Israelis Authorize Expansion Of Combat
Cabinet Bitterly Divided; Highest Toll Yet for Troops

By Molly Moore and Jonathan Finer
Washington Post Foreign Service
Thursday, August 10, 2006; Page A01

JERUSALEM, Aug. 9 -- On the deadliest day of fighting yet for Israeli soldiers 
in Lebanon, the Israeli security cabinet Wednesday authorized the military to 
expand ground combat operations to try to root out Hezbollah guerrillas who 
continued to mount fierce resistance.

The cabinet debated military options during an acrimonious six-hour meeting 
that occasionally dissolved into shouting matches among members torn between 
the public's growing anger over the military's failure to stop Hezbollah rocket 
attacks and concerns that enlarging an already treacherous battlefield will 
result in high numbers of combat casualties, according to participants.

Wednesday's toll drove home those fears -- 15 soldiers were killed and 25 
wounded in Israel's worst day of battlefield deaths since the conflict began, 
according to Israeli military officials.

Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah, in a defiant televised address Wednesday 
night, warned that expanded Israeli military operations in Lebanon would be 
repelled by the same fierce resistance that has prevented Israeli troops from 
controlling the terrain in the last 29 days of warfare.

"You can invade, you can land by air, by sea and take any hill, we will expel 
you with force and transform our land in the south to a graveyard for Zionist 
invaders," Nasrallah said. "We will kill your officers and soldiers and inflict 
a calamity on you in the battlefield."

Nasrallah also called on the Arab residents of Haifa to evacuate their 
neighborhoods. "To the Arabs of Haifa, a special message," he said. "I plead 
with you to leave that city."

Hezbollah lobbed more than 180 rockets across northern Israel Wednesday, but 
they caused no serious injuries.

Israeli jets pummeled an often-hit bridge at Akkar in northern Lebanon and hit 
other bridges and roads in the Bekaa Valley near the village of Mashghara. 
Local residents told Lebanon's Future Television that seven people from one 
family were killed in the raid. Israeli warplanes have repeatedly attacked 
roads and bridges in the eastern Lebanese valley, seeking to cut off the 
transport of Hezbollah munitions, funds and rockets from Syria.

Another air attack shook southern Beirut in the late afternoon, part of 
Israel's almost daily pounding of the Dahiya area where Hezbollah's leaders and 
followers were concentrated. When the blast reverberated across the city, the 
assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs, C. David Welch, was 
conferring with Prime Minister Fouad Siniora and other Lebanese officials on 
cease-fire negotiations underway at the United Nations. It was his second visit 
to Beirut in a week, as the Bush administration tries to narrow differences 
between Lebanon and Israel. But diplomatic efforts to ease the fighting 
continued to flounder.

Israeli planes dropped leaflets on the Dahiya suburbs overnight, blaming 
Nasrallah for the air raids that have hit the area almost daily for four weeks. 
"Nasrallah is playing with fire and Beirut is burning," said the leaflets, 
attributed to "the State of Israel."

Police in Lebanon said the death count from Monday evening's Israeli attack on 
the southern Beirut suburb of Al Shiyah had risen to 47 as bodies continued to 
be pulled out of the rubble, making it the single deadliest airstrike since the 
conflict began July 12.

Although the Israeli cabinet set no schedule for the escalation in ground 
combat because of ongoing international diplomacy, a buildup in Israeli ground 
forces was evident in the string of small Israeli towns that line the Lebanese 
border. In Zarit, dozens of tanks and artillery pieces stretched along a 
half-mile access road into the town. A military official said more than 1,000 
soldiers were moving into Lebanon to augment the 10,000 troops already 
operating there. The official said as many as 5,000 more Israeli troops would 
soon join the operation.

The majority of the soldiers have been fighting in a narrow strip ranging from 
a few hundred yards to about four miles into Lebanon, though a few units are 
operating about 12 miles deep and an advance team is near the outskirts of 
Tyre, according to military officials.

The military has proposed opening the front across a 13-mile-deep swath of 
southern Lebanon to the Litani River, a strategic geographical line.

But after more than four weeks of air and ground combat, soldiers are still 
struggling to control some villages they claimed to have seized more than two 
weeks ago.

Eli Yishai, the Israeli trade minister, said the military estimated it will 
need 30 days to conduct an operation that deep into Lebanon.

"I think it will take a lot longer," said Yishai, who abstained from voting on 
the decision to authorize a widening of the operation.

Yishai told reporters he abstained because he believes the military should 
prolong its air campaign against rocket launchers. "In my opinion, entire 
villages should be eliminated from the air when we have verified information 
that Katyusha rockets are being fired from there," he said.

Nine cabinet members voted to allow Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense 
Minister Amir Peretz to decide the timing of an accelerated ground campaign, 
and three members abstained. Much of the debate centered on the risk of high 
troop casualties associated with expanding the number of ground forces in 
southern Lebanon.

Government officials familiar with details of Wednesday's cabinet meeting, and 
the Israeli news media, reported that the session included several emotional 
outbursts, shouting matches and sharp exchanges between ministers. In one 
incident, Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz -- Israel's former defense 
minister -- criticized Peretz's plan for an expanded operation as unnecessarily 
far-reaching. Peretz lashed out at Mofaz, accusing him of allowing the buildup 
of Hezbollah during his term as defense minister, according to numerous 
accounts. Olmert reportedly stepped in to calm the quarrel.

During the cabinet meeting, Olmert telephoned Secretary of State Condoleezza 
Rice, according to Israeli and U.S. officials. During their half-hour 
conversation, Rice did not ask Olmert to hold back on the ground assault. "He 
can judge for himself how close or not to a resolution we are or how acceptable 
or unacceptable it is," a senior U.S. official said, speaking on the condition 
of anonymity. "She talked him through where we are, what we're going through 
and where we hope to end up. It's the same conversation she had with Siniora."

At least 13 of the 15 Israeli soldiers killed Wednesday were reservists, as 
were 23 of the 25 wounded.

"There has been very fierce fighting all the day in different parts of southern 
Lebanon," said Lt. Col. Olivier Rafowicz, an Israeli army spokesman. He said 
"tens" of Hezbollah militants had been killed in the fighting Tuesday, which 
was still raging well after dark.

[Early Thursday, the Associated Press cited Israel Army Radio reporting heavy 
battles in south Lebanese villages across from Israel's Galilee panhandle, 
which has been hard hit by rockets. Hezbollah said its fighters were engaged in 
"a violent confrontation" with Israeli forces advancing on a border village. No 
details were immediately available.

[Israeli troops, backed by tanks and armored vehicles, also entered the 
southern Lebanon town of Christian town of Marjayoun, witnesses said. They did 
not meet any resistance, according to the AP.]

Most of the combat Wednesday took place only a few miles inside Lebanese 
territory, underlining the difficulty Israeli infantry and armor units have 
encountered in seeking to clear the border strip of Hezbollah fighters and 
rocket launchers.

The deadliest incident came in Dbil, a Lebanese village about two miles from 
the northeastern Israeli border. A massive explosion there engulfed a house 
where Israeli forces were gathered, killing nine reserve paratroops and 
wounding at least 17, according to an Israeli military spokesman.

Maj. Svika Golan, a spokesman for the army's Northern Command, described the 
house as a "Hezbollah bunker with explosives in it."

He said it was not clear what had triggered the fatal blast, and that Israeli 
forces were seeking to determine whether the house had been booby-trapped or 
fired upon from outside.

It took hours to evacuate the wounded, some of whom were carried by fellow 
soldiers across the border, he said.

Four other reserve soldiers died when their tank rolled over a mine near the 
town of Ait Al-Shaab, the scene of some of the fiercest clashes in recent days, 
a military spokesman said.

An infantry soldier was killed by a mortar blast near Marjayoun, according to 
an Israeli military spokesman. No details were available on how the 15th 
Israeli soldier died.

Despite Wednesday's heavy losses, Lt. Col. Yishai Efroni, deputy commander of 
an infantry brigade operating along the western part of the border, welcomed 
the decision by the Israeli cabinet.

"That's the only way to solve this rocket problem," he said. "When we control 
more of their towns, the Lebanese people will realize they have much more to 
lose and will put pressure on Hezbollah themselves. Our soldiers just want to 
do this job and go home."

Several soldiers interviewed at a government-run hospital in Tzfat, where many 
of the previous day's wounded were evacuated, said the only way to stop the 
barrages of rocket fire was to push the militants beyond the Litani River, 
which at its farthest point in the west is 18 miles from Israel's northern 

"We certainly have the ability to do more than we are doing," said Lt. Omri 
Schacher, a paratrooper whose right leg was shattered by shrapnel from an 
antitank missile Monday near the Lebanese village of Arteri. "We understand we 
will have to cope with more losses, but you have to sacrifice sometimes to 
achieve your goals, and we will do it."

Some soldiers said, however, that the ground fighting brought too high a cost. 
Lt. Shlomi Shriki, a combat engineer, was heavily bandaged with shrapnel 
embedded in his left arm and leg from a missile attack on his bulldozer Monday 
near Bint Jbeil. Asked whether he thought the army should intensify its attacks 
on Hezbollah, he said, "Yeah, but from the air."

"On the ground people get hurt. Too many people," he said, almost in a whisper. 
"I don't say no to ground forces, but it needs to be in a more organized way. 
So far, this has not been in an organized way."

Finer reported from Tzfat, Israel. Correspondents Edward Cody and Nora Boustany 
in Beirut and staff writer Robin Wright in Washington contributed to this report

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