I. Bramijn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   To: niet-openbare ontvangers:;
From: "I. Bramijn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 20:04:14 +0200
Subject: [wahana-news] IBRAHIM ISA'S FOCUS --- ON PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER, 1 MAY 2006



Pram's funeral was moving.
The sky was dark, and after the body was lied
down inside the pit, many started to sing 'Internationale',
some with their left hands up as the last salute.

That piece of earth, part of our tragic country,
received the body of the proud man who fought for our freedom
even from inside the jail.


Stichting WERTHEIM

30 April 2006

Dengan amat terkejut dan sedih sekali , kami menerima berita meninggalnya Pramoedya Ananta Toer pada tanggal 30 April pagi di rumah beliau di Jakarta. Pramoedya mencapai usia 81 th.
Simpati kami sebesar-besarnya tertuju kepada Ibu Maemoenah Toer dan seluruh keluarga yang ditinggalkan.

Pram telah tiada. Namun, suri teladan yang beliau tinggalkan untuk generasi kini dan mendatang untuk seluruh bangsa Indonesia, teladan dalam berkarya sebagai sastrawan yang dibimbing dan setia pada cita-cita kebebasan dan keadilan bagi setiap warga, bagi bangsa dan tanah air adalah abadi.
Pramoedya Ananta Toer, bukan saja seorang sastrawan kontemporer Indonesia yang besar yang telah menghasilkan karya-karya sastra yang sejajar dengan karya-karya sastra dunia yang maju, tetapi di atas segala-galanya beliau adalah seorang sastrawan yang berjuang demi emansipasi bangsa dan tanah airnya, demi kebenaran dan keadilan.

Karya-karya Pramoedya yang mencerminkan kecintaannya yang teramat besar pada tanah air dan bangsa, pada rakyat kecil yang miskin dan papa, tertindas dan tereksploitasi, daya juang dan keberanian yang tak kunjung padam, telah dan akan terus memberikan inspirasi pada kita semua.

Mengikuti dengan penuh perhatian kegiatan dan usaha Pramudya Ananta Toer, demi usaha emansipasi bangsa Indonesia, Stichting Wertheim, yang bertujuan mendorong maju usaha dan kegiatan untuk memajukan usaha emansipasi bangsa, dalam tahun 1995 dengan bangga telah menyampaikan HADIAH WERTHEIM , sebagai tanda penghargaan atas usaha dan kegiatan Pramoedya.

Pemberian Wertheim Award kepada Pramoedya Ananta Toer dalam tahun 1995, di saat masih berkuasa di Indonesia rezim Orba, tidak kebetulan. Karena mendiang Prof Wertheim pribadi, yang selama hidupnya telah menjalin kepedulian yang tak putus-putusnya terhadap perjuangan emansipasi bangsa Indonesia, punya perhatian khusus dan istimewa terhadap Pramoedya Ananta Toer dan telah pula menjalin tali persahabatan yang mendalam dengan Pram.

Prof. Wertheim memberikan penilaian dan penghargaan tinggi kepada Pramoedya Ananta Toer, sebagai sastrawan Indonesia yang tak pernah absen dalam kegiatan demi cita-citanya meskipun bertahun-tahun lamanya kebebasannya telah dirampas oleh rezim otoriter yang sempat kuasa di Indonesia lebih dari tiga dasawarsa.
Pram telah tiada. Tetapi kenang-kenangan terhadap Pram yang amat berkepedulian dengan perjuangan demi kebebasan menyatakan pendapat, keadilan dan kebenaran, akan selalu ada dalam ingatan kita semua.

Dengan karya-karya sastranya yang maju dan bernilai Pram telah memberikan sumbangannya dan memperkaya khazanah sastra dunia yang maju.

Ketua : Dr C.J.G. Holtzappel
Wakil Ketua : Dr Go Gien Tjwan
Sekretaris : Ibrahim Isa
Johanna Lederer
Mort de Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Association Loi 1901 pour L'amitié entre les Peuples Français et Indonésien

30 avril 2006
Pramoedya Ananta Toer 1925 - 2006
Ce matin à 8h30, heure locale, Pramoedya Ananta Toer est mort à son domicile à Jakarta.
Il était âgé de 81 ans.
Pramoedya Ananta Toer, un très grand écrivain indonésien, né en 1925 à Blora (Java), fut aussi le plus ancien prisonnier indonésien, assigné à résidence surveillée jusqu'en 1999,
Emprisonné d'abord par les Hollandais en 1947 jusqu'en 1949 au moment de la guerre d'indépendance
pour s'être engagé aux côtés du mouvement nationaliste indonésien
Ensuite, en 1960 par Soekarno, il fut détenu sans jugement pendant un an pour avoir dénoncé la discrimination politique à l'encontre de la communauté chinoise en Indonésie dans son livre "les Chinois en Indonésie".
Enfin, de 1965 à 1979, sous le règne de Soeharto, au bagne de Buru, pour ses positions considérées comme communistes.

C'est là qu'il écrivit sa tétralogie sur l'avènement du nationalisme indonésien :
Terre des hommes, Enfant de toutes les nations, Traces de Pas, La maison de verre.
Ces histoires, il les raconta d'abord à ses co-détenus avant de les écrire sur des feuilles qui furent
secrètement sorties de Buru par les prisonniers libéres.

Son oeuvre, très abondante, plus de trente romans, dont Famille de guérilla, Histoires de Blora, La vie n'est pas une foire nocturne, Corruption, de très nombreux articles, nouvelles, études historiques, essais, reste néanmoins très peu traduite en français.
Gadis Pantai, la fille du rivage est le dernier roman disponible en français, traduit par François-René Daillie et publié chez Gallimard, en 2004.

Une figure immense de la littérature, Pram était aussi un homme qui a su accompagner son époque déchirée par des guerres de résistance, prêt toujours à engager la lutte pour les déshérités, tous les déshérités.

Nous avons perdu un ami.

association franco-indonésienne Pasar Malam
association Loi 1901 pour l'amitié entre les peuples français et indonésien
14 rue du Cardinal Lemoine 75005 - Paris
téléphone : 01 56 24 94 53


On the occasion of Human Rights Day, December 10, 1992.

On the occasion of Human Rights Day, December 10, 1992,
I, Pramoedya Ananta Tour, Indonesian Author, just one of a number of people suffering the same fate, between October 1965 and December 1979 (14 Years and 2 months), have had stolen from me by the rulers of the Public Statement by Indonesian author

PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOERState of the Republic of Indonesia:
a. personal freedom,
b. labour,
c. livelihood, both in respect to my self and my family,
d. the rights to defend myself from libels and accusation, both formal and otherwise, and both written and oral,
e. the right to an honest and impartial trial,
f. my land, house and all its contents
g. the best, most productive and most productive periods of my life,
And after being 'release' in December 1979 because "according to the law there was no evidence of my involvement in G 30 S/PKI" , I have been obliged to report to the military authorities until December 1992 (precisely 13 years) and this without any recourse to a court decision. In addition, I, like others, have suffered:
a. restrictions on my profession, and bans on all my books,
b. restrictions on my right to state my personal opinions and feelings,
c. restrictions on rights of assembly and rights to organise in my own society and my own homeland,
d. restriction on my rights to vote and to stand for elections,
e. restrictions on my right to travel, both overseas and in my own country,
f. discrimination in the form of special code placed on my official Identity Card that differentiates me from other citizens.

So I feel the need to make clear the following:
That the theft of one's rights as a human being, without any recourse to a fair and impartial trial, is equivalent to pronouncing us dead under civil law, marginalising us as pariahs or more precisely it is the same as treating us as: cattle.

Remembering that it is the duty of all human beings to become fully human, as was explained by the writer Multatuli, then it is clear that all those who steal the rights of another as well as all those who suffer such theft, have suffered a loss of their humanity.

And so I also make this statement:
27 years ago is a long enough period of time for the rulers of the state of the Republic of Indonesia or of any state to restore the rights of human beings as human beings to those who have suffered their theft, whether they be moral or material rights. And 27 years is far too long also for those who have suffered such theft to defend and uphold their rights as human beings through their strength and perseverance alone. And if the rulers of the state do not have the moral strength and courage to make such restoration, then we say too that our efforts to uphold and defend our rights has itself made a contribution to helping the rulers of this state become more fully human human beings.

And it is no longer the era to deposit the idea that the formation of a strong country can be achieved through cold blooded contempt for and theft of the rights of its own people through an apparatus and system of violence. A country is strong because its citizens are strong and fearless. because when disaster imperils the nation it is the people themselves who will have to face that danger.

And it is out of date rubbish too to continue to try to convince world opinion that human rights in Indonesia "are respected in accordance with the special traits of the national culture", when all this talk is just a form of political manipulation from above in order to justify the violation of citizens' basics rights carried out to preserve the rulers' power, amongst many other things they wish also to preserve.

And at this time we demand of all state rulers in whatever country that they let go of the unworthy mentality which leads them to use violence against demonstrators and workers on strike who, after all, wish to do nothing more than conduct a dialogue regarding the socio-economic deprivations they are suffering. We should be pleased to know that there are those in society who have the courage to demonstrate and strike. History teaches us that those who fought for national independence during the colonial period educated the people to be courageous, not just in debate and argument, closed or open, against colonialism and imperialism, but indeed in fighting to oppose them. This courage climaxed in the period of the revolution. And so it is not proper that now we are an independent nation we teach the people, through club and bayonet, to once again be afraid to state their opinion and feelings. And we especially say that all forms of violence in East Timor should be stopped,
remembering that Indonesia, through the Republic of Indonesia's first president in his speech "To Build a World Anew" before the General Assembly of the United Nations had already stated that Indonesia had no territorial ambitions.

The time has passed for the theft of people's basic rights as human beings to continue any where in this world, no body should suffer such theft any longer, remembering that such rights are what crown every individual's life. That too is the reason why law is necessary, (and the state of Indonesia was once supposed to be a state ruled by law), so that we can avoid clashes of interest between individuals in the implementation of their rights as human beings.
Hoping for the best for all of us,


Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Jakarta, 7 December, 1992
[Translated from the open letter circulated in Jakarta as of 7 December, 1992. Released by AKSI - Indonesia Solidarity Action, P.O. Box 717, Haymarket 2007, Australia.]

De VOLKSKRANT, 1 mei 2006
Michel Maas:

Postuum -- Schrijver Pramoedya Ananta Toer (1925-2006)

In Indonesië is het werk van Pramoedya Ananta Toer sinds 1965 verboden, maar dat heeft de verspreiding van zijn boeken nooit kunnen tegenhouden. De vaste genomineerde voor de Nobelprijs overleed zondag.

. . . . . . Zijn kwartet is een kroniek van de beginnejaren van het Indonesisch nationalisme, kort na 1900. Aan de hand van de belevenissen van Minke, student schrijver, journalist en nationalist, geeft Pramoedya een vlijmsherp beeld van het koloniale bewind, maar ook van de corrupte en het verraad van de Indonesiërs die deel uitmaken van dat bewind. Nog in gevangenschap voltooit hij Aarde der Mensen en Het Kind van alle Volken, en kort na zijn vijlating volgen Voetstappen en Het Glazen Huis.

De vier boeken vestigen in het buitenland op slag zijn naam als groot schijver. In de decennia die volgen wordt hij een vast genomineerde voor de Nobelprijs. In eigenland is Pramoedya's werk sinds 1965 verboden, maar dat heeft de verspreiding van zijn boeken nooit kunnen tegenhouden. Als Pramoedya in 1979, na veertien jaar en twee maanden wordt vrijgelaten, is het kwartet zo goed als af, en is hij klaar als schrijver. Volgens zijn jarenlange uitgever Joesoef Isak begint dat op dat moment zijn tweede, en definitieve 'writersblock'.

Hij schrijft nog wel, maar wat hij schrijft vooral essays en korte verhalen, en een enekele roman die niet meer het niveau van het kwartet haalt. Hij spreekt erover met luchthartigheid, dezelfde waarmee hij over zijn eigen dood spreekt.***

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