ini ms satrioarismunandar di saya suka banget baca 
blogg-nya njenengan terutama resensi2 bukunya & dunia jurnalisme.  
moga membawa AC-nya di milis yg sedang panas ini:)

--- In, Satrio Arismunandar 
> Crisis Is Upon Us
> by Paul Craig Roberts
> A number of experts have concluded that despite the
> Bush administration' s desire to attack Iran, the
> aggression would be too rash and the consequences too
> dire even for the irrational Bush administration. 
> Military experts point out that at a time when
> generals are calling for more troops for Afghanistan
> and Iraq, it would be ill-advised for Bush to add Iran
> to the war theater. Experts note that Ira is well
> armed with missiles capable of attacking US ships and
> oil facilities throughout the Middle East and that
> Iran can direct its Shiite allies in Iraq to assault
> US troops there and set in motion terrorist actions
> throughout the Middle East.
> Diplomatic experts point out that the US is isolated
> in its desire for war with Iran and has no ally except
> Israel, thus validating Muslim claims that the US is
> Israel's instrument against Muslims in the Middle
> East. Experts note that military aggression is a war
> crime and that US violations of international law
> isolate the US and destroy the soft power on which US
> leadership has been based. An attack on Iran could be
> the last straw for Muslims chaffing under the rule of
> US puppet governments in Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan and
> Saudi Arabia.
> Economic experts point out that the impact on the
> price of oil would be severe and the economic
> consequences detrimental. With the US housing bubble
> deflating, now is not the time for an oil shock.
> It is difficult to take exception to this expert
> analysis. Nevertheless, the Bush administration
> continues to send war signals. Credible news
> organizations have reported that US naval attack
> groups have been given "prepare to deploy orders" that
> would put them on station off Iran by October 21. 
> How can Bush administration war plans be reconi led
> with expert opinion that the consequences would be too
> dire for the US?
> Perhaps the answer is that what appears as
> irrationality to experts is rationality to
> neoconservatives. Neocons seek maximum chaos and
> instability in the Middle East in order to justify
> long-term US occupation of the region. Following this
> line of thought, neocons would regard the loss of a US
> aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf as a way to
> solidify public support for the war. US public anger
> at the Iranians could even result in US public support
> for a military draft in order to win "the war on
> terror." 
> The Bush administration could bring Congress around by
> announcing a "Gulf of Tonkin" incident or by
> orchestrating a "terrorist attack." However, this is
> unnecessary as Bush has prepared the ground for
> bypassing Congress with his propagandistic allegations
> that Iran, by arming Iraqi insurgents, sponsoring
> terrorism, and building nuclear weapons, is the major
> part of the ongoing "war against terrorism." Now that
> Iran is blamed for rising violence in Iraq, an attack
> on Iran follows as a matter of course. All Bush has to
> do is to continue with his lies in order to bring the
> American public to a new war hysteria.
> Bush's attorney general has demonstrated that he has
> no qualms about validating any and all extra-legal
> powers that the White House requires for violating the
> US Constitution and international law. The
> congressional attempts to block illegal wiretapping
> and torture have failed. The Senate has refused to
> authorize torture, but the Senate has not prevented
> the administration from torturing detainees. The
> compromise leaves it to the White House to decide by
> executive order whether its interrogation practices
> are objectionable. In an editorial (September 22,
> 2006), the Washington Post concluded that "the abuse
> can continue."
> Polls show that Bush administration propaganda has
> convinced a majority of inattentive Americans that
> Iran is making nuclear weapons. Polls show that a
> majority support an attack on Iran under this
> circumstance. The neoconservatives and their media
> allies have succeeded in causing the public to confuse
> Iran's legal nuclear energy program with a weapons
> program. 
> The International Atomic Energy Agency, whose
> inspectors pour over Iran's nuclear energy program for
> signs of a weapons program, recently denounced a House
> Intelligence Committee report as "outrageous and
> dishonest." Written by the Republican neocon staff,
> the Republican report falsely alleges that Iran had
> enriched uranium to weapons grade last April and that
> the IAEA had removed a senior safeguards inspector to
> keep the alleged breach of the Nuclear
> Non-proliferation Pact secret. 
> Once again neoconservatives have shown that they will
> tell any and every lie to achieve their goal of
> attacking Iran. Jingoistic anti-UN Bush supporters
> will automatically believe the neocon lie and will
> swallow right-wing talk radio claims that the UN is
> protecting Iran's nuclear weapons program. As we
> learned from the Iraq hysteria, facts and experts are
> no impediment to the Bush administration' s lies.
> Rumsfeld's neocon Pentagon has rewritten US war
> doctrine to permit preemptive nuclear attack on
> non-nuclear countries. As the USpaid a huge public
> relations cost in terms of world opinion and distrust
> of the US by endorsing the first use of nuclear
> weapons, the revision of US war doctrine must have a
> purpose.
> Neocons claim that tactical nuclear weapons are
> necessary to destroy Iran's underground facilities.
> However, the real reason for using nukes against Iran
> is to intimidate Iran from retaliating and to threaten
> the entire Muslim world with genocide unless Muslims
> bend to the neocons?will and accept US hegemony over
> their part of the world.
> September 25, 2006
> Dr. Roberts [end him mail] is Chairman of the
> Institute for Political Economy and Research Fellow at
> the Independent Institute. He is a former associate
> editor of the Wall Street Journal, former contributing
> editor for National Review, and was Assistant
> Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan
> administration. He is the co-author of The Tyranny of
> Good Intentions. 
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