Stem Cell Bill Gets Bush's First Veto

By Charles Babington
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, July 20, 2006; Page A04 

President Bush issued the first veto of his five-year-old administration 
yesterday, rejecting Congress's bid to lift funding restrictions on human 
embryonic stem cell research and underscoring his party's split on an emotional 
issue in this fall's elections.

At a White House ceremony where he was joined by children produced from what he 
called "adopted" frozen embryos, Bush said taxpayers should not support 
research on surplus embryos at fertility clinics, even if they offer possible 
medical breakthroughs and are slated for disposal.

The vetoed bill "would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of 
finding medical benefits for others," the president said, as babies cooed and 
cried behind him. "It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to 
respect." Each child on the stage, he said, "began his or her life as a frozen 
embryo that was created for in vitro fertilization but remained unused after 
the fertility treatments were complete. . . . These boys and girls are not 
spare parts."

Within hours of Bush's announcement, the House, as expected, fell short in a 
bid to override the veto, extinguishing the issue as a legislative matter this 
year but not as a political matter. Democrats said voters will penalize GOP 
candidates for the demise of a popular measure, and predicted the issue could 
trigger the defeat of Bush allies such as Sen. James M. Talent, who faces a 
tough reelection battle in Missouri.

"Those families who wake up every morning to face another day with a deadly 
disease or a disability will not forget this decision by the president to stand 
in the way of sound science and medical research," said Sen. Richard J. Durbin 

Some conservatives also criticized the veto. "I am pro-life, but I disagree 
with the president's decision," said Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (Tenn.), 
a heart surgeon who is weighing a 2008 presidential run. "Given the potential 
of this research and the limitations of the existing [human embryonic stem 
cell] lines eligible for federally funded research, I think additional lines 
should be made available."

The House and Senate passed the bill by comfortable margins but not with the 
two-thirds majorities required to override a veto. The House voted 235 to 193 
yesterday to override Bush, falling short of the threshold and negating the 
need for a Senate override attempt.

Bush did sign a bill, unanimously passed this week by the House and Senate, to 
ban the creation of human fetuses for the sole purpose of harvesting organs. 
But the House thwarted prompt passage of another bill he had hoped to sign 
yesterday. It would have promoted efforts to conduct stem cell research without 
destroying human embryos. Bush called it "an important piece of legislation," 
but several Democrats called it a political fig leaf intended to distract 
attention from his veto of the long-debated funding measure for embryonic stem 

Bush has threatened vetoes on numerous issues over the years, but he and the 
Republican-controlled Congress had always worked out their differences. On stem 
cells, however, the president drew a sharp line during his first nationally 
televised address, on Aug. 9, 2001, banning government funding for research 
using human embryonic stem cell colonies created after that date.

Over the next five years, public sentiment increasingly moved away from him as 
celebrities such as Nancy Reagan and Christopher Reeve touted the potential 
that embryonic stem cells offer in treating Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's 
disease, diabetes, spinal cord injuries and other conditions. Unlike "adult" 
stem cells, embryonic cells can replicate themselves and turn into almost any 
human tissue.

Officials say that about 400,000 frozen embryos are stored at U.S. fertility 
clinics. The vast majority await disposal because the couples that produced 
them have completed their pursuit of children and do not want another person to 
raise their biological child. Bush praised those who "adopt" such embryos, 
implant them in a woman's womb and bring them to term.

But others said there will be few such adoptions because most couples seeking a 
child through in vitro fertilization want a genetic connection to that child. 
"Even with federal funding available to encourage adoption, the number is 128, 
which makes it conclusive that these 400,000 embryos will either be used for 
scientific research or thrown away," Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), a proponent of 
the bill, said this week.

Bush and his allies say that frozen embryos are tantamount to humans, and 
therefore are no more appropriate for medical research than are death row 
inmates. "If this bill were to become law," Bush said yesterday, "American 
taxpayers would for the first time in our history be compelled to fund the 
deliberate destruction of human embryos."

Others reject that analysis, saying it would make killers of every couple that 
produces an unused embryo, and every employee and official who allows fertility 
clinics to produce and store such embryos.

"If that's murder, how come the president allows that to continue?" asked Sen. 
Tom Harkin (D-Iowa). "Where is his outrage?" Harkin called the veto "a shameful 
display of cruelty, hypocrisy and ignorance."

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