Apakah Roy Sembel, Yohanes Surya dan Mochtar Riady bakalan menemui 
nasib yang serupa seperti idola dan andalan mereka, Dr. Hwang Woo-
suk (yaitu masuk RS Jiwa), gara-gara usaha mereka mengembangkan 

Seperti yang sudah saya ramalkan, semua itu kini ternyata berakhir 
dengan FIASCO yang membuat para pengagasnya terpuruk semakin dalam 
kedalam lubang yang telah mereka gali sendiri.  Inilah juga 
akibatnya, MENGAKU-NGAKU teknologi import sebagai hasil USAHA 

Dibawah ini saya kutipkan cuplikan (yg lain lagi) dari website 
terbaru tentang nasib Dr. Hwang sebagai akibat dari FRAUD yang telah 
dilakukannya dalam gene-technology riset, seperti yang juga 
dijalankan dalam nanoteknologinya Mochtar Riady, Roy Sembel dan 
Yohanes Surya, yang memang maksudnya mau diimport dari Korea.  Apa 
lacur, sekarang ternyata bahwa hasil2 yang dicapai di Korea tidak 
lain adalah FRAUD (pemalsuan hasil2 ilmiah) dan PSEUDOSCIENCE.  
Bahkan diberitakan sekarang, bahwa idola yang mereka andalkan, Dr. 
Hwang Woo-suk, sudah masuk Rumah Sakit karena mental breakdown alias 
sakit jiwa)

Jadi sekarang ramalan saya sejak baru2 ini sudah menjadi KENYATAAN 
yang  telah TERBUKTI:  Nanoteknologinya Mochtar Riady, Roy Sembel 
dan Yohanes Surya bukan saja termasuk PSEUDOSCIENCE (= Science yang 
PALSU), tetapi malahan sekarang terbukti sebagai FRAUD yaitu 
PEMALSUAN dalam dunia ilmiah, yang didunia IPTEK negara2 maju adalah 
suatu perbuatan BUNUH-DIRI buat reputasinya sendiri, disamping 
melanggar kaidah moral dan etika. 

Cita2 si Roy Sembel bahwa Indonesia dibawah pimpinan Dr. Yohanes 
Surya dan Dr. Mochtar Riady bakalan menjadi PELOPOR dan PEMIMPIN 
KENYATAAN: Indonesia memang benar2 sudah menjadi Pelopor dan 
Pemimpin Dunia, tetapi dalam bidang FRAUD ilmiah dan PSEUDOSCIENCE.

Himbauan saya kepada para Ilmuwan dan Inteligensia Indonesia yang 
serius, ikutilah jejak para peneliti Universitas Pittsburgh dan 
lekas2lah TINGGALKAN sokongan dan bualan kalian tentang hasil2 yang 
*gilang gemilang* dari grup Dr. Yohanes Surya dan Dr. Mochtar Riady 
yang tergabung di Universitas Pelita Harapan, jika tidak ingin 
karier ilmiah kalian TAMAT RIWAYATNYA,  atau malahan masuk penjara 
dan/atau sakit jiwa seperti pakar Korea andalan mereka, Dr. Hwang 
Woo-suk.   Lekas2lah kalian mengikuti jejak Universitas Pittsburgh 
yang serta-merta MENARIK-DIRI dan MENJAUHKAN DIRI dari komplotan 
PEMALSU ILMIAH Dr. Hwang, Dr. Surya, Dr. Riady, dan Dr. Sembel ini ….


KUTIPAN SINGKAT (ttg Dr. Hwang masuk RS Jiwa):
>> Considered a national hero in South Korea for his cloning 
>> prowess, Hwang has been in and out of the Seoul National 
>> University hospital since last week, suffering from 
>> "extreme stress," hospital officials said. 

>> He has publicly apologized for the ethical lapses and quit as 
>> head of the World Stem Cell Hub, an international project he had 
>> launched in October that envisioned California and British labs 
>> in addition to a facility in Korea. 

Pitt researcher wants his name OFF stem-cell paper

By Jennifer Bails
Wednesday, December 14, 2005 

A University of Pittsburgh researcher has called for the removal of 
his name from a landmark stem cell paper and is petitioning the co-
author, embattled South Korean human cloning pioneer Hwang Woo-Suk, 
to retract the report. 

In a letter written Monday to the editors of the journal Science, 
which published the groundbreaking research in June, Pitt 
reproductive scientist Gerald Schatten said his "careful re-
evaluations of published figures and tables, along with new 
problematic information, now casts substantial doubts about the 
paper's accuracy." 

Schatten, the senior author of the report, also informed the journal 
of allegations from "someone involved with the experiments that 
certain elements of the report may be fabricated." 

When asked to elaborate on the charges Tuesday, Schatten told a 
reporter he has to go through the "proper channels." No one at the 
UPMC News Bureau could be reached for comment last night. 

"It's a very serious step. It's not good," said Rudolf Jaenisch, a 
leading stem cell scientist at the Whitehead Institute for 
Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Mass. 

Many stem cell scientists have stood by Hwang's work even as he 
admitted to ethical lapses and minor data reporting errors. 

Schatten and Hwang made international news in the spring when they 
announced they had become the first to grow embryonic stem cells 
from cloned human embryos, which is the first step in the theorized 
process of healing sick patients with their own tissues. 

Last month, however, Schatten publicly severed ties with Hwang after 
ethical questions were raised when the South Korean scientist 
acknowledged that two subordinate workers in his lab donated their 
eggs for this research. 

The Pitt researcher also told Science that some supporting tests 
hadn't been carried out as reported in the paper, which Schatten in 
a statement called "an honest mistake" that wouldn't have had an 
effect on the study's conclusions. 

But minor data reporting errors revealed earlier this month added to 
the mounting skepticism about the high-profile article, prompting 
Pitt to launch an inquiry last week into possible wrongdoing. 

Details about Schatten's latest disclosure have been reported to 
Pitt's senior vice chancellor for health sciences and medical school 
dean, Dr. Arthur Levine, and will be taken into consideration during 
the investigation, Pitt officials said yesterday in a statement. 

Science acknowledged receiving Schatten's letter, but spokeswoman 
Ginger Pinholster said it contained "unsubstantiated allegations" 
and declined to comment further. 

"No single author, having declared at the time of submission his 
full and complete confidence in the contents of the paper, can 
retract his name unilaterally, after publication." the journal said 
in a statement. 

Considered a national hero in South Korea for his cloning prowess, 

He has publicly apologized for the ethical lapses and quit as head 
of the World Stem Cell Hub, an international project he had launched 
in October that envisioned California and British labs in addition 
to a facility in Korea. 

But doubts about his central claim - that he extracted separate stem 
cell colonies from 11 patients from cloned human embryos - continue 
to grow. 

That's because each cloned embryo was required to have a separate 
DNA sample showing it was derived from a unique individual. Critics 
in South Korea allege that several of the samples appear to be 
identical -- suggesting more than one came from a single person. 

It was unclear yesterday whether the alleged DNA inaccuracy was the 
fabrication Schatten referred to when asking that his name be 
removed from the Science paper. 

Stem cell scientists say an investigation from an outside party is 
necessary and could be done quickly. 

Ian Wilmut, who cloned Dolly the sheep in 1998, and seven other 
scientists yesterday called on Hwang to submit his research to an 
independent analysis to fend off fraud accusations. 

Jennifer Bails can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (412) 320-

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