the overthrow of materialism and its 
cultural legacies. Bringing together leading scholars from the 
natural sciences and those from the humanities and social sciences, 
the Center explores how new developments in biology, physics and 
cognitive science raise serious doubts about scientific materialism 
and have re-opened the case for a broadly theistic understanding of 
"Five Year Strategic Plan Summary 
"The social consequences of materialism have been devastating. As 
symptoms, those consequences are certainly worth treating. However, 
we are convinced that in order to defeat materialism, we must cut it 
off at its source. That source is scientific materialism. This is 
precisely our strategy. If we view the predominant materialistic 
science as a giant tree, our strategy is intended to function as 
a "wedge" that, while relatively small, can split the trunk when 
applied at its weakest points. The very beginning of this strategy, 
the "thin edge of the wedge," was Phillip Johnson's critique of 
Darwinism begun in 1991 in Darwinism on Trial, and continued in 
Reason in the Balance and Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds. 
Michael Behe's highly successful Darwin's Black Box followed 
Johnson's work. We are building on this momentum, broadening the 
wedge with a positive scientific alternative to materialistic 
scientific theories, which has come to be called the theory of 
intelligent design (ID). Design theory promises to reverse the 
stifling dominance of the materialist worldview, and to replace it 
with a science consonant with Christian and theistic convictions.
"Governing Goals 
• To defeat scientific materialism and its destructive moral, 
cultural and political legacies. 
• To replace materialistic explanations with the theistic 
understanding that nature and human beings are created by God. 
"Twenty Year Goals 
• To see intelligent design theory as the dominant perspective in 
• To see design theory application in specific fields, including 
molecular biology, biochemistry, paleontology, physics and cosmology 
in the natural sciences, psychology, ethics, politics, theology and 
philosophy in the humanities; to see its influence in the fine arts. 
• To see design theory permeate our religious, cultural, moral and 
political life" 
The above quotes demonstrate that Intelligent Design's claim to be 
non-religious is false. It is also obvious that the ID movement has 
aims far beyond attacking evolution in its attempt to return society 
to the fantasized "idyllic" and "moral" culture that prevailed in 
Europe prior to the Enlightenment. Most importantly, the 
preservation of many freedoms, including the freedom to choose any 
religion, or none, is not consistent with ID philosophy and goals. 
The writings of the leading CSC senior fellows make this nostalgia 
for the Dark Ages frighteningly clear: 
"From the sixth century up to the Enlightenment it is safe to say 
that the West was thoroughly imbued with Christian ideals and that 
Western intellectual elites were overwhelmingly Christian. False 
ideas that undermined the very foundations of the Christian faith 
(e.g., denying the resurrection or the Trinity) were swiftly 
challenged and uprooted. Since the enlightenment, however, we have 
not so much lacked the means to combat false ideas as the will and 
clarity." (Dembski and Richards, 2001.) 
"The scientific picture of the world championed since the 
Enlightenment is not just wrong but massively wrong. Indeed entire 
fields of inquiry, especially in the human sciences, will need to be 
rethought from the ground up in terms of intelligent design." 
(Dembski, W. A., 1999). 
John Mark Reynolds is a CSC fellow on the faculty at Biola 
University (listed by Access Research Network as an ID college, He writes, "Torrey Honors Institute (at 
Biola) is at war with the modern culture. Torrey does not want 
to `get along' with materialism, secularism, naturalism, post-
modernism, radical feminism, or spiritualism. We want to win over 
every facet of the culture, from the arts to the sciences, for the 
Kingdom of Christ." (Reynolds, J. M., undated) 
The real goals of the modern ID movement are evident. Their target 
is all of science and society; evolution is just the beginning, the 
edge of the "Wedge." 
Scientists and Politics 
There are only two Ph.D. physicists in Congress: Rep. Vern Ehlers (R-
Michigan) and Rep. Rush Holt (D-New Jersey). (see Holt, R. 2005). 
Both have been leaders in working for improving science and math 
education. But they are small voices among 533 other Congressmen and 
Scientists are mostly invisible in the realm of politics for good 
reasons: long hours of research, dedication, raising research funds, 
teaching, distaste for politics, and family needs, among other 
demands on their time. But individual scientists and even science 
organizations can be politically powerless, regardless of whether 
they are Nobel prize winners or members of the National Academy of 
Sciences, or their organizations represent tens of thousands of 
people. Unfortunately, politicians generally regard scientists as a 
small voting bloc with little political clout [although the number 
of employed US scientists and engineers is about eleven million 
(NSF, 1999)]. Personal experience has shown that scientists and 
their advice often get little respect from politicians. However, in 
New Mexico, many of us have embraced the realm of politics and have 
had a significant impact on public education. 
In New Mexico in 1996, the State Board of Education decided to 
remove all references to evolution and the age of the earth from the 
state science content standards. The majority of Board members had 
little knowledge of science and were misled by a physicist member 
who was a creationist. His arrogance was astounding as he 
complimented himself on reviewing the National Science Education 
Standards, finding faults, and accusing the developers of the 
standards of being "completely clueless as to the canonical 
characteristics of good standards, whether they hail from the 
National Academy of Sciences or not." (Lenard, R., 1996). But in 
this country, the opinions of a few activist minority scientists are 
often given equal weight to an overwhelming majority of mainstream 
scientists. The media frequently promote this disproportionate 
representation by attempting to be "fair" to both sides. 
New Mexico scientists, teachers, parents, and state and national 
organizations organized to oppose this attack on the science 
standards. We tried discussions, lobbying, letters, and even 
introducing a bill in the state legislature. It all failed. We were 
outsiders. Ultimately, we decided that we had to become insiders to 
effect change, and I ran for the State Board in the next election. 
Despite our trepidation on entering the unknown realm of campaign 
politics, it actually became a valuable lesson in democracy. Many 
people volunteered, including scientists, teachers, parents, 
concerned citizens, clergy. We made signs and posted them. We 
searched the voter rolls for groups who voted often. I spoke at 
every gathering we could arrange. We had teams go door-to-door to 
talk to voters, most of whom were quite receptive and very 
interested in education. We actually raised more money (entirely 
from small contributions) than any other candidate had in this kind 
of election. We built a website. We distributed flyers. And we 
ultimately defeated a 20-year incumbent. 
Despite having a full-time job, and an assignment 1500 miles away in 
Washington, DC, I was able to make every State Board meeting. After 
a learning period, I eventually gained the confidence of most of the 
other fourteen Board members. They came to rely on me for issues 
related to gathering and analyzing data, statistics, and many 
education issues, especially related to science and math. It was a 
very worthwhile experience. And we were able to return evolution and 
the age of the earth to the New Mexico science standards in 1999 and 
again in 2003. Ultimately, New Mexico approved some of the best 
science and math standards in the US 
But the political controversy continues. Despite having lost their 
attempt to greatly modify the 2003 standards, they proclaimed 
victory the day after the Board's unanimous vote. And right now, 
they are attempting to promote new policies in local districts that 
would disingenuously support their ID concept of "teaching the 
controversy." A recent ID Op Ed said "For the record, our science 
standards were given national recognition as some of the best 
standards in the nation." But essentially all the recognition came 
from scientists and science organizations (including the AIP) that 
are adamantly opposed to ID proposals and arguments. And that 
recognition was a result of not accepting many of the changes that 
the NM Intelligent Design Network initially proposed. 
The current Intelligent Design movement poses a threat to all of 
science and perhaps to secular democracy itself. The movement is 
highly political, very astute, extremely well-marketed, 
disingenuous, and grossly misunderstood by most Americans. The so-
called "controversy" has been couched in slogans that focus 
on "fairness," "just the facts, ma'am," "Darwinism is a 
religion," "what are scientists afraid of," "evolution equals 
atheism," and other loaded phrases that mask their real initial 
target: open up public school science classrooms to address possible 
supernatural phenomena. The ID movement has strongly influenced many 
politicians with little or no scientific backgrounds. Of course, the 
struggle is primarily political, religious and philosophical. And we 
must therefore fight in the political arena as well as the science 
community. Scientists must become more politically involved, if this 
assault is to be stopped. Replacing sound science and engineering 
with pseudo-science, polemics, blind faith, and wishful thinking 
won't save you when the curtain of "Dark Ages II" begins to fall! 
Marshall Berman has been a manager at Sandia National Laboratories, 
vice president of the New Mexico State Board of Education, and 
Executive Director for Education of the Council on Competitiveness 
in Washington D.C.
Behe, M. 2001. "The Modern Intelligent Design Hypothesis," 
Philosophia Christi, Series 2, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2001), pg. 165. More 
Berman, M. 2003. "Intelligent Design Creationism: A Threat to 
Society – Not Just Biology,"
Brooks, D.J. 2001. "Substantial Numbers of Americans Continue to 
Doubt Evolution as Explanation for Origin of Humans." Gallup News 
Service. Poll analyses. March 5. Available at 
Dean, Cornelia, 2005. "Scientific Savvy? In the U.S., Not Much," New 
York Times, August 30, 2005. 
Dembski, W. A., 1999. Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science 
and Theology, Intervarsity Press, 1999, p. 224. 
Dembski, W. A. and Richards, J. W., 2001. Unapologetic Apologetics, 
Intervarsity Press, 2001, p. 20. 
Friedman, T. L., 2005. "The World is Flat, A Brief History of the 
Twenty-First Century," Farrar, Straus and Giroux, April 2005. 
Forrest, B. and Gross, P. R., 2003. "Creationism's Trojan Horse: The 
Wedge of Intelligent Design;" Oxford University Press, Nov. 2003. 
Gallup poll, 1997. 
Gallup News Service, 2000. "Kansas Voters Fail to Re-Nominate Anti-
Evolution School Board Members." Gallup News Service. Poll analyses. 
August 2. Available at 
Getty, S. and Berman, M., 2005. "International Competitiveness: 
Where Do We Stand?" The Natural Selection, BSCS, Winter 2005. 
Holt, R. 2005. "Intelligent Design: It's Not Even Wrong," Sep. 8, 
Lenard, R., 1996. "Standard Fosters Scientific Rigor," Albuquerque 
Journal, Sep. 21, 1996. 
Newsweek magazine, 1987. June 29, 1987, page 23; and 
NSF, 1999. Characteristics of Scientists and Engineers in the United 
States: 1999;
NSF, 2000. Ch. 8: Science and Technology: Public Understanding and 
Public Attitudes;, 2005. 
Reynolds, J. M. "Origin of Torrey," Torrey Honors Institute, Biola 
University, (removed from original site; now at
Schoenborn, C. 2005. Finding Design in Nature, Op Ed by Cardinal 
Christoph Schoenborn, New York Times, July 7, 2005; 
Wedge Strategy, 1999. Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture; 

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newspaper provided that attribution to the source is noted and the 
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