Ann Coulter adalah salah satu kolomnis terkemuka Amerika, dan
pendukung setia kebijakan George Bush. 

Pekan ini (6 Juni 2006), dia menerbitkan buku lain yang kontroversial
- "Godless: The Church of Liberalism". Seperti banyak kolom dan
beberapa buku yang dia tulis sebelumnya, "Godless" berisi kecaman
terhadap orang-orang anti-pemerintah.

Salah satu kelompok yang mendapat porsi kecaman terkeras adalah para
janda korban 9/11 yang berusaha menggolkan pembentukan Komisi
Independen 9/11 setelah mereka tak puas oleh komisi serupa buatan

Seperti diketahui, para janda ini juga mengkritik kebijakan
Pemerintahan George Bush di Irak dan Afghanistan. Dalam kampanye "Not
in our Name" mereka meminta pemerintah tidak mengatasnamakan para
korban 9/11 untuk serangan militer ke Afghanistan dan Irak.

Coulter menyebut para janda itu antara lain, "dukun sihir... yang
memanfaatkan kematian suami mereka untuk jadi milioner...".

Tuduhan yang serius. Tapi, tak berhenti di situ. Dalam sebuah kolom
setelah 9/11, dia menulis tentang negara-negara Islam: "We should
invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to

Kita tidak tahu persis seberapa jauh pandangan Coulter ini mewakili
pikiran orang Amerika. Tapi, bukunya jelas best-seller, dan Mei lalu,
Majalah Time menyebutnya sebagai satu dari '100 Most Influential People'.

Dan di bawah ini berita terbaru tentang konfrontasinya dengan para
janda 9/11 itu.


Coulter calls 9/11 widows "witches"

By Claudia Parsons
Wed Jun 7, 6:24 PM ET

Conservative author Ann Coulter sparked a storm on Wednesday after
describing a group of September 11 widows who backed the Democratic
Party as millionaire "witches" reveling in their status as celebrities.

"I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much,"
Coulter writes in her book "Godless: The Church of Liberalism,"
published on Tuesday, referring to four women who headed a campaign
that resulted in the creation of the September 11 Commission that
investigated the hijacked plane attacks.

Coulter wrote that the women were millionaires as a result of
compensation settlements and were "reveling in their status as
celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzis."

A spokeswoman for publisher Crown Forum said it had set a first print
run of 1 million copies of "Godless" and there were 1.5 million copies
of Coulter's previous four books in print.

The four women, Kristen Breitweiser, Patty Casazza, Mindy Kleinberg
and Lorie Van Auken, declined to discuss the book in detail but issued
a statement saying they had been slandered.

"There was no joy in watching men that we loved burn alive. There was
no happiness in telling our children that their fathers were never
coming home again," said the statement signed by the four, along with
a fifth woman, Monica Gabrielle.

The four women, who live in or around East Brunswick, New Jersey,
became friends after September 11 and formed a group that agitated for
the investigation. "Our only motivation ever was to make our nation
safer," they said.

Coulter, whose books include the bestseller "How to Talk to a Liberal
(If You Must)," argues in the new book the women she dubs "the Witches
of East Brunswick" wanted to blame President George W. Bush for not
preventing the attacks.

She criticized them for making a campaign advertisement for Democratic
presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry in 2004, and added: "By the
way, how do we know their husbands weren't planning to divorce these
harpies? Now that their shelf life is dwindling, they'd better hurry
up and appear in Playboy."


Asked by Reuters why she made such personal comments, Coulter said by
e-mail, "I am tired of victims being used as billboards for untenable
liberal political beliefs."

"A lot of Americans have been seething over the inanities of these
professional victims for some time," she added.

Democratic Sen. Frank Lautenberg (news, bio, voting record) of New
Jersey said Coulter's "shameless attack" on the widows sparked
disgust. "Her bookselling antics and accompanying vulgarity deserve
our deepest contempt," he said in a statement.

The New York Post, owned by Rupert Murdoch's News. Corp., slammed the
comments in an article on Wednesday headlined: "Righty writer Coulter
hurls nasty gibes at 9/11 gals."

Coulter, a regular television commentator who is hugely popular among
some conservatives, was challenged on NBC's "Today" show on Tuesday
over what host Matt Lauer called "dramatic" remarks, prompting her to
say, "You are getting testy with me."

Coulter is known for a combative column after September 11 saying, "We
should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to
Christianity." In one book, she wrote, "Even Islamic terrorists don't
hate America like liberals do."

Her latest comments were quoted on radio stations in New York on
Wednesday and the book was the subject of debate on Web sites such as The Daily News newspaper's front-page headline was
"Coulter the Cruel."

The controversy appeared to be doing no harm to sales of Coulter's
latest book, which was listed as the second-best seller of the day at
online retailer on Wednesday afternoon.

Copyright © 2006 Reuters Limited.

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