Indonesia dispatch 

Masters mind 

The Netherlands and Indonesia are not happy with a study that questions their 
actions over West Papuan sovereignty, writes John Aglionby 

Tuesday November 29, 2005 

This Thursday, December 1, marks the 44th anniversary of the West Papuan 
people's declaration of independence from their Dutch colonial masters. The 
residents of the western half of New Guinea island have, however, never ruled 
themselves because nine months later, in August 1962, the Dutch, via the United 
Nations, handed over control of the resource-rich territory to Indonesia. 
That move was given international legal sanctity following a referendum seven 
years later, called the Act of Free Choice, of 1,025 of the approximately 
700,000 Papuans. Since then no major nation has ever questioned Jakarta's right 
to rule West Papua. 

This may soon change following the publication this month of a study 
commissioned by the Dutch government into the history of the area. Written by 
Dr Pieter Drooglever of the Institute of Netherlands History, the 740-page Een 
Daad van Vrije Keuze (An Act of Free Choice), leaves little doubt that the vote 
was, as the UN under-secretary general in 1969, Chakravarthy Narasimhan, said 
in a 2001 interview, "a whitewash". 
"[The UN representative] Ortiz Sanz was not allowed to play any part in putting 
together the electorate and was given the smallest possible role in the 
implementation of the referendum itself," Dr Drooglever wrote in an English 
summary of the Dutch-language book. 

"In the opinion of the Western observers and the Papuans who have spoken out 
about this, the Act of Free Choice ended up as a sham, where a press-ganged 
electorate acting under a great deal of pressure appeared to have unanimously 
declared itself in favour of Indonesia," he continued. 

In an interview with Guardian Unlimited, Dr Drooglever said he found that in 
"the whole set up of the plebiscite there was no freedom of speech". How close 
Dr Drooglever got to the truth can be guessed by the reaction in both the Hague 
and Jakarta. Dutch foreign minister Ben Bot refused to formally receive the 
report - it had been commissioned by his predecessor in 2000 - and reportedly 
described it as "superfluous". An Indonesian foreign ministry spokesman, Yuri 
Thamrin, viewed the study as "an academic work" but of no "significant 
substance". "The status of Papua as an integral part of Indonesia has already 
been recognised by the world, including the Netherlands itself," he said. 

John Saltford, a British academic who wrote one of the last major studies of 
West Papua, said Dr Drooglever's book "will have a profound effect". "He could 
have been a lot more circumspect and tried to blur the issue," he told Guardian 
Unlimited. "The difference here [compared to other books] is that it was a 
Dutch foreign-ministry commissioned report." 

Papuan independence campaigners, in contrast, rejoiced at its publication. A 
rally to mark the event in the West Papuan capital Jayapura was harshly 

Benny Wenda, an activist who has been granted political asylum in Britain, said 
the Drooglever report has "opened a door". "Now Papuans' actions have to be 
focused around keeping this door open and at on it till victory," he told 
Guardian Unlimited. 

Jakarta's treatment of West Papua over the decades has been characterised more 
by brutal repression and rampant exploitation of the natural resources than 
developing the people's welfare. 

Dr Drooglever estimates "tens of thousands" of Papuans have been killed in 
Jakarta's attempt to suppress opposition to Indonesian rule. Tens of thousands 
of troops are stationed in West Papua to contain a tiny armed separatist 
movement which the Dutch academic believes poses no threat to Jakarta. 

Last week, the military announced that a new division of some 10,000-15,000 
troops of the elite strategic reserves would be created specifically to be 
based in West Papua. Foreign journalists and most researchers and aid workers 
are banned from Papua but, ironically, tourists are not. 

Dr Drooglever believes the military, which has to find some 60% of its own 
budget, has such a heavy presence there for ulterior motives. "There's a lot of 
money available in the territory and the troops go where the money is," he told 
Guardian Unlimited. 

The territory is home to the world's largest gold and copper mine, run by a 
subsidiary of the American firm Freeport-McMoran, and the Anglo-American oil 
giant BP is developing a massive natural gas field which is expected to be 
generating revenues of around £55m a year. 

In recent years government revenues to West Papua have more than tripled as a 
result of a massive nationwide decentralisation programme. But the World Bank 
reported in a study this month that despite this - and the fact that Papua 
(Jakarta does not use the word West in its official name) is the second 
wealthiest province in the nation - the poverty level, at 40%, is double the 
national average, one third of the children do not attend school and nine out 
of 10 villages do not have basic health service with a health centre, doctor or 

The UN's Aids organisation, UNAids, has identified it as having an HIV epidemic 
that is all-but out of control. 

After the Indonesian dictator General Suharto fell in 1998, the government 
promised special autonomy to the region and a law was passed to that effect the 
following year. But it has still not been fully implemented and Jakarta has 
repeatedly violated its provisions, as recognised by the country's 
constitutional court. 

No major governments or the UN have spoken out about the Drooglever report so 
the chances of the Papuans using it to generate international momentum remain 
very slim. 

The author himself believes Papuans will have to set their sights lower than 
independence. "I think they will have to be happy when an administration is set 
up that's not dominated by the military," he said.


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